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Load values from google sheet and convert to request body of notion.


Given data of google sheet. data SHOULD include the header line.

$id title $cover $icon property1 property2
deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef A Title 🎉 A property 1

Also, given databese of notion with properties.

  • property1
    • Text
  • property2
    • Number

The database can be created by Notion API with this parameters.

const properties = {
  title: { title: {} },
  property1: { rich_text: {} },
  property2: { rich_text: {} },

// notionClient.databases.create({ parent: { type: "page_id, page_id: "XXX" }, title: "A database title", properties });

With the properties, You can parse values as Notion-aware data by praseData.

// You can get data by `sheetsClient.spreadsheets.values.get`
const data = [
  ["$id", "title", "$cover", "$icon", "property1", "property2"],
  ["deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef", "A Title", "", ":tada:", "A property", 1],

const values = parseData({ data, schema: { properties } });
// [
//   {
//     $id: "deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef-deadbeef",
//     $cover: "",
//     title: "A Title",
//     property1: "A property",
//     property2: 1,
//   },
// ];

You can create request body of Notion Page from a value by buildPageParameters.

const body = buildPageParameters( { data: ...values[0], schema: { properties }});


When $id is present, buildPageParameters builds body for update. If $id is empty, you should assign or schema.database_id to build body for create.