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Streamlit Elements Demo for Day 27 of #30DaysOfStreamlit

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Build a draggable and resizable dashboard with Streamlit Elements

Streamlit Elements is a third-party component made by okld that gives you the tools to compose beautiful applications and dashboards with Material UI widgets, Monaco editor (Visual Studio Code), Nivo charts, and more.

How to use?


The first step is to install Streamlit Elements in your environment:

pip install streamlit-elements==0.1.*

It is recommended to pin the version to 0.1.*, as future versions might introduce breaking API changes.


You can refer to Streamlit Elements README for an in-depth usage guide.

What are we building?

The goal of today's challenge is to create a dashboard composed of three Material UI cards:

  • A first card with a Monaco code editor to input some data ;
  • A second card to display that data in a Nivo Bump chart ;
  • A third card to show a YouTube video URL defined with a st.text_input.

You can use data generated from Nivo Bump demo there, in 'data' tab:

Demo app

Streamlit App

Code with line-by-line explanation

# First, we will need the following imports for our application.

import json
import streamlit as st
from pathlib import Path

# As for Streamlit Elements, we will need all these objects.
# All available objects and there usage are listed there:

from streamlit_elements import elements, dashboard, mui, editor, media, lazy, sync, nivo

# Change page layout to make the dashboard take the whole page.


with st.sidebar:
    st.title("🗓️ #30DaysOfStreamlit")
    st.header("Day 27 - Streamlit Elements")
    st.write("Build a draggable and resizable dashboard with Streamlit Elements.")

    # Define URL for media player.
    media_url = st.text_input("Media URL", value="")

# Initialize default data for code editor and chart.
# For this tutorial, we will need data for a Nivo Bump chart.
# You can get random data there, in tab 'data':
# As you will see below, this session state item will be updated when our
# code editor change, and it will be read by Nivo Bump chart to draw the data.

if "data" not in st.session_state: = Path("data.json").read_text()

# Define a default dashboard layout.
# Dashboard grid has 12 columns by default.
# For more information on available parameters:

layout = [
    # Editor item is positioned in coordinates x=0 and y=0, and takes 6/12 columns and has a height of 3.
    dashboard.Item("editor", 0, 0, 6, 3),
    # Chart item is positioned in coordinates x=6 and y=0, and takes 6/12 columns and has a height of 3.
    dashboard.Item("chart", 6, 0, 6, 3),
    # Media item is positioned in coordinates x=0 and y=3, and takes 6/12 columns and has a height of 4.
    dashboard.Item("media", 0, 2, 12, 4),

# Create a frame to display elements.

with elements("demo"):

    # Create a new dashboard with the layout specified above.
    # draggableHandle is a CSS query selector to define the draggable part of each dashboard item.
    # Here, elements with a 'draggable' class name will be draggable.
    # For more information on available parameters for dashboard grid:

    with dashboard.Grid(layout, draggableHandle=".draggable"):

        # First card, the code editor.
        # We use the 'key' parameter to identify the correct dashboard item.
        # To make card's content automatically fill the height available, we will use CSS flexbox.
        # sx is a parameter available with every Material UI widget to define CSS attributes.
        # For more information regarding Card, flexbox and sx:

        with mui.Card(key="editor", sx={"display": "flex", "flexDirection": "column"}):

            # To make this header draggable, we just need to set its classname to 'draggable',
            # as defined above in dashboard.Grid's draggableHandle.

            mui.CardHeader(title="Editor", className="draggable")

            # We want to make card's content take all the height available by setting flex CSS value to 1.
            # We also want card's content to shrink when the card is shrinked by setting minHeight to 0.

            with mui.CardContent(sx={"flex": 1, "minHeight": 0}):

                # Here is our Monaco code editor.
                # First, we set the default value to that we initialized above.
                # Second, we define the language to use, JSON here.
                # Then, we want to retrieve changes made to editor's content.
                # By checking Monaco documentation, there is an onChange property that takes a function.
                # This function is called everytime a change is made, and the updated content value is passed in
                # the first parameter (cf. onChange:
                # Streamlit Elements provide a special sync() function. This function creates a callback that will
                # automatically forward its parameters to Streamlit's session state items.
                # Examples
                # --------
                # Create a callback that forwards its first parameter to a session state item called "data":
                # >>> editor.Monaco(onChange=sync("data"))
                # >>> print(
                # Create a callback that forwards its second parameter to a session state item called "ev":
                # >>> editor.Monaco(onChange=sync(None, "ev"))
                # >>> print(st.session_state.ev)
                # Create a callback that forwards both of its parameters to session state:
                # >>> editor.Monaco(onChange=sync("data", "ev"))
                # >>> print(
                # >>> print(st.session_state.ev)
                # Now, there is an issue: onChange is called everytime a change is made, which means everytime
                # you type a single character, your entire Streamlit app will rerun.
                # To avoid this issue, you can tell Streamlit Elements to wait for another event to occur
                # (like a button click) to send the updated data, by wrapping your callback with lazy().
                # For more information on available parameters for Monaco:


            with mui.CardActions:

                # Monaco editor has a lazy callback bound to onChange, which means that even if you change
                # Monaco's content, Streamlit won't be notified directly, thus won't reload everytime.
                # So we need another non-lazy event to trigger an update.
                # The solution is to create a button that fires a callback on click.
                # Our callback doesn't need to do anything in particular. You can either create an empty
                # Python function, or use sync() with no argument.
                # Now, everytime you will click that button, onClick callback will be fired, but every other
                # lazy callbacks that changed in the meantime will also be called.

                mui.Button("Apply changes", onClick=sync())

        # Second card, the Nivo Bump chart.
        # We will use the same flexbox configuration as the first card to auto adjust the content height.

        with mui.Card(key="chart", sx={"display": "flex", "flexDirection": "column"}):

            # To make this header draggable, we just need to set its classname to 'draggable',
            # as defined above in dashboard.Grid's draggableHandle.

            mui.CardHeader(title="Chart", className="draggable")

            # Like above, we want to make our content grow and shrink as the user resizes the card,
            # by setting flex to 1 and minHeight to 0.

            with mui.CardContent(sx={"flex": 1, "minHeight": 0}):

                # This is where we will draw our Bump chart.
                # For this exercise, we can just adapt Nivo's example and make it work with Streamlit Elements.
                # Nivo's example is available in the 'code' tab there:
                # Data takes a dictionary as parameter, so we need to convert our JSON data from a string to
                # a Python dictionary first, with `json.loads()`.
                # For more information regarding other available Nivo charts:

                    colors={ "scheme": "spectral" },
                    pointColor={ "theme": "background" },
                    pointBorderColor={ "from": "serie.color" },
                        "tickSize": 5,
                        "tickPadding": 5,
                        "tickRotation": 0,
                        "legend": "",
                        "legendPosition": "middle",
                        "legendOffset": -36
                        "tickSize": 5,
                        "tickPadding": 5,
                        "tickRotation": 0,
                        "legend": "",
                        "legendPosition": "middle",
                        "legendOffset": 32
                        "tickSize": 5,
                        "tickPadding": 5,
                        "tickRotation": 0,
                        "legend": "ranking",
                        "legendPosition": "middle",
                        "legendOffset": -40
                    margin={ "top": 40, "right": 100, "bottom": 40, "left": 60 },

        # Third element of the dashboard, the Media player.

        with mui.Card(key="media", sx={"display": "flex", "flexDirection": "column"}):
            mui.CardHeader(title="Media Player", className="draggable")
            with mui.CardContent(sx={"flex": 1, "minHeight": 0}):

                # This element is powered by ReactPlayer, it supports many more players other
                # than YouTube. You can check it out there:

                media.Player(url=media_url, width="100%", height="100%", controls=True)

Any question?

Feel free to ask any question regarding Streamlit Elements or this challenge there: Streamlit Elements Topic


Streamlit Elements Demo for Day 27 of #30DaysOfStreamlit






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