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Add Security and Authorization to a Java Spring Boot API

This repository contains a Spring Boot API starter project and demo project, both implementing API server application for menu items CRUD operations. The tutorial for creating this example is available on Auth0 Developer Blog.


Run the API demo project

To run the API demo project, which has the required dependencies for security configuration, execute the following commands:

git clone
cd spring-menu-api/demo

Register the API to Auth0

Sign up at Auth0 and install the Auth0 CLI. Then in the command line run:

auth0 login

The command output will display a device confirmation code and open a browser session to activate the device.

Register the API within your tenant:

auth0 apis create \
  --name "Menu API" \
  --identifier \
  --scopes "create:items,update:items,delete:items" \
  --token-lifetime 86400 \
  --offline-access=false \
  --signing-alg "RS256"

The first line in the command output will contain your Auth0 domain.

Run the Spring Boot API resource server

Create a copy of .env.exmple:

cp .env.example .env

Set the value of OKTA_OAUTH2_ISSUER with your Auth0 domain in .env:


Run the API with:

./gradlew bootRun

Configure the WHATABYTE live client

For the Auth0 authentication, you need to register the live client as a Single-Page Application to Auth0:

auth0 apps create \
  --name "WHATABYTE Demo Client" \
  --description "Single-Page Application Dashboard for menu items CRUD" \
  --type spa \
  --callbacks \
  --logout-urls \
  --origins \

The ClientID in the output will be required in the next step.

Go to the WHATABYTE Dashboard, and set API Server Base URL to http://localhost:8080. Toggle on Enable Authentication Features and set the following values:

Enable RBAC. Set menu-admin in the User Role text-box. Click on Save.

Create and Assign Roles

Create some test users with the Auth0 CLI.

auth0 users create

Create the menu-admin role in the Auth0 tenant:

auth0 roles create

Assign the role to the user you created:

auth0 users roles assign

Mapping the roles to token claims

The role menu-admin and its permissions must be mapped to a claim in the accessToken. Configure your preferred editor to use with the Auth0 CLI:

export EDITOR=nano

Create the Login Action:

auth0 actions create

Set the name Add Roles, and select post-login for the Trigger. When the editor opens, set the following implementation for the onExecutePostLogin function.

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const namespace = '';
  if (event.authorization) {
    api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
    api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);

Save the file. Then deploy the action:

auth0 actions deploy <ACTION_ID>

Attach the action to the login flow. You can do this with Auth0 Management API for Actions:

auth0 api patch "actions/triggers/post-login/bindings" \
  --data '{"bindings":[{"ref":{"type":"action_id","value":"<ACTION_ID>"},"display_name":"Add Roles"}]}'

Find the Menu API ID with:

auth0 apis list

Enable RBAC for the Menu API:

auth0 api patch "resource-servers/<API_ID>" \
  --data '{ "enforce_policies": true, "token_dialect": "access_token_authz" }'

Assign the permissions defined for the Menu API to the menu-admin role:

auth0 roles permissions add

Follow the instructions, and make sure to select all the API permissions:

  • create:items
  • delete:items
  • update:items

All set, sign in the WHATABYTE client with the user you created and you will be able to perform read and write operations over the menu items.


Please post any questions as comments on the blog post, or on the Okta Developer Forums.


Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.


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