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👷 Projement--test-task

Репозиторий для выполнения тестового задания в котором требуется модифицировать существующий legacy-проект.

ВАЖНО - это legacy-проект, работающий корректно с интерпретаторами Python от 3.0 до 3.6 включительно.


Перед первым запуском приложения необходимо:

  1. Установить зависимости из requirements.txt

  2. Провести миграции БД

    python migrate
  3. Создать суперпользователя

    python createsuperuser

Для корректной работы приложения необходимо запустить несколько служб:

  1. Продюсер приложения (сервер Redis)

    docker run -p 6379:6379 --name projement-redis -d redis
  2. Брокер (celery)



    celery -A projement  worker --loglevel=INFO
  3. Потребитель (django приложение)

    python runserver

Примечание - все команды приведены с учётом того, что рабочей директорией является projement.


  1. Перевести проект на более строгую БД (например postgresql).
  2. Произвести обновление django.
  3. Улучшить информативность в шаблоне обновление времён проекта.
  4. Заменить работу с модулем os на работу с pathlib.
  5. Написать единый скрипт запуска проекта с пробросом констант через окружение.
  6. Добавить в CI/CD при работе с master-веткой.
  7. Упорядочить проекты при выгрузке в файл.

Task text

Формулировка задания

Project overview

Projement is a simplified tool for project managers. Project managers can have an overview of all the projects in a company. This includes estimated and actual hours spent on design, development and testing.

Make sure to read through the whole assignment before you start writing your solutions. The last tasks might be more complicated than the first ones and depending on the implementation they might be related to each other.

Please use the best practices known to you to make the commits and manage branches in the repository.


Use Python 3 for back-end

All the requirements have been described in requirements.txt. Make sure you add all your back-end requirements there as well! Initial requirements include:

The application uses SQLite for the database by default. You can override it in the settings - make sure to document it somehow if needed!

Migrate the database before the first run

python migrate

Create a superuser

python createsuperuser

Loading initial data for projects

python loaddata projects/fixtures/initial.json

Running the application

python runserver

The application should be visible at after that


If you have any issues or questions about the task then mark them as TODOs in comments and figure out the best solution yourself.

1. Fix project ordering on dashboard | ☑

Currently the projects on the dashboard are ordered by start date.

Make the projects ordered by end date (descending) so that the projects that have not ended yet are shown first.

2. Improve the admin for project detail view | ☑

Currently in the admin interface it is possible to filter the projects by company name not the company instance in the database. Because of that it is impossible to filter out the projects of one specific company if there are multiple companies with the same name.

Please fix it - make it possible to filter projects by actual companies in the database (company name should still be visible in the filter options)

3. Actual hours need to be decimals | ☑

Currently all the actual hours (design, development, testing) for the Project model are in integers, but they need to be decimals.

Change the actual hours to DecimalFields and make all the other necessary changes (e.g. migrations) to keep the application running.

All the actual hours should be in the range of 0 <= x < 10000 and have 2 decimal places.

4. Incremental changes | ☑

When two people are editing the same project at the same time and want to increase the actual development hours by 10, then it results in faulty data. For example, if the actual hours of development is currently 25 in a project and two users are starting to edit the form then the initial value in the form is 25. They both increase it by 10 and insert 35 as the development hours. After submitting the form the actual development hours are 35, even though both developers wanted to increase it by 10 and the resulting value should have been 45 (25+10+10).

Please change the logic so that instead of entering the total amount of actual hours, the designers, developers and testers have to enter the hours incrementally.

5. Design and implement the history of the changes | ☑

Currently all the users can edit the actual hours of a project and no history of the changes is left behind. We should be able to see which user and when did the change. The information about the initial value, change delta and resulting value should also be easily accessible. If more than one of the actual hours (e.g. design and development hours for a project) are changed at the same time, then they should be recognizable as one change.

Please change the project structure so that the required history is stored in the database.

It should be possible to view and filter the changes in a simple way in the future. No changes nor logs should be created if none of the actual hours changed. You don't have to implement any new views, just make sure that they are easy to create when needed and the initially implemented logic (including the form) works.

There are no requirements of how you should represent the data that was entered before the architectural changes, just make sure that the previously entered data is not lost!

6. Add tags to the projects | ☑

Tags are model instances that are shared between projects and have only the title field (max 16 characters). They should be easily editable in the admin.

Each project can have 0..* tags attached to it. We also need to know when was each tag attached to the project. Tags for one specific project should be easily editable in the admin.

You don't currently have to show the tags on dashboard nor the edit form (of course you could do it ;)

7. Excel | ☑

Make it possible to download a simple summary of projects in .xls format.

It can be just a simple button on dashboard and have the same content as the table there.

8. Fix and write tests| ☑

You have probably broken some of the tests while implementing the previous changes.

Please fix the tests and write some new ones to prove that everything works.

9. Improve the code (optional)| ☑

You might have had some good ideas how to improve the project - either on the architectural side or just the basic back-end implementation and code. Feel free to document the improvements that you would make (e.g. in as TODO-s) and implement the changes if you still have some free time.


Test task of modifying an existing project







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