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Telldus Live! mobile

Dependency Status devDependency Status Build status Translation status


  • keep the complete and up to date! Goal is that it contains everything you need to get started.
  • Feel free to adapt it as you see fit, you don't need permission.


All commands are assumed to be ran from project root.


  • install nodejs >= 6
  • install local deps: npm i
  • install global deps: npm install -g react-native-cli
  • install fastlane


  • install cacao pods cli: brew install Caskroom/cask/cocoapods-app
  • install cacao pod deps: cd ios && pod install
  • install Xcode via Mac App Store


  • find all the instructions you need for setting up your Android development environment on React Native Official - Android Setup
  • install dependencies with Android Studio:
    • Android SDK Manager is no longer available as a separate GUI (run android), but integrated in Android Studio. Install it, go through default setup. When you get to chose your project (new, use existing, etc.), choose Configure -> SDK Manager on the bottom. This pretty much looks like the old GUI, only now it's split over 3 tabs. Use Show Package Details checkbox in the bottom, to expand the dependencies.
    • When you run the app, the react-native will use the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to find the SDK. So, if you install with Android Studio, use export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/elbow/Library/Android/sdk (add it to your ~/.bash_profile).
  • install dependencies via the command-line with sdkmanager. The instructions for sdkmanager on the official React Native page are somewhat outdated:
    • download it with brew install Caskroom/cask/android-sdk (instead of brew install android-sdk)  - brew now uses a different path to store packages, use export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/share/android-sdk (instead of export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk)
    • sdkmanager might warn that ~/.android/repositories.cfg could not be loaded. touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg to create it
    • to show all Android deps you can install, use sdkmanager --list --verbose
    • we currently run Android version 24, which you need to install Android deps for: sdkmanager "build-tools;24.0.1" "platforms;android-24" "system-images;android-24;google_apis;x86_64" "system-images;android-24;google_apis;x86" --verbose (includes Google Support Library and Play Services)
    • but certain deps need Android version 23, therefore you also need to run: sdkmanager "build-tools;23.0.1" "platforms;android-23" "system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64" "system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86" --verbose
    • we need some general Android deps: sdkmanager "tools" "platform-tools" "extras;android;m2repository" "extras;google;m2repository" --verbose
  • you need a android/app/google-services.json file, see instructions
  • to run the app on your device, check out React Native: Running On Device. When your (virtual) device is connected, you can see it show up when you run adb devices. run react-native run-android to launch the app on your phone
  • use adb logcat to look at the Android log file
  • when the app launches on your (virtual) device, it will send you to the Settings screen for "Apps that can draw over other apps". Enable this for the Telldus app and launch the app again from your app drawer.



The app uses react-intl for translating strings.

Before commiting the code, update the english translation file by running:

npm run manage:translations

Make sure there is no duplicate keys.

There is three ways of translating a string in the code.

1) Use the component available in base components.


<FormattedMessage id="" defaultMessage="String to be translated" description="Description for this tag to help the translators" />

2) Use the <FormattedMessage> component but define the strings separate

This is similar to the above variant but if the same tag is to be reused it must be defined separately


const messages = defineMessages({
	tag: {
		id: '',
		defaultMessage: 'String to be translated',
		description: "Description for this tag to help the translators"

<FormattedMessage {...messages.tag} />

3) Use the formatMessage function

First wrap the component using injectIntl


const messages = defineMessages({
	tag: {
		id: '',
		defaultMessage: 'String to be translated',
		description: "Description for this tag to help the translators"

class MyComp extends Component {
	render() {
		let formatMessage = this.props.intl.formatMessage;
		return <Text>{formatMessage(messages.tag)}</Text>
export injectIntl(MyComp)

Local config

You'll need to add config.local.js in the root of your project. It's not to be checked in (ignored by git).

Create a file in the root of the project called 'config.local.js' with the contents of the script and fill with the valid keys.

Example script:

module.exports = {
	key1: value1,
	key2: value2,

Valid keys:

  • apiServer: string - Telldus API server url e.g.
  • publicKey: string - Telldus API public key
  • privateKey: string - Telldus API public key
  • googleAnalyticsId: string - Google Analytics Id
  • testUsername: string - Used as a default username at login
  • testPassword: string - Used as a default password at login
  • pushSenderId: string - Used to identify the remote notification sender,
  • pushServiceId: integer - Used to Identify the Push Service (GCM or APNS),


  • environment vars?


  • react-native run-ios


To make development quick React Native comes with a Launch Packager which is run when you do react-native run-ios. This keeps some internal state and allows for hot code swapping and debugging inside the app (cmd + D). However, the packager keeps internal state which might go stale without you knowing. The only way to find out is to make a clean build:

  • in the app: cmd + shift + H, long click on App, delete App
  • quit the Launch Packager (runs in own window, so close window should do the trick)
  • react-native run-ios to trigger a fresh build


  • react-native run-android

Known issues:

  • when using Geny motion it is possible the app starts crashing unexpectedly after having run for a minute or two. When running adb logcat, this crash occurs because part of the app gets wrongfully garbage collected. It always seems to have something to do with OkHttp which is the low level HTTP lib RN uses. The log often contains other system warnings and errors about its connection status, so it's very likely a GenyMotion/VMWare issue. The only thing that has been proven to work is to restart your computer (which likely resets an underlying service, maybe VMWare).


React Native comes with pretty cool development tools.

You can access the developer menu by shaking your device or by selecting "Shake Gesture" inside the Hardware menu in the iOS Simulator. You can also use the Command ⌘ + D keyboard shortcut when your app is running in the iPhone Simulator, or Command ⌘ + M when running in an Android emulator.

More info



  • we use semver (major.minor.path) and the Android version is derived from that (3.2.10 => 30210)
  • when releasing a new app, always update the version
  • Change the version in package.json
  • Add the bump to git: git add -p packages.json
  • Run the release script: npm run release
  • Check that the new commit and tag made by the release script is ok before pushing


  • find all the instructions for generating signed APK on Generating Signed APK
  • Copy the Google Playstore credentials file play_key.json to the fastlane/ subfolder.
  • Run fastlane alpha

Split dependencies

dependencies are dependencies require on production like servers, devDependencies are deps needed during development and the build process. All the client side libs should therefore reside in devDependencies.


Repo structure


Before commiting code. Please make sure tests pass. Test the code:
npm run lint
npm run flow

Naming convention branches, commits and pull requests

If possible, try to keep the history linear. That means that your should rebase any feature branches before they are pushed.

It's possible to reference issues and even close them in commit messages. When possible, please do. It helps finding issues in the future. Read more:

Make sure the commit message includes all the changes in the commit. It is not sufficient to only reference an issue number. Anyone with git access might not have access to the issue system.
This is not ok:
"Fixes #123"
This is ok:
"Check returned value before using it. Fixes #123"

Make sure the commit message is in imperative present tense in these messages. Instead of “I added tests for” or “Adding tests for,” use “Add tests for.” The excelent book "Pro Git" covers this well:

For any more info about git, please consider purchasing this book.

If the commit should be mentioned in the changelog this must be added to the commit. Add it as an own row prepended with Changelog:
Please note that the changelog message must not be the same as the commit message. The changelog message will be presented to the user. This is an example of commit message:

Do not store date objects in the store. See #64.

The redux store must be serializable to JSON so only plain types may be stored.

Changelog: Fix a crash on startup

If you are not sure if your commit should be included in the changelog or not, ask the maintainer first!



This app uses Redux to manage its state. Redux is opinionated framework that works with pure functions, great for scaling applications that have to manage a lot of state (which is why it is a good fit for this app). It's basic components are:

  • Action (see js/App/Actions): an event, with a type and optional payload, that is much like a trigger for a change that you want to happen
  • Reducer (see js/App/Reducers): takes existing state and an Action, and returns a new state (never alters existing state)
  • Redux store (see js/App/Store/ConfigureStore.js): 1) holds the current state and is initiated with a reducer. It provides a dispatch function which allows you to pass an Action to it. You can also subscribe to any changes.
  • Action creator (see js/App/Actions): a function that dispatches one or more Actions, synchronously or asynchonously. When an asynchronous call needs to be made, it is facilitated by Thunk Actions Middleware or Promise Action Middleware. These Action Creators connect to the LiveApi or Websocket connection and when data is retrieved, the appropriate Action is dispatched.
  • Selector (located with component): parses state into appropriate chunks for a React component (should rather be located with the relevant Reducer, because they work on the same data)
  • connect: function that binds the Redux store to a React component passing two functions:
    • mapStateToProps: a function that uses Selectors to filter relevant props from the state
    • mapDispatchToProps: a function that exposes relevant Action creators in the props

For more info, from the man himself @dan_ambramov:

Learn Redux

Redux by itself is conceptually interesting but it starts flying when it's coupled with React. These two courses should do the trick to get you up to speed with Redux in React:


The app communicates with the REST LiveApi (see js/App/Lib/LiveApi) for:

  • authentication (logging in)
  • getting lists of devices, sensors, etc.
  • sending commands to devices (e.g. device/turnOn, device/turnOff)
  • setting up a WebSocket session

Once the WebSocket (see js/App/Lib/WebSockets) session has been setup, it registers which messages the app is interested in, e.g. updates on a type of sensor. When that sensor has a new value, it pushes it over the WebSocket connection to the app.

Data structure

All devices have one or more 'methods' which indicate what a device can do. These are the current methods:

TURNON  = 1        #: Device flag for devices supporting the on method.
TURNOFF = 2        #: Device flag for devices supporting the off method.
BELL = 4           #: Device flag for devices supporting the bell method.
TOGGLE = 8         #: Device flag for devices supporting the toggle method.
DIM = 16           #: Device flag for devices supporting the dim method.
LEARN = 32         #: Device flag for devices supporting the learn method.
EXECUTE = 64       #: Device flag for devices supporting the execute method.
UP = 128           #: Device flag for devices supporting the up method.
DOWN = 256         #: Device flag for devices supporting the down method.
STOP = 512         #: Device flag for devices supporting the stop method.
RGBW = 1024        #: Device flag for devices supporting the rgbw method.
THERMOSTAT = 2048  #: Device flag for devices supporting thermostat methods.

The following methods aren't in use in the moment: TOGGLE, EXECUTE, RGBW, THERMOSTAT

You can add up these methods to a single digit that denotes a group of methods, e.g. 3 = 1 + 2 = TURNON, TURNOFF. Currently, the app supports 951 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256 + 512.

When for example, devices/list is called, we can provide supportedMethods. If this parameter is not set, in the response methods and state will always report 0 for each device.

Socket messages

Listening for device setState, you get these kind of messages.

// device turned off
    "module": "device", // <-- device, sensor
    "action": "setState", // <-- the type of message
    "data": {
        "deviceId": 1594308,
        "battery": 254,
        "method": 2, // <-- refers to methods defined under [Data Structure](#data-structure)
        "value": "" // <-- relevant data for this method, **always a string**!

For example:

// device turned on
    "action": "setState",
    "module": "device",
    "data": {
        "battery": 254,
        "deviceId": 1594308,
        "method": 1, // <-- turnOn
        "value": ""

// device turned off
    "action": "setState",
    "module": "device",
    "data": {
        "battery": 254,
        "deviceId": 1594308,
        "method": 2, // <-- turnOff
        "value": ""

// device scaled to level 240 (of 255) (ie. 90%)
    "action": "setState",
    "module": "device",
    "data": {
        "battery": 254,
        "deviceId": 1594308,
        "method": 16, // <-- dim
        "value": "240" // <-- dim level, **string**: 240 of 255 = ie. 90%)

// etc


You need a android/app/google-services.json file, otherwise the app won't run. Because this file contains production keys and secrets, it is not included in this repository. However, you can add a placeholder yourself. Create android/app/google-services.json and add this json content:

  "project_info": {
    "project_id": "this-is-a-sample",
    "project_number": "999999999999",
    "name": "AdMob Samples",
    "firebase_url": "",
    "storage_bucket": ""
  "client": [
      "client_info": {
        "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:999999999999:android:0000000000000000",
        "client_id": "",
        "client_type": 1,
        "android_client_info": {
          "package_name": "",
          "certificate_hash": []
      "oauth_client": [
          "client_id": "",
          "client_type": 1,
          "android_info": {
            "package_name": "",
            "certificate_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
          "client_id": "",
          "client_type": 3
      "api_key": [
          "current_key": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
      "services": {
        "analytics_service": {
          "status": 1
        "cloud_messaging_service": {
          "status": 2,
          "apns_config": []
        "appinvite_service": {
          "status": 2,
          "other_platform_oauth_client": []
        "google_signin_service": {
          "status": 2
        "ads_service": {
          "status": 2,
          "test_banner_ad_unit_id": "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111",
          "test_interstitial_ad_unit_id": "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"
  "client_info": [],


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published


  • JavaScript 95.2%
  • Shell 1.9%
  • Other 2.9%