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User-Managed Software


The User-Managed Software (UMS) program defines a set of polices by which users of OLCF systems are granted the ability and responsibility to install, maintain, document, and support software packages intended for use by other general users on OLCF resources.


The UMS program is not currently available on all OLCF systems.

Depending on the system, the directories used by UMS projects may differ, but the workflow remains the same.

To apply to the UMS program, fill out the application at: Select "User Managed Software Program" from the drop down menu to begin.

Currently Available User-Managed Software

.. tab-set::

  .. tab-item:: Frontier

    **Currently Available User-Managed Software on Frontier**

    | Project    | Packages       | Point of Contact                           | Information                                                                    |
    | ums012     | AMD AFAR       | Felipe Jaramillo (       | AMD ROCM AFAR compiler based on AMD development                                |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            | LLVM           | Sunita Chandrasekaran (  | LLVM Development builds                                                        |
    | ums014     | UPC++          | Paul H. Hargrove (      | UPC++ library                                                                  |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Issue Tracker:                                |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Support Forum:                           |
    | ums022     | VisIt          | Eric Brugger (           | VisIt Visualization and Analysis Tool                                          |
    | ums023     | HPCToolkit     | Wileam Phan (            | HPCToolkit Performance measurement and analysis tools                          |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                | John Mellor-Crummey (      | Website:                                       |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Issue Tracker:           |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Mailing List:                                   |
    | ums024     | Open MPI       | Thomas Naughton (       | Open MPI for Exascale -- MPI library                                           |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                | Amir Shehata (           | Issue Tracker:                  |
    | ums025     | Clacc          | Joel E. Denny (           | Clacc: Clang/LLVM fork to support OpenACC in C/C++                             |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | General Info:                         |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Source:  |

  .. tab-item:: Crusher

    **Currently Available User-Managed Software on Crusher**

    | Project    | Packages       | Point of Contact                           | Information                                                                    |
    | ums012     | SOLLVE         | Felipe Jaramillo (       | AMD ROCM AFAR compiler based on AMD development                                |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            | LLVM           | Sunita Chandrasekaran (  | LLVM Development builds                                                        |
    | ums015     | DPC++ for HIP  | Gordon Brown (         |                                                                                |
    | ums023     | HPCToolkit     | Wileam Phan (            | HPCToolkit Performance measurement and analysis tools                          |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                | John Mellor-Crummey (      | Website:                                       |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Issue Tracker:           |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Mailing List:                                   |
    | ompix      | Open MPI       | Thomas Naughton (       | Open MPI for Exascale -- MPI library                                           |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                | Amir Shehata (           | Issue Tracker:                  |

  .. tab-item:: Summit

    **Currently Available User-Managed Software on Summit**

    | Project    | Packages       | Point of Contact                           | Information                                                                    |
    | gen007flux | Flux           | Stephen Herbein (        |                                              |
    | stf010     | flang          | Fady Ghanim (            |                                                                                |
    | aph114     | openPMD-api    | Axel Huebl (             |; Complex compiled python extension.     |
    |            | WarpX          |                                            | Might be best to treat as a discrete python environment similar to IBM-WML-CE. |
    |            | libEnsemble    |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            | Ascent/Conduit |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            | Adios2 dev     |                                            |                                                                                |
    | gen119     | NVIDIA RAPIDS  | Benjamin Hernandez ( |                                            |
    |            | BlazingSQL     |                                            |                                                        |
    | ums012     | SOLLVE         | Felipe Jaramillo (       |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            | LLVM           | Sunita Chandrasekaran (  |                                                                                |
    | ums013     | Julia          | Valentin Churavy  (       |                                                          |
    | ums014     | UPC++          | Paul H. Hargrove (      | UPC++ library                                                                  |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Issue Tracker:                                |
    |            |                |                                            |                                                                                |
    |            |                |                                            | Support Forum:                           |
    | ums015     | DPC++ for HIP  | Gordon Brown (         |                                                                                |


To access and use the UMS available on a system, you must first load the base ums module to add the individual projects to the module list. Once this is loaded, then each project has a module to gain access to that project’s provided software. For example:

.. tab-set::

  .. tab-item:: Summit

    .. code::

      ## Find the base UMS module on Summit:
      > module avail ums
      ----------------- /sw/summit/modulefiles/Core  ------------------

      ## Load the UMS project access modules:
      > module load ums

      ## See the newly available UMS projects:
      > module avail ums
      ----------------- /sw/summit/ums/modulefiles/ -------------------

      ----------------- /sw/summit/modulefiles/Core  ------------------
        ums/default (L)

      ## Gain access to a UMS project's provided modules:
      > module load ums-abc123

      ## See the provided UMS project's modules (truncated output):
      > module avail
      --------------- /sw/summit/modulefiles/ums/abc123/Core ---------------

      ----------------- /sw/summit/ums/modulefiles/ -------------------
        ums-abc123/default (L)

      ----------------- /sw/summit/modulefiles/Core  ------------------
        ums/default (L)

  .. tab-item:: Crusher

    .. code::

      ## Find the base UMS module on Crusher:
      > module avail ums
      ----------------- /sw/crusher/modulefiles ------------------

      ## Load the UMS project access modules:
      > module load ums

      ## See the newly available UMS projects:
      > module avail ums
      ----------------- /sw/crusher/ums/modulefiles/ -------------------

      ----------------- /sw/crusher/modulefiles ------------------
        ums/default (L)

      ## Gain access to a UMS project's provided modules:
      > module load ums-abc123

      ## See the provided UMS project's modules (truncated output):
      > module avail
      --------------- /sw/crusher/ums/ums-abc123/modules ---------------

      ----------------- /sw/crusher/ums/modulefiles/ -------------------
        ums-abc123/default (L)

      ----------------- /sw/crusher/modulefiles ------------------
        ums/default (L)

If there are issues with a UMS provided product, you can find information in that package's gateway module using module show ums-:

> module show ums-abc123

help([[ABC software description (User Managed Software)

  The ABC123 UMS project provides this feature.


  Please direct all support questions and concerns regarding this software
  installation to one of the following:

     - Point of Contact: <UMS Project PI>
       - Email:  <UMS POC email>
       - GitHub: <if applicable>

    <URL to the project's documentation>
  whatis("UMS - ABC Software")


The OLCF UMS Policy is located in the "Accounts and Projects" section of this documentation here.

Writing UMS Modulefiles

A project directory and modulefiles will be created and made available. The project directory will be the workspace for your team to build and install the software you wish to provide to the other OLCF users. The created modulefile will add your project's provided modules to the modulepath. Note that by default, the project modulefile will add a default path, /sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}/modules or /sw/{{HOST}}/modulefiles/ums/{{PROJECT}}/Core, to the MODULEPATH. If you wish to locate your project's modules in another directory, you will need to modify the provided modulefile.

The following will be created and put under the ownership of your UMS project and your project's PI:

/sw/{{HOST}}/ums/modules/{{PROJECT}}/default.lua    ## default project gateway module
/sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}                        ## root prefix for installing builds
/sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}/modules                ## root prefix for installing modulefiles

## or

/sw/{{HOST}}/ums/modulefiles/{{PROJECT}}/default.lua    ## default project gateway module
/sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}                            ## root prefix for installing builds
/sw/{{HOST}}/modulefiles/ums/{{PROJECT}}/Core           ## root prefix for installing modulefiles

The builds in /sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}} can be organized as you see fit, but we ask that you try to document the layout and build procedures. For example, under the prefix directory, use one or more of the following to improve transparency of the build process:

  • keep an up-to-date README or changelog
  • keep configure and build logs in your project's area
  • use spack or non-interactive build scripts kept in the prefix to deploy all packages
  • track changes to configurations or build-scripts in git

so that other people such as new developers and maintainers on your project as well as OLCF staff will have a clear understanding of how the builds have been configured and what their dependencies are should they need to take over maintaining the builds.

The structure of the modulefile tree is somewhat flexible. These directories will not be in the default $MODULEPATH. For general users to access them, they will first need to opt-in to using UMS software by loading the ums/default module, then the module for your UMS software project ums-{{PROJECT}} and finally one or more modulefiles that you have written for your software:

module load ums
module load ums-{{PROJECT}}
module avail

# To see modules your project provides:
ls $(module --redirect show ums-{{PROJECT}} | egrep "MODULEPATH.*$" | grep -o "/sw/[^\'\"]*")

The project gateway module ums-{{PROJECT}} will add either /sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}/modules or /sw/{{HOST}}/modulefiles/ums/{{PROJECT}}/Core to the $MODULEPATH. Any modulefiles you install under this directory will be available to users when they have loaded the gateway module. Modulefiles should be organized according to the following structure:




You may have as many modulefiles as you see fit, both in terms of <package_nameX> and <package_versionX>.


It is imperative that /sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}/modules and /sw/{{HOST}}/modulefiles/ums/{{PROJECT}}/Core only have one level of subdirectories (<packageN_name>). Having further subdirectories will alter the way LMOD searches for modulefiles globally and generally make LMOD's behavior indeterminate. It is also recommended that you be careful with symlinks in the modulefile prefix.

In particular, symlinks under /sw/{{HOST}}/ums/{{PROJECT}}/modules or /sw/{{HOST}}/modulefiles/ums/{{PROJECT}}/Core that refer back to themselves will cause LMOD to enter a recursive loop and be unable to display or load your modules correctly.

For further assistance please contact the OLCF at