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DBpedia querying (read-only)

Source code

This example presents a use case where an OLDM produces a significant overhead that is important to understand.

We want to query the DBpedia which contains RDF statements extracted from the info-boxes of Wikipedia. DBpedia provides a public SPARQL endpoint powered by Virtuoso.

Inspired by a gist of O. Berger, we will display:

  1. The 10 first French films found on DBpedia and the names of their actors;
  2. The films in which Michel Piccoli had a role.

Direct SPARQL queries (without OldMan)

First, let's create a Graph to access the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint

from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib.plugins.stores.sparqlstore import SPARQLStore
data_graph = Graph(SPARQLStore("", context_aware=False))

Query 1

import time
q3_start_time = time.time()

results = data_graph.query("""
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpo: <>

SELECT ?film ?title_fr ?title_en ?actor ?actor_name_fr ?actor_name_en
     SELECT ?film
     WHERE {
        ?film a dbpo:Film ;
              dcterms:subject <> .
      LIMIT 10
       ?film rdfs:label ?title_en .
       FILTER langMatches( lang(?title_en), "EN" ) .
       ?film rdfs:label ?title_fr .
       FILTER langMatches( lang(?title_fr), "FR" ) .
      ?film dbpo:with ?actor .
      OPTIONAL {
        ?actor foaf:name ?actor_name_en .
        FILTER langMatches( lang(?actor_name_en), "EN" ) .
      OPTIONAL {
        ?actor foaf:name ?actor_name_fr .
        FILTER langMatches( lang(?actor_name_fr), "FR" ) .

Now we extract the film titles and the names of the actors:

film_titles = {}
film_actors = {}
for film_iri, title_fr, title_en, actor_iri, actor_name_fr, actor_name_en in results:
    if film_iri not in film_titles:
        for t in [title_fr, title_en, film_iri]:
            if t is not None:
                film_titles[film_iri] = unicode(t)
    for name in [actor_name_fr, actor_name_en, actor_iri]:
        if name is not None:
            if film_iri not in film_actors:
                film_actors[film_iri] = [name]
            elif name not in film_actors[film_iri]:

and display them:

>>> for film_iri in film_titles:
...     title = film_titles[film_iri]
...     if film_iri not in film_actors:
...         print "%s %s (no actor declared)" % (title, film_iri)
...     else:
...         actor_names = ", ".join(film_actors[film_iri])
...         print "%s with %s" % (title, actor_names)
And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen with Patricia Kaas, Jeremy Irons, Thierry Lhermitte
Un long dimanche de fiançailles (film) with Dominique Pinon, Marion Cotillard, Ticky Holgado, Audrey Tautou, Jodie Foster, Chantal Neuwirth, Gaspard Ulliel, André Dussollier, Andre Dussolier
Charlotte et Véronique (no actor declared)
Toutes ces belles promesses with Jeanne Balibar, Bulle Ogier, Valerie Crunchant,
Édith et Marcel with Évelyne Bouix, Evelyne Bouix,
Une robe d'été (no actor declared)
9 semaines 1/2 with Kim Basinger, Mickey Rourke
Tout sur ma mère with Penélope Cruz, Penélope Cruz Sánchez, Cecilia Roth, Antonia San Juan, Candela Pena, Marisa Paredes
Artemisia (film) with Miki Manojlović, Predrag Miki Manojlovic, Michel Serrault, Valentina Cervi
Two Days in Paris with Julie Delpy, Adam Goldberg, Daniel Bruhl
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q3_start_time)
Done in 0.252 seconds

Some names are missing in the DBpedia and are replaced by the URI. The film URI is also displayed when the actors are unknown so that you can check with your browser that this information is missing.

Query 2

q4_start_time = time.time()
results = data_graph.query("""
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpo: <>

SELECT ?film ?title_fr ?title_en
    ?film a dbpo:Film ;
          dbpo:with <> .
       ?film rdfs:label ?title_en .
       FILTER langMatches( lang(?title_en), "EN" ) .
       ?film rdfs:label ?title_fr .
       FILTER langMatches( lang(?title_fr), "FR" ) .
>>> for film_iri, title_fr, title_en in results:
...     if film_iri not in film_titles:
...         for t in [title_fr, title_en, film_iri]:
...             if t is not None:
...                 print t
...                 break
    La Diagonale du fou
    Le Journal d'une femme de chambre (film, 1964)
    La Grande Bouffe
    Max et les Ferrailleurs
    La Voie lactée (film, 1969)
    Les Demoiselles de Rochefort
    Le Saut dans le vide
    Belle toujours
    Des enfants gâtés
    Une étrange affaire
    Belle de Jour (film)
    Benjamin ou les Mémoires d'un puceau
    Le Mépris (film)
    Dillinger est mort
    Généalogies d'un crime
    Je rentre à la maison
    La Belle Noiseuse
    La Chamade (film)
    Le Prix du danger (film)
    Mauvais Sang (film)
    Milou en mai
    Passion (film, 1982)
    La Prophétie des grenouilles
    La Poussière du temps
    Le Fantôme de la liberté
    Compartiment tueurs
    Les Choses de la vie
    Une chambre en ville
    Vincent, François, Paul... et les autres
    Habemus papam (film)
    Les Noces rouges
    Les Cent et Une Nuits de Simon Cinéma
    La Décade prodigieuse
    Der Preis fürs Überleben
    Party (1996 film)
    The Distant Land
    Passion in the Desert
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q4_start_time)
Done in 0.180 seconds

With OldMan

Let's first create two :class:`~oldman.model.Model` objects: film_model and person_model from these context and schema:

from oldman import ClientResourceManager, SPARQLDataStore
from dogpile.cache import make_region

schema_url = ""
schema_graph = Graph().parse(schema_url, format="turtle")

context_url = ""

data_graph = Graph(SPARQLStore("", context_aware=False))

cache_region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memory_pickle')

# Datastore: SPARQL-aware triple store, with two models
data_store = SPARQLDataStore(data_graph, schema_graph=schema_graph, cache_region=cache_region)
data_store.create_model("", context_url)
# JSON-LD terms can be used instead of IRIs
data_store.create_model("Person", context_url)

# Client resource manager
client_manager = ClientResourceManager(data_store)
# Re-uses the models of the data store
film_model = client_manager.get_model("")
actor_model = client_manager.get_model("Person")

Please note that we set up a resource cache and reused the data_graph.

We also declare two extraction functions:

def extract_title(film):
    if len(film.titles) > 0:
        key = "fr" if "fr" in film.titles else film.titles.keys()[0]
        return "%s (%s version)" % (film.titles[key], key)

def extract_name(person):
    if person.names is not None and len(person.names) > 0:
        for key in ["fr", "en"]:
            if key in person.names:
                return person.names[key]
        return person.names.values()[0]

Query 1 (lazy)

By default, OldMan behaves lazily:

>>> q1_start_time = time.time()
>>> for film in film_model.filter(subjects=[""],
...                               limit=10):
...     title = extract_title(film)
...     if film.actors is None:
...         print "   %s %s (no actor declared)" % (title,
...     else:
...         actor_names = ", ".join([extract_name(a) for a in film.actors])
...         print "%s with %s" % (title, actor_names)
Édith et Marcel (fr version) with, Evelyne Bouix
Two Days in Paris (fr version) with Julie Delpy, Adam Goldberg, Daniel Bruhl
9 semaines 1/2 (fr version) with Kim Basinger, Mickey Rourke
Une robe d'été (fr version) (no actor declared)
Un long dimanche de fiançailles (film) (fr version) with Jodie Foster, Chantal Neuwirth, Marion Cotillard, Ticky Holgado, André Dussollier, Dominique Pinon, Audrey Tautou, Gaspard Ulliel
Tout sur ma mère (fr version) with Cecilia Roth, Antonia San Juan, Marisa Paredes, Candela Pena, Penélope Cruz Sánchez
Charlotte et Véronique (fr version) (no actor declared)
Toutes ces belles promesses (fr version) with Valerie Crunchant, Jeanne Balibar, Bulle Ogier,
And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen (fr version) with Thierry Lhermitte, Jeremy Irons, Patricia Kaas
Artemisia (film) (fr version) with Michel Serrault, Miki Manojlović, Valentina Cervi
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q1_start_time)
Done in 17.123 seconds

17s? Why is it so slow? There are two reasons:

  1. OldMan loads a :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object for each film or actor that is displayed. Loading a :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object implies to retrieve all the triples in which the resource is the subject. In DBpedia, entries like films and actors have often many triples. Some of them have long textual literal values (localized paragraphs from Wikipedia). For instance, see This approach retrieves much more information than we need for our specific query.
  2. By default OldMan is lazy so it retrieves each a :class:`~oldman.resource.Resource` object at the last time, one by one in sequence. The execution of this long sequence of queries takes a long time, partly because of the network latency that is multiplied by the number of queries.

Query 1 (eager)

While this first phenomenon is something you should expect when using an OLDM, the second reason can avoided by adopting an eager strategy:

>>> q1_start_time = time.time()
>>> for film in film_model.filter(subjects=[""],
...                               limit=10, eager=True,
...                               pre_cache_properties=[""]):
... # Code and results not shown
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q1_start_time)
Done in 2.518 seconds

The eager strategy makes one heavy SPARQL request that returns all the triples about the films but also about the actors (thanks to the pre-cached property dbpo:starring). The network latency is then almost minimal.

If we re-query it again lazily, thanks to the cache it makes just one lightweight SPARQL query:

>>> q1_start_time = time.time()
>>> for film in film_model.filter(subjects=[""],
...                               limit=10):
... # Code and results not shown
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q1_start_time)
Done in 0.182 seconds

But if we re-query it eagerly, the heavy query will be sent again. The cache is then of little interest:

>>> # Code and results not shown
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q1_start_time)
Done in 2.169 seconds

Query 2 (lazy)

>>> q2_start_time = time.time()
>>> for film in film_model.filter(actors=[""]):
...     print extract_title(film)
... # Results not shown
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q2_start_time)
Done in 16.419 seconds

Query 2 (eager)

>>> q2_start_time = time.time()
>>> for film in film_model.filter(actors=[""],
... # Code and results not shown
>>> print "Done in %.3f seconds" % (time.time() - q2_start_time)
Done in 1.503 seconds