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SQL Client for MongoDB

The main feature of the client is that you can write queries in it as declarative SQL, instead of the standard mongo syntax.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Tools and technologies used:


Run the next command to download the repository

git clone -b develop
  1. Download and install Java from here
  2. Download and install NodeJS from here
  3. Download and install Docker from here
  4. Download and install VirtualBox from here
  5. Download and install Vagrant from here

Run application

You an run the application from the Intellij Idea or just running the Docker docker-compose.yml

Run with docker-compose.yml

You can run the whole project with one command

docker-compose up --build

and visit: localhost:80

Run with Intellij Idea

Or run each project separately:

  • spring-server, click here

  • node-server, click here

  • web-application, click here

  • java-cli, follow here