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olejorgenb committed Jun 5, 2011
1 parent 82ac169 commit 6437706
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Showing 2 changed files with 327 additions and 413 deletions.
326 changes: 326 additions & 0 deletions src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.curves;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;

public class CircleArcMaker {
public static Collection<Command> doCircleArc(List<Node> selectedNodes, List<Way> selectedWays) {
Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<Command>();

//// Decides which nodes to use as anchors based on selection
* Rules goes like this:
* If there are selected ways, at least one of these are used as target ways for the arc.
* Selected ways override selected nodes. If nodes not part of the ways are selected they're ignored.
* When existing ways are reused for the arc, all ways overlapping these are transformed too.
* 1. Exactly 3 nodes selected:
* Use these nodes.
* - No way selected: create a new way.
* 2. Exactly 1 node selected, node part of exactly 1 way with 3 or more nodes:
* Node selected used as first node, consequent nodes in the way's direction used as the rest.
* - Reversed if not enough nodes in forward direction
* - Selected node used as middle node its the middle node in a 3 node way
* - Parent way used

//// Anchor nodes
Node n1 = null, n2 = null, n3 = null;

if (false) {
int nodeCount = selectedNodes.size();
int wayCount = selectedWays.size();

// TODO: filter garbage nodes based on selected ways

// Never interested in more than 3 nodes. Nodes prioritized by reverse selection order, but keep their order.
// TODO: replace by helper function (eg. getPostFixList(int count))
Node[] nodesOfInterest = new Node[3];
int nodesOfInterestCount = Math.min(nodeCount, 3);
for (int i = nodesOfInterestCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
nodesOfInterest[i] = selectedNodes.get(nodeCount - 1 - i);

Set<Way> targetWays = new HashSet<Way>();

boolean nodesHasBeenChoosen = false;
if (selectedNodes.size() == 3) {
Iterator<Node> nodeIter = selectedNodes.iterator();
n1 =;
n2 =;
n3 =;
nodesHasBeenChoosen = true;
if (selectedWays.isEmpty()) { // Create a brand new way
Way newWay = new Way();
cmds.add(new AddCommand(newWay));
if (selectedWays.isEmpty() == false) {
// TODO: use only two nodes inferring the orientation from the parent way.

if (nodesHasBeenChoosen == false) {
// Use the three last nodes in the way as anchors. This is intended to be used with the
// built in draw mode
Way w = selectedWays.iterator().next(); //TODO: select last selected way instead
int nodeCount = w.getNodesCount();
if (nodeCount < 3)
return null;
n3 = w.getNode(nodeCount - 1);
n2 = w.getNode(nodeCount - 2);
n1 = w.getNode(nodeCount - 3);
nodesHasBeenChoosen = true;
targetWays.addAll(OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(n1.getReferrers(), Way.class));
targetWays.addAll(OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(n2.getReferrers(), Way.class));
targetWays.addAll(OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(n3.getReferrers(), Way.class));
// for(Way w : selectedWays) {
// targetWays.add(w);
// }

if (nodesHasBeenChoosen == false) {
return null;

EastNorth p1 = n1.getEastNorth();
EastNorth p2 = n2.getEastNorth();
EastNorth p3 = n3.getEastNorth();
// TODO: Check that the points are distinct

// // Calculate the new points in the segment
List<EastNorth> points = circleSeqmentPoints(p1, p2, p3, 15, true, null);

//// Create the new arc nodes. Insert anchor nodes at correct positions.
List<Node> arcNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(points.size());
for (EastNorth p : slice(points, 1, -2)) {
if (p == p2) {
} else {
Node n = new Node(p);
cmds.add(new AddCommand(n));

//// "Fuse" the arc with all target ways

Node[] anchorNodes = { n1, n2, n3 };
for (Way originalTw : targetWays) {
Way tw = new Way(originalTw);
boolean didChangeTw = false;
/// Do one segment at the time (so ways only sharing one segment is fused too)
for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
int anchorBi = arcNodes.indexOf(anchorNodes[a]); // TODO: optimize away
int anchorEi = arcNodes.indexOf(anchorNodes[a + 1]);
/// Find the anchor node indices in current target way
int bi = -1, ei = -1;
int i = -1;
// Caution: nodes might appear multiple times. For now only handle simple closed ways
for (Node n : tw.getNodes()) {
// We look for the first anchor node. The next should be directly to the left or right.
// Exception when the way is closed
if (n == anchorNodes[a]) {
bi = i;
Node otherAnchor = anchorNodes[a + 1];
if (i > 0 && tw.getNode(i - 1) == otherAnchor) {
ei = i - 1;
} else if (i < (tw.getNodesCount() - 1) && tw.getNode(i + 1) == otherAnchor) {
ei = i + 1;
} else {
continue; // this can happen with closed ways. Continue searching for the correct index
if (bi == -1 || ei == -1) {
continue; // this segment is not part of the target way
didChangeTw = true;

/// Insert the nodes of this segment
// Direction of target way relative to the arc node order
int twDirection = ei > bi ? 1 : 0;
int anchorI = anchorBi + 1; // don't insert the anchor nodes again
int twI = bi + (twDirection == 1 ? 1 : 0); // TODO: explain
while (anchorI < anchorEi) {
tw.addNode(twI, arcNodes.get(anchorI));
twI += twDirection;
if (didChangeTw)
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(originalTw, tw));

return cmds;

* Return a list of coordinates lying an the circle segment determined by n1, n2 and n3.
* The order of the list and which of the 3 possible segments are given by the order of n1, n2, n3
* @param includeAnchors include the anchorpoints in the list. The original objects will be used, not copies
private static List<EastNorth> circleSeqmentPoints(EastNorth p1, EastNorth p2, EastNorth p3,
int resolution, boolean includeAnchors, int[] anchor2Index) {

// triangle: three single nodes needed or a way with three nodes

// let's get some shorter names
double x1 = p1.east();
double y1 = p1.north();
double x2 = p2.east();
double y2 = p2.north();
double x3 = p3.east();
double y3 = p3.north();

// calculate the center (xc,yc)
double s = 0.5 * ((x2 - x3) * (x1 - x3) - (y2 - y3) * (y3 - y1));
double sUnder = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);

assert (sUnder == 0);

s /= sUnder;

double xc = 0.5 * (x1 + x2) + s * (y2 - y1);
double yc = 0.5 * (y1 + y2) + s * (x1 - x2);

// calculate the radius (r)
double r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xc - x1, 2) + Math.pow(yc - y1, 2));

// The angles of the anchor points relative to the center
double realA1 = calcang(xc, yc, x1, y1);
double realA2 = calcang(xc, yc, x2, y2);
double realA3 = calcang(xc, yc, x3, y3);

double startAngle = realA1;
// Transform the angles to get a consistent starting point
double a1 = 0;
double a2 = normalizeAngle(realA2 - startAngle);
double a3 = normalizeAngle(realA3 - startAngle);
int direction = a3 > a2 ? 1 : -1;

double radialLength = 0;
if (direction == 1) { // counter clockwise
radialLength = a3;
} else { // clockwise
radialLength = Math.PI * 2 - a3;
// make the angles consistent with the direction.
a2 = (Math.PI * 2 - a2);
a3 = (Math.PI * 2 - a3);
int numberOfNodesInArc = (int) Math.ceil((radialLength / Math.PI) * 180 / resolution);
List<EastNorth> points = new ArrayList<EastNorth>(numberOfNodesInArc);

// Calculate the circle points in order
double stepLength = radialLength / numberOfNodesInArc;
// Determine closest index to p2

int indexJustBeforeP2 = (int) Math.floor(a2 / stepLength);
int closestIndexToP2 = indexJustBeforeP2;
if ((a2 - indexJustBeforeP2 * stepLength) > ((indexJustBeforeP2 + 1) * stepLength - a2)) {
closestIndexToP2 = indexJustBeforeP2 + 1;
// can't merge with end node
if (closestIndexToP2 == numberOfNodesInArc - 1) {
} else if (closestIndexToP2 == 0) {
assert (closestIndexToP2 != 0);

double a = direction * (stepLength);
if (indexJustBeforeP2 == 0 && includeAnchors) {
// i is ahead of the real index by one, since we need to be ahead in the angle calculation
for (int i = 2; i < numberOfNodesInArc + 1; i++) {
double nextA = direction * (i * stepLength);
double realAngle = a + startAngle;
double x = xc + r * Math.cos(realAngle);
double y = yc + r * Math.sin(realAngle);

points.add(new EastNorth(x, y));
if (i - 1 == indexJustBeforeP2 && includeAnchors) {
a = nextA;
if (anchor2Index != null) {
anchor2Index[0] = closestIndexToP2;
return points;

// gah... why can't java support "reverse indices"?
private static <T> List<T> slice(List<T> list, int from, int to) {
if (to < 0)
to += list.size() + 1;
return list.subList(from, to);

* Normalizes {@code a} so it is between 0 and 2 PI
private static double normalizeAngle(double angle) {
double PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
if (angle < 0) {
angle = angle + (Math.floor(-angle / PI2) + 1) * PI2;
} else if (angle >= PI2) {
angle = angle - Math.floor(angle / PI2) * PI2;
return angle;

private static double calcang(double xc, double yc, double x, double y) {
// calculate the angle from xc|yc to x|y
if (xc == x && yc == y)
return 0; // actually invalid, but we won't have this case in this context
double yd = Math.abs(y - yc);
if (yd == 0 && xc < x)
return 0;
if (yd == 0 && xc > x)
return Math.PI;
double xd = Math.abs(x - xc);
double a = Math.atan2(xd, yd);
if (y > yc) {
a = Math.PI - a;
if (x < xc) {
a = -a;
a = 1.5 * Math.PI + a;
if (a < 0) {
a += 2 * Math.PI;
if (a >= 2 * Math.PI) {
a -= 2 * Math.PI;
return a;

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