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Part one of two of the homework for React events, state and forms topics.

Part two ("goit-react-hw-02-phonebook") of this homework may be found here.

Live page

The live page for this repository can be viewed at GitHub Pages.

Local build and run

  1. Make sure you have an LTS version of Node.js installed on your computer. Download and install if needed.
  2. Install the project's base dependencies with the npm install command.
  3. Start development mode by running the npm start command.
  4. Go to localhost:3000 in your browser. This page will automatically reload after saving changes to the project files.

Tasks Acceptance Criteria

React project template is used as a starting point for your application (more information about how to start-up with such a project may be found at the template repo description or here in a Readme file).

  • The goit-react-hw-02-feedback repository is created.
  • When submitting homework, there are two links: to the source files and the live pages of each assignment on `GitHub Pages'.
  • The repository header has a link to the live page on GitHub pages.
  • When visiting the work page (GitHub pages) of the assignment, there are no errors or warnings in the console.
  • There is a separate file for each component in the src/components folder.
  • The propTypes are described for all components.
  • Everything that a component expects in the form of props is delivered to it when it is called.
  • The JS code is clean and clear, using Prettier.
  • Styling is done by CSS modules or Styled Components.

Task 1 - Feedback Widget

Like most companies, Expresso Cafe collects reviews from its customers. Your task is to create an application to collect statistics. There are only three options for feedback: good, neutral, and bad.

Step 1

The app should display the number of reviews collected for each category. The app should not save review statistics between different sessions (page refresh).

The state of the application must be of the following form, no new properties must not be added.

state = {
  good: 0,
  neutral: 0,
  bad: 0

The interface might look like this.

step-1 interface example component preview

Step 2

Expand the app's functionality so that the interface displays more statistics about the collected feedback. Add a display of the total number of collected reviews from all categories and the percentage of positive reviews. To do this, create helper methods countTotalFeedback() and countPositiveFeedbackPercentage() methods that calculate these values based on state data (computable data).

step-2 interface example component preview

Step 3

Perform a refactoring of the application. The state of the application must remain in the <App> root component.

  • Put the statistics display in a separate component <Statistics good={} neutral={} bad={} total={} positivePercentage={}
  • Put the button box into a component <FeedbackOptions options={} onLeaveFeedback={}
  • Create a component <Section title=""> that renders a section with title and (children). Wrap each of the <Statistics> and <FeedbackOptions> in the created section component.

Step 4

Extend the functionality of the application so that the statistics block is rendered only after at least one feedback has been collected. The message about absence of statistics put in the component <Notification message="There is no feedback">.

step-2 interface example component preview