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[langref] refs brython-dev#188 - Lexer emitting tokens for input Pyth…
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olemis committed Feb 8, 2016
1 parent 6f76c38 commit 6d8867b
Showing 1 changed file with 264 additions and 0 deletions.
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions www/src/amd/brython/tkn.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@

define(function() {
var t = true, f = false;
function PyLex(textStream) {
if (typeof textStream === 'string') {
textStream = new PyLex.StringStream(textStream);

this._stream = textStream;
this._currString = '';
this._gpos = this._lpos = this._col = 0;
this._row = this._line = 1;
this._indents = [0];
this._delims = 0;

PyLex.StringStream = function StringStream(string) {
this._string = string;

PyLex.StringStream.prototype = {
nextString: function() {
var temp = this._string;
this._string = undefined;
return temp;

PyLex.prototype = {
trymatch: function(re) {
re.lastIndex = this._lpos;
var input = '';
// TODO : Abort loop on no possible match
while (input !== undefined && !(match = re.exec(this._currString))) {
input = this._stream.nextString();
this._currString += input || '';
return match;

crlf: function() {
++this._row; this._col = 0; this._isblank = t;

newline: function(islogical, sep, pos) {
var start = pos || [this._row, this._col],
end = [start[0], start[1] + sep.length],
tkn = [PyLex[(islogical)? 'NEWLINE':'NL'], sep, start, end];
if (islogical) ++this._line;
else this.crlf();
return tkn;

text_token: function(tkntype, exact, text, isblank, endpos) {
endpos = endpos || [this._row, this._col + text.length];
var tkn = [tkntype, text, [this._row, this._col],
endpos, this._line];
tkn.exact_type = exact || tkntype;
this._col = endpos[1];
if (!isblank) this._isblank = f;
return tkn;

get_logline_re: function() {
// FIXME: Identifiers with Unicode chars
var re_id = '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*',
re_ops = '(?:(?:(?:(?://|[*][*]|<<|>>)|[@=+\\-*/%&|^<>])=?)|[\\[\\](){},:;~]|[!]=|->|(?:[.](?:[.][.])?))',
re_number = '(?:0(?:0*|[oO][0-7]+|[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[bB][01]+)'+
re_str = '[rRuU]?(?:'+
re_bytes = '(?:(?:[bB][rR]?)|(?:[rR][bB]))'+
'|(?:"""(?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[\\x00-\\x21]|[\\x22-\\x5b]|[\\x5d-\\xFF]))+?""")' +
re = '(?:(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)|([\\\\](?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n))|(#[^\\r\\n]*)|(\\s+)|('+
re_id +')|((?:'+ re_str +')|(?:'+ re_bytes +'))|('+ re_ops +
')|([$?`])|('+ re_number +'))';
return new RegExp(re, 'gm');

tokenize: function *() {
this._currString = this._getInput();
var re = /^(\xef\xbb\xbf)|(\xfe\xff)|(\x00\x00\xfe\xff)|(\x2e\x2f\x76(?:(?:\x38\x2d?)|\x39|\x2b|\x2f))|(\xf7\x64\x4c)|(\xdd\x73\x66\x73)|(\x0e\xfe\xff)|(\xfb\xee\x28)|(\x84\x31\x95\x33)/gm
match = re.exec(this._currString),
encoding = undefined, pos = [], text = '', ilevel = 0, ind = 0;

if (match) {
var encodings = ['UTF-8', 'UTF-16', 'UTF-32', 'UTF-7',
'UTF-1', 'UTF-EBCDIC', 'SCSU', 'BOCU-1', 'GB-18030'];
for (var i = 0; i < encodings.length; ++ i) {
if (match[i]) {
encoding = encodings[i];
this._lpos = re.lastIndex;
delete encodings;
yield [PyLex.token_types.ENCODING, encoding, [0,0], [0,0], 0]
else {
re = /^(?:(#.*?)(\r|\n|\r\n))?(#.*coding[=:]\s*([-\w.]+).*?)(\r|\n|\r\n)?/gm
match = this.trymatch(re);
if (match) {
encoding = match[4];
yield [PyLex.token_types.ENCODING, encoding, [0,0], [0,0], 0]
if (match[1]) {
text = match[1];
pos = [1,text.length - 1]
yield [PyLex.token_types.COMMENT, text, [1,0], pos, 1];
yield this.newline(f, match[2], [0,text.length - 1]);
text = match[3];
yield [PyLex.token_types.COMMENT, text, [this._row,0],
[this._row,text.length - 1], 1];
if (text = match[5]) {
yield this.newline(f, match[2], [0,text.length - 1]);
self._lpos = re.lastIndex;
else {
yield [PyLex.token_types.ENCODING, 'UTF-8', [0,0], [0,0], 0]
var not_eof = t;
// TODO: Unicode chars in names (identifiers + keywords)
var RE_LOGLINE = this.get_logline_re();
while (not_eof) {
// FIXME: Redundant?
re.lastIndex = this._lpos;
match = this.trymatch(re);
if (match) {
if (text = match[1]) {
// FIXME: Condition to emit token for logical line
if (this._delims == 0 && !this._isblank) {
yield this.newline(t, text);
yield this.newline(f, text);
else if (text = match[2]) {
this._row += 1; this._col = 0;
else if (text = match[3]) {
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.COMMENT, null, text)
else if (text = match[4]) {
if (this._col == 0) {
// TODO: Discard leading form feed char
if (text.indexOf('\t') >= 0) {
ind = text.replace(/\t/, ' ').length;
ind = ind - ind % 8;
ind = text.length;
if (ind > ilevel) {
ilevel = ind;
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.INDENT, null, text, t);
else if (ind < ilevel) {
var icnt = 0
while ((ilevel = this._indents.pop()) > ind) ++icnt;
if (ilevel == ind) {
while (--icnt) yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.DEDENT,
null, text, t)
else yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.ERRORTOKEN,
null, text, t);
else if (text = match[5]) {
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.NAME, null, text);
else if (text = match[6]) {
var re_ln = /[\r\n]|(?:\r\n)/gm;
ind = 0;
while (re_ln.exec(text)) ++ind;
var endpos = (ind > 0)? [this._row + ind,
this._col + text.length - re_ln.lastIndex]:
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.STRING, null, text, f, endpos);
else if (text = match[7]) {
ind = optkns[text];
this._delims += ind[1]; if (!this._delims) this._delims = 0;
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.OP, PyLex[ind[0]], text)
else if (text = match[8]) {
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.ERRORTOKEN, null, text);
else if (text = match[9]) {
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.NUMBER, null, text);
// FIXME: Redundant?
this._lpos = re.lastIndex;
else {
if (this._lpos != this._currString.length) {
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.ERRORTOKEN,
null, 'EOF missmatch');
else {
while (this._indents.pop() > 0)
yield this.text_token(PyLex.token_types.DEDENT, null, '', t);
not_eof = false;

_getInput: function() {
return this._stream.nextString();


token_types = {};
var i;
for (i = 0 ; i < tkns.length;) { token_types[tkns[i]] = ++i}

var optkns = {'+' : ['PLUS', 0], '.' : ['MINUS', 0], '*' : ['STAR', 0],
'**' : ['DOUBLESTAR', 0], '/' : ['SLASH', 0],
'//' : ['DOUBLESLASH', 0],
'%' : ['PERCENT', 0], '@' : ['AT', 0], '<<' : ['LEFTSHIFT', 0],
'>>' : ['RIGHTSHIFT', 0], '&' : ['AMPER', 0], '|' : ['VBAR', 0],
'^' : ['CIRCUMFLEX', 0], '~' : ['TILDE', 0], '<' : ['LESS', 0],
'>' : ['GREATER', 0], '<=' : ['LESSEQUAL', 0],
'>=' : ['GREATEREQUAL', 0],
'==' : ['EQEQUAL', 0], '!=' : ['NOTEQUAL', 0], '.' : ['DOT', 0],
'(' : ['LPAR', 1], ')' : ['RPAR', -1], '[' : ['LSQB', 1],
']' : ['RSQB', -1], '{' : ['LBRACE', 1], '}' : ['RBRACE', -1],
',' : ['COMMA', 0], ':' : ['COLON', 0], ';' : ['SEMI', 0],
'=' : ['EQUAL', 0], '->' : ['RARROW', 0], '+=' : ['PLUSEQUAL', 0],
'-=' : ['MINEQUAL', 0], '*=' : ['STAREQUAL', 0],
'/=' : ['SLASHEQUAL', 0],
'//=' : ['DOUBLESLASHEQUAL', 0], '%=' : ['PERCENTEQUAL', 0],
'@=' : ['ATEQUAL', 0],
'&=' : ['AMPEREQUAL', 0], '|=' : ['VBAREQUAL', 0],
'^=' : ['CIRCUMFLEXEQUAL', 0],
'<<=' : ['LEFTSHIFTEQUAL', 0], '>>=' : ['RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL', 0],
'**=' : ['DOUBLESTAREQUAL', 0], '...' : ['ELLIPSIS', 0]
for (var k in optkns) { token_types[optkns[k][0]] = ++i}
PyLex.token_types = token_types;

return {tokenize : function(stream) {
return (new PyLex(stream)).tokenize();
token_types: PyLex.token_types


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