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Olifanton PHP utils library

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PHP port of tonweb-utils JS library


composer require olifanton/utils


Getting started

Install olifanton/utils package via Composer and include autoload script:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Olifanton\Utils\Address;
use Olifanton\Utils\Bytes;
use Olifanton\Utils\Crypto;
use Olifanton\Utils\Units;

// Now you can use Olifanton utils classes

Library classes


Address is a class that allows you to work with smart contract addresses in the TON network. Read more about Addresses in official documentation.

Address constructor
 * @param string | \Olifanton\Utils\Address $anyForm
public function __construct(string | Address $anyForm)


  • $anyForm — Address in supported form. Supported values are:
    • Friendly format (base64 encoded, URL safe or not): EQBvI0aFLnw2QbZgjMPCLRdtRHxhUyinQudg6sdiohIwg5jL;
    • Raw form: -1:fcb91a3a3816d0f7b8c2c76108b8a9bc5a6b7a55bd79f8ab101c52db29232260;
    • Other Address instance, in this case the new instance will be an immutable copy of the other address.

Depending on the passed value, the Address instance will store information about the input address flags.

If the input value is not a valid address, then \InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Address static methods
isValid(string | \Olifanton\Utils\Address $anyForm): bool

Checks if the passed value is a valid address in any form.

Address methods
toString(): string
 * @param bool|null $isUserFriendly User-friendly flag
 * @param bool|null $isUrlSafe URL safe encoded flag
 * @param bool|null $isBounceable Bounceable address flag
 * @param bool|null $isTestOnly Testnet Only flag
public function toString(?bool $isUserFriendly = null,
                         ?bool $isUrlSafe = null,
                         ?bool $isBounceable = null,
                         ?bool $isTestOnly = null): string

Returns a string representation of Address.

If all parameters are left as default, then the address will be formatted with the same flags whose value was recognized in the constructor.

getWorkchain(): int

Returns Workchain ID. Returns -1 for Masterchain and 0 for basic workchain.

getHashPart(): Uint8Array

Returns address Account ID.

isTestOnly(): bool

Returns true if the address has the isTestnetOnly flag.

isBounceable(): bool

Returns true if the address has the isBounceable flag.

isUserFriendly(): bool

Returns true if the address is user-friendly.

isUrlSafe(): bool

Returns true if the address was encoded with URL-safe characters only.


This is a helper class for working with Uint8Array. You are unlikely to use this class directly because it is designed to handle the internal representation of Cells. However, this documentation describes the methods that you may find useful.

Bytes static methods
readNBytesUIntFromArray(): int

Returns $n bytes from Uint8Array.

compareBytes(): bool

Returns true if Uint8Array's $a and $b are equal.

arraySlice(): Uint8Array

Returns an immutable fragment from the given Uint8Array.

concatBytes(): bool

Returns a new Uint8Array from the given ones.

concatBytes(): Uint8Array

Returns a new Uint8Array from the given ones.

stringToBytes(): Uint8Array

Returns a Uint8Array from a PHP byte string.


$a = \Olifanton\Utils\Bytes::stringToBytes('a');
$a[0] === 97; // True, because the ASCII code of `a` is 97 in decimal
hexStringToBytes(): Uint8Array

Returns a Uint8Array from a hexadecimal string.


$a = \Olifanton\Utils\Bytes::hexStringToBytes('0a');
$a[0] === 10; // True
bytesToHexString(): string

Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the Uint8Array.


$s = \Olifanton\Utils\Bytes::bytesToHexString(new \ajf\TypedArrays\Uint8Array([10]));
$s === '0a'; // True


Crypto methods



Units methods



composer run test
