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jfiat-eiffel committed Jun 29, 2012
2 parents 0375072 + 9adbee9 commit f898df0
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Showing 6 changed files with 232 additions and 35 deletions.
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions doc/wiki/
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,16 @@ This project is a community project
- Proposal from Paul Cohen for a EWSGI spec at

## Main contributors ##
- **jfiat**: Jocelyn Fiat (Eiffel Software |
- **jvelilla**: Hector Javier Velilla (Seibo Software Studios | http://
- **paco**: Paul Cohen (Seibo Software Studios | http://
- **daro**: Daniel Rodriguez (Seibo Software Studios | http://
- **jfiat**: Jocelyn Fiat (Eiffel Software)
- **jvelilla**: Hector Javier Velilla (Seibo Software Studios)
- **paco**: Paul Cohen (Seibo Software Studios)
- **daro**: Daniel Rodriguez (Seibo Software Studios)
- Olivier Ligot (Groupe-S)
- Paul G.Crismer (Groupe-S)
- Berend de Boer (XplainHosting)
- Colin Adams (AXA R.)
- Alexander Kogtenkov (Eiffel Software)

## You want to participate ##
- You are welcome to contribute (code, test, doc, code review, feedback, suggestion, spread the words ...)
- Feel free to subscribe to the mailing list
- Feel free to subscribe to the mailing list
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion doc/wiki/
Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ The official documentation/wiki is located at

- Mailing list: please visit and subscribe to the mailing list page [[]] ![logo](
- Most of the topics are discussed on the mailing list (google group).
- For time to time we have web meeting, and less frequently physical meetings that occurs usually during other Eiffel related events.

- See also
- You want to contribute or follow the progress/discussion, see the [[collaboration page| Community-collaboration]]
- [[list of tasks, and a potential roadmap| Tasks-Roadmap]]
- [[General source structure of this project| Source-structure]]
- EWSGI: [[Eiffel Web Server Gateway Interface| EWSGI]]
- [[Overview of the server side architecture| Spec-Server-Architecture]]
- This project is also a collection of [[Libraries]] related to the Web
- This project is also a collection of [[Libraries]] related to the Web
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions doc/wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# Server-driven content negotiation

EWF supports server-driven content content negotiation, as defined in [HTTP/1.1 Content Negotiation]( . To enable this facility:

1. Add ${EWF}/library/network/protocol/conneg/conneg.ecf to your system ECF.
1. In the class where your handlers reside, add an attribute `conneg: CONNEG_SERVER_SIDE`, and ensure it is always attached (create in the creation procedure, or make it a once, or add an attribute body). An example creation call is: `create conneg.make ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_json, "en", "UTF-8", "")`.

That call defines our defaults for media-type, language, charset and encoding, respectively. The encoding could also be written as `"identity"`. It means no compression. As an alternative, we might code `"gzip"`.

The user agent (a web browser, for example. or the curl program), can request different representations by using headers. For example, `Accept: application/json; q=0.2, application/xml` says the client would be very happy to get back an XML representation (if you omit the q for quality parameter, it defaults to 1, which is best), but (s)he will tolerate JSON. Clearly, we are going to be able to satisfy that client, as we serve JSON by default. But what if the client had requested `Accept: application/xml;q=0.8, text/html`? In this example, we are going to serve both JSON and XML representations upon request. A client who requests `Accept: text/html, text/plain` is going to be disappointed. For the other aspects (language, charset and encoding), we are not going to offer any choices. That does not mean we ignore the client's headers for these aspects. We are going to check if our representation is acceptable to the client, and if not, return a 406 Not Acceptable response (an alternative is to send our representation anyway, and let the user decide whether or not to use it).

Next, we need to declare all the representations we support:

mime_types_supported: LINKED_LIST [STRING] is
-- Media types `Current' supports
create Result.make
Result.put_front ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_xml)
Result.put_front ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_json)
mime_types_supported_not_void: Result /= Void
no_void_entry: not Result.has (Void)

charsets_supported: LINKED_LIST [STRING] is
-- Character sets `Current' supports
create Result.make
Result.put_front ("UTF-8")
charsets_supported_not_void: Result /= Void
no_void_entry: not Result.has (Void)

encodings_supported: LINKED_LIST [STRING] is
-- Encodings `Current' supports
create Result.make
Result.put_front ("identity")
Result.put_front ("") -- identity encoding
encoding_supported_not_void: Result /= Void
no_void_entry: not Result.has (Void)

languages_supported: LINKED_LIST [STRING] is
-- Languages `Current' supports
create Result.make
Result.put_front ("en")
languages_supported_not_void: Result /= Void
no_void_entry: not Result.has (Void)

Now we are in a position to do some negotiating. At the beginning of your handler(s), code:

l_is_head: BOOLEAN
l_msg: STRING
l_is_head := False -- or `True' if this is for a HEAD handler
l_media_variants:= conneg.media_type_preference (mime_types_supported, a_req.http_accept)
if not l_media_variants.is_acceptable then
send_unacceptable_media_type (a_res, l_is_head)
elseif not conneg.charset_preference (charsets_supported, a_req.http_accept_charset).is_acceptable then
send_unacceptable_charset (a_res, l_is_head)
elseif not conneg.encoding_preference (encodings_supported, a_req.http_accept_encoding).is_acceptable then
send_unacceptable_encoding (a_res, l_is_head)
elseif not conneg.language_preference (languages_supported, a_req.http_accept_language).is_acceptable then
send_unacceptable_encoding (a_res)
-- We have agreed a representation, let's go and serve it to the client

Now for those `send_unnacceptable_...` routines. They are fairly simple:

send_unacceptable_media_type (a_res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_is_head: BOOLEAN) is
-- Send error result as text/plain that the media type is unnacceptable.
a_res_not_void: a_res /= Void
status_not_set: not a_res.status_is_set
header_not_committed: not a_res.header_committed
l_error_text: STRING
l_error_text := "The requested media type(s) is/are not supported by this server."
send_unacceptable (a_res, a_is_head, l_error_text)

send_unacceptable_charset (a_res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_is_head: BOOLEAN) is
-- Send error result as text/plain that the character set is unnacceptable.
a_res_not_void: a_res /= Void
status_not_set: not a_res.status_is_set
header_not_committed: not a_res.header_committed
l_error_text: STRING
l_error_text := "The requested character set(s) is/are not supported by this server. Only UTF-8 is supported."
send_unacceptable (a_res, a_is_head, l_error_text)

send_unacceptable_encoding (a_res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_is_head: BOOLEAN) is
-- Send error result as text/plain that the encoding is unnacceptable.
a_res_not_void: a_res /= Void
status_not_set: not a_res.status_is_set
header_not_committed: not a_res.header_committed
l_error_text: STRING
l_error_text := "The requested encoding(s) is/are not supported by this server. Only identity is supported."
send_unacceptable (a_res, a_is_head, l_error_text)

send_unacceptable_language (a_res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_is_head: BOOLEAN) is
-- Send error result as text/plain that the language unnacceptable.
a_res_not_void: a_res /= Void
status_not_set: not a_res.status_is_set
header_not_committed: not a_res.header_committed
l_error_text: STRING
l_error_text := "The requested language(s) is/are not supported by this server. Only en (English) is supported."
send_unacceptable (a_res, a_is_head, l_error_text)

send_unacceptable (a_res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_is_head: BOOLEAN; a_error_text: STRING) is
-- Send a_error_text as text/plain that a header is unnacceptable.
a_res_not_void: a_res /= Void
status_not_set: not a_res.status_is_set
header_not_committed: not a_res.header_committed
a_error_text_not_void: a_error_text /= Void
create h.make
set_content_type (h, Void)
h.put_content_length (a_error_text.count)
a_res.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.not_acceptable)
a_res.put_header_text (h.string)
if not a_is_head then
a_res.put_string (a_error_text)

We'll see that `set_content_type` routine in a bit. But for now, we just have to generate the response. Let's go back to that `else ...` bit:

-- We have agreed a representation, let's go and serve it to the client
create h.make
set_content_type (h, a_media_variants)
if a_media_variants.media_type ~ {HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_xml then
l_msg := "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><my-tag>etc."
l_msg := json.value (<some-value>).representation
h.put_content_length (l_msg.count)
a_res.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.ok)
a_res.put_header_text (h.string)
if not a_is_head then
a_res.put_string (l_msg)

There's that `set_content_type` again. Finally, we will take a look at it:

set_content_type (a_h: HTTP_HEADER; a_media_variants: MEDIA_TYPE_VARIANT_RESULTS) is
-- Set the content=type header in `a_h' according to `a_media_variants'.
a_h_not_void: a_h /= Void
if a_media_variants = Void or else not a_media_variants.is_acceptable then
a_h.put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_plain)
a_h.put_content_type (a_media_variants.media_type)
a_h.put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_vary, {HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_accept)

Firstly, if we haven't agreed a media-type, then we send our (negative) response as `plain/text`. Otherwise we will send the response in the agreed media-type. But in each case we add a `Vary:Accept` header. This tells proxy caches that they have to check the media-type before returning a cached result, as there may be a different representation available. Since we do not vary our representation by language, charset or encoding, we don't add `Vary:Accept-Language,Accept-Charset,Accept-Encoding`. But if we were to negotiate different representations on those dimensions also, we would need to list the appropriate headers in the `Vary` header.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion doc/wiki/
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
- and then let Eiffel Software include it, in the official libraries

## Roadmap ##
- this should be done before 1st of October
- This task is completed.
- Future task: review the library, and improve it.
57 changes: 29 additions & 28 deletions doc/wiki/
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
## October 1st ##
* Source code , layout/handling EWR (**jfiat**)
* "Eiffel WSGI" spec (github wiki) (**paco**)
* Eiffel Web Nino (**jvelilla**)
* REST component (**jfiat**)
* Example/reference Eiffel Web Server App (**jvelilla**)
- Hello World
- Restbucks (from the book REST in Practice)
* WAMIE/apache based support for Eiffel WSGI (**daro**)
- SCOOP ...
* Some persistance solution (**daro**)
* XML, [[JSON|Task-JSON]] support (**jvelilla**)
## Future
* Focus on REST API
- Hypermedia API
- HAL, Collection/JSON ...
- ATOM, RSS, XHTML, ... ?
* Extend WSF with libraries addressing common needs
- Logging
- Caching
- Security (authentication) + OAuth (consumer+provider) + OpenID?
- Filter chain

## Maybe for October 1st ##
* Reference Client/REST-service consumer (**jfiat**)
* Mashup support, facebook, twitter, google+, ... (**jfiat**)
* Authentication support (**jfiat** ?)
- OpenID, Google Connect, Facebook Connect, OAuth, ...
- http authorization
* Start thinking about application friendly libraries
- Template engine
- State machine
- HTML5 (XHTML+JS) generation for widgets (table, suggestive box, ...)
- Google API, Twitter API, ... ?

## December ##
* Session handling
- Cookie based
- REST-based session example
* Access Control
* Application builder
- Deployment
- Persistence chooser
* Dynamic update of running system (**daro**)
* Improve documentation
- WSF documentation + tutorial
- Topic: how to contribute ?
- Example: add a "graphviz server" example, which will demonstrate an REST Hypermedia API, with logging, caching and security

## Version 0.1 june 2012 ##
* "Eiffel WSGI" spec
* Core of Eiffel Web Framework
- EWSGI connectors: CGI, libfcgi, Nino
- WSF: request, response, router
- And utility lib, error, http, encoders, ...)
* Examples
* Documentation (tutorial inside the examples folder)
* Installation scripts

## Contributors ##
- See [[the collaboration page|Community-collaboration]]

note: In bold, you see the responsible for each task, but contribution from other is possible as well.

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