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OliverVsCreeper edited this page May 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

How to use Loggers

To begin, a logger must be defined as a variable. You can't assign it to a reference yet, as it requires Bukkit methods which are not available upon class load.

Do this with the following: public static NULogger logger;

Then, use the following code in your onEnable() method to create the logger: logger = new NULogger(true); to initialize the Logger. The boolean value taken as an argument specifies your output preference - true outputs Bukkit version information, while false creates a blank logger.

To log to the file, use: Main.logger.log("NameOfLogEvent", "MessageToLog"); The getLog() method allows you to upload the log to a HasteBin file using the PasteUtils class - try it out!

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