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Destructuring is a cool new ES6 feature that gets used in React a lot.


It's a way to pull values out of arrays or objects and assign them to variables. For example:

const [first, second] = [1, 2];
console.log(first, second); // 1 2

const { name, surname } = { name: "Zooey", surname: "Miller" };
console.log(name, surname); // "Zooey" "Miller"

You can also grab nested values:

const {
  data: { name },
} = { data: { name: "Zooey" } };
console.log(name); // "Zooey"

You can even set default values that will apply when the value is undefined:

const { name = "Default" } = { surname: "Miller" };
console.log(name); // "Default"

It also works in function parameters:

function formatName({ name, surname }) {
  return `${name} ${surname}`;
const user = { name: "Zooey", surname: "Miller" };
console.log(formatName(user)); // "Zooey Miller"

This enables a cool pattern: named function parameters:

function calculateTotal({ subtotal, tax, tip }) {
  return subtotal * (1 + tax) + tip;
const total = calculateTotal({ tax: 0.2, subtotal: 100, tip: 10 });
console.log(total); // 130

See how we don't have to worry about the order we pass the parameters in? It also makes the function self-documenting and it's easier to remember what values you're passing when you call the function.

React components similarly take a single argument (the props object), so this pattern is used a lot there:

function Button({ label, onClick }) {
  return <button onClick={onClick}>{label}</button>;

Another nice trick is to combine destructuring with the rest operator (...) to pull off just the props you need. You can then use the spread operator (also ...) to copy all the other props onto another JSX element:

function TextInput({ id, label, ...whateverYouWantToCallTheRest }) {
  return (
    <label htmlFor={id}>
      <input id={id} {...whateverYouWantToCallTheRest} />

You can also rename the properties during destructuring, in case there may be conflicts with ones you already have.

import numbers from "numbers";

const addAll = ({ numbers: myNumbers }) =>
  myNumbers.reduce((acc, el) => acc + el);


  1. Clone this repo and run npm i
  2. Run npm t to start the test watcher
  3. Open index.js and edit each function/component to make the tests pass.


A quick workshop to learn basic destructuring as it's often used in React



