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Texture classification based on block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD) descriptor

Texture classification using block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD) descriptor (label: bigd_version1.0)

  • Copyright: 2020 Yuting Hu
  • Affiliation: Omni Lab for Intelligent Visual Engineering and Science (OLIVES), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), - - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Email:
  • Citation: If you use the code and data please cite the following in your work:
  • Y. Hu, Z. Wang, and G. AlRegib, “Texture classification using block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD),” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 83, 2020.
  • @article{hu2020bigd, title={Texture classification using block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD)}, author={Hu, Yuting and Wang, Zhen and AlRegib, Ghassan}, journal={Signal Processing: Image Communication}, volume={83}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} }


Our code is built on top of following references/resources:

  • dense microblock difference (DMD): the source codes of DMD was downloaded from before. Paper reference: Mehta, Rakesh, and Karen Egiazarian. "Texture classification using dense micro-block difference (DMD)." In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 643-658. Springer, Cham, 2014. The implemnetation of block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD) part is based on the revision of DMD codes.
  • VLFeat toolbox is used.
  • K-means and vector of linearly aggregated descriptors (VLAD): the source codes of the proposed algorithm can be downloaded from W.

Objective, datasets, main functions, and key parameters


Texture classification based on block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD) descriptor


KTH-TIPS, KTH-TIPS-2a, KTH-TIPS-2b, and CUReT under direcoty "data" Due to the big data size around 2GB, datasets are not included here but they can be automatically downloaded to direcoty "data" when "dmdVlad_demo.m".

Main functions

  Run bigdVlad_demo.m as the main function and we ran Matlab2014b codes on Intel Core i7-4790K 4.00GHz
  a. bigdVlad_demo: a demo for the texture classification using BIGD features
     - Initialization: dataset direcoty and parameter setting for BIGD and VLAD encoding stored in opts, dmdOpts, and opts, respectively
     - Outputs: mean average accuracy of texture classification over 10 cross validations   
  b. testDmdVlad(opts, DMDopts, FVopts):
     - Inputs: options for dataset and result diretories opts, options for BIGD feature extraction DMDopts, and optionss for VLAD encoding FVopts
     - Outputs: classification accuarcy on each cross validation
  c. trainEncoder(images, FVopts, DMDopts):
     - Inputs: texture images images, VLAD encoding options FVopts, and BIGD feature extraction options DMDopts
     - Outputs: a visual word dictionary using k-means denoted by centers
  d. computeIGradientDmd(img, dmdOpts)
     - Inputs: input image img, BIGD feature extraction options dmdOpts
     - Outpus: local BIGD descriptor denoted by features
  e. encodeVlad(centers, im, DMDopts, FVopts):
     - Inputs: a visual word dictionary centers, texture images im, BIGD feature extraction options DMDopts, and VLAD encoding options FVopts
     - Outputs: image descriptors descrs
  f. [W B] = vl_svmtrain(X, Y, LAMBDA): a linear SVM trained from the data vectors and the labels
     - Inputs: the data vectors X, the labels Y, and lambda parameter in the objective function LAMBDA
     - Outputs: a weight vector W and offset B
  g. [RECALL, PRECISION, info] = vl_pr(LABELS, SCORES): computes the precision-recall(PR) curve
     - Inputs: the ground truth labels LABELS and the scores of the samples obtained from a classifier SCORES
     - Outputs: info
     info.ap and nfo.ap_interp_11: average precision and 11-points interpolated average precision as defined by TREC

Key parameters

 - datasetList: the name of database
 - blkRadii: the radius of a local patch
 - nPoints: the number of sampling pairs in a local patch at each scale
 - gridspace: the spacing of sampled center pixels for each local patch
 - scale #: the number of scales
 - scale size: the size of block pairs with a local patch
 - numDescrs: the total number of randomly sampled local descriptors for each image
 - numKmeanscluster: the number of k-means clustering centers
 - crossValIndex: the number of cross validations
 - numTrain2 and numTest: the corresponding number of traning images and test images for each class
 - Normalization after encoding: flag marking if there is a normalization step after image encoding or not
 - meanAcc: mean classification accuracy
 - pmAcc: standard deviation of classification accuracy


Texture classification based on block intensity and gradient difference (BIGD) descriptor







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