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A stupid simple, internal, attribute-driven, pub/sub message bus for Erlang.

What! Why? You think. Well, perhaps it's just me, but as I looked for simple internal pub/sub in Erlang, and got gen_event thrown in my face, I could not help but feel a bit like the nineties called, and they want their Erlang/OTP libraries back. But kidding aside, it is somewhat rather big for something that could be so slender.

Another approach

The idea of Rebus is to make pub/sub as simple as possible. Just one message dispatching API - stupid simple: rebus:publish/1 and rebus:publish/2.

Message subscription should be equally simple, using a single simple module attribute: subscribe.

Also, pure Erlang only, it should be simple to use without any requirement to haul the whole OTP stack into the mix. Lightweight, anyone?

Does it work?

Well yes, of course. The Rebus event bus (or message bus) have to be started. Typically by a supervised main application. It is of course free to choose.

start_link(_Args) ->
  %% …other initialization stuff

Now any spawned processes from modules that are annotated will be added as subscribers to the Rebus service.

-subscribe([dogs, cats]).

Subscription is easy, any atom() can be subscribed to as a topic. All subscribers are also notified on the global empty topic.

A module can also define a subscription to the empty list ([]) - meaning that it will only receive the globally published messages. In our example, the following clauses are valid and would be received by the module above:

  {cats, Msg} ->
    %% …handle messages on the `cats` topic

  {dogs, Msg} ->
    %% …handle messages on the `dogs` topic

  _Other ->
    %% …handle other messages, for example globally published ones

Rebus can of course also be used in a real Erlang/OTP application. The published messages will then simply arrive at the handle_info function.

handle_info({cats, Msg}, State) ->
  %% …do something
  {no reply, State};

handle_info({dogs, Msg}, State) ->
  %% …do something
  {no reply, State}.

Message publishing is very easy. Any process of any module can simply use the public API, as long as the service is running, to publish messages on any topics.

add_dog(Dog) ->
  %% ..does something
  rebus:publish(dogs, {added, Dog}),
  rebus:publish({animal, added}).

add_cat(Cat) ->
  %% …does something
  rebus:publish(cats, {added, Cat}),
  rebus:publish({animal, added}).

Is it all butterflies and jellybeans?

Well, no. Rebus is still very very alpha, and in no way production ready, but I hope that it is a good enough proof-of-concept. Hopefully it may draw some interest gather a little momentum for further development.

This means you can help. Just fork the git repository and hack away. I'll be glad to merge any changes and solutions that keep to the original idea of building a stupid simple internal pub/sub solution for Erlang.

Getting started!

This project is now using rebar as build and test-tool. There are even some EUnit tests. Please, go ahead.

rebar clean compile eunit

Good luck!