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"Evaluating Strategies to Improve HIV Care Outcomes in Kenya"

C++ Model Repository

This repository provides the source code for the mathematical model described in the manuscript:

Source Code

The directory ./src/ includes the code required for creating the model. The mathematical model is implemented in C++, but the compiled C++ code is not designed to be run natively. Simulations are run by calling the C++ code through the statistical language R. The relevant scripts for calling the model and running simulations are found in the directory ./scripts/.

'CareCascade' R Package

An R package entitled CareCascade has recently been released to aid compilation of the model. Follow the instructions below to install the package:

# Install devtools from CRAN

# Install the 'CareCascade' package from github

# Load the package

# Run the model
     s_pop = 1000,
     s_Hbct = 0,
     s_Vct = 0,
     s_HbctPocCd4 = 0,
     s_Linkage = 0,
     s_VctPocCd4 = 0,
     s_PreOutreach = 0,
     s_ImprovedCare = 0,
     s_PocCd4 = 0,
     s_ArtOutreach = 0,
     s_Adherence = 0,
     s_ImmediateArt = 0,
     s_UniversalTestAndTreat = 0,
     s_Calibration = 0)
Compiling the Model

Alternatively, the source code in this repository can be compiled locally. To compile the model and access it through R has some platform specific requirements:

  • For Unix / Mac OS X Users, ensure that that latest version of R is installed (v3.2.3 "Wooden Christmas-Tree" is the latest version, as of 10/12/2015), then follow the instructions below.

  • For Windows Users, ensure that the latest version of R is installed, and also Rtools, then follow the instructions below.

Compiling the model to create an R shared object file can be done by using the following command in the ./src/ directory (note Windows uses replace .so with .dll:

R CMD SHLIB -o *.cpp

Alternatively, the ./makefile can be called by running the command make, this performs the same proccess as above and creates a ./ shared object or ./main.dll (Windows). This is then loaded by the ./scripts/run.R, which defines wrapper R functions to call the model.

Running the Model

Simulations were run on computing resources maintained by the MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling, Imperial College London. Multiple simulations were deployed simultaneously through use of a Python script. The file ./scripts/, contains an editable version of the Python control script which is controlled by calling sh ./scripts/ or running ./scripts/control.bat (Windows). The script needs setting up by filling in the appropriate parent directory paths and specifying the path to a relevant cluster. Once complete, the will handle directory creation, Rscript creation, job submission and subsequent analyses for all interventions. These simulations were still computationally intensive: utilising 73 compute-hours and >5GB of memory on a 20-core cluster node.

Running simulations by scaling the population down further will reduce compute-time, but will increase stochastic error in the results. (For a test case, suggest a popSize of 1000 be specified in ./scripts/Run.R, this will allow a single simulation to run in <2 minutes and produce a baseline set of results.)

For a test case, It is suggested that ./scripts/Run.R is used on a local machine running R. This will allow a single simulation to be run to <2 minutes and produce a baseline set of results (caution: there will be a large degree of stochastic error in this quick simulation).


The directory ./figures/ contains the R script figures.R for running model analyses and creating figures reported in the manuscript. Analyses in the manuscript rely on a scaled population size of 1/10th and 10 repeat simulations. Additionally, the multivariate analysis must be complete to generate figure 3 and figure 4; this can be accomplished by running the multivariate Python control script ./scripts/

For questions please contact Jack Olney:

Created: 10th December, 2015