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react-native-photos-framework 1.0

Past due by about 7 years 100% complete

I'm reaching more or less feature-completion of this library.
I've worked fast to get as much as the API as possible in place quickly and I apologize for some unstable releases in the past. This is however about to change.
After 1.0 I will move this library into a much more conservative maintenance and slow progression pace.

The goal with this library is …

I'm reaching more or less feature-completion of this library.
I've worked fast to get as much as the API as possible in place quickly and I apologize for some unstable releases in the past. This is however about to change.
After 1.0 I will move this library into a much more conservative maintenance and slow progression pace.

The goal with this library is to be as comprehensive and feature complete as possible in regards to Apple's Photos Framework and we are almost there.

Before 1.0 I want to stabilize the API and do some testing of existing features. I have sat up a Travis CI and I hope I can get some more tests in place.
I also want to release the implementation of RCTURLRequestHandler. It will then be possible to send assets to a server only using JS.

I hope to get this done and to release 1.0 at the end of this month.
For anyone reading this and using the library: I'm happy for all support I can get in PR's and testing until this.


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