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problem building kobowriter #18

cittadhammo opened this issue Jan 18, 2024 · 3 comments

problem building kobowriter #18

cittadhammo opened this issue Jan 18, 2024 · 3 comments


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Dear @olup,

I finally put my hand on a machine where I was able to install Linux.

I have successfully built the KOReader Cross Compile ToolChains , by running the file, which took more than 2 hours:

[INFO ]  Build completed at 20240118.201720
[INFO ]  (elapsed: 131:19.72)
[INFO ]  Finishing installation (may take a few seconds)...
[131:21] / 
[INFO ]  =================================================================
[INFO ]  Build done. Please add /home/user/x-tools/arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf/bin to your PATH.
[INFO ]  =================================================================
~/Downloads/kobowriter-main/build ~/Downloads/kobowriter-main
[INFO ]  =================================================================
[INFO ]  The script can do that (and more) for you:
[INFO ]  * If you need a persistent custom sysroot (e.g., if you intend to build a full dependency chain)
[INFO ]    > source /home/user/Downloads/kobowriter-main/refs/ kobo env
[INFO ]  * If you just need a compiler:
[INFO ]    > source /home/user/Downloads/kobowriter-main/refs/ kobo env bare

I have run the:

source /home/user/Downloads/kobowriter-main/refs/ kobo env bare
* Setting environment up . . .

* Environment has been set up for the KOBO TC, enjoy :)
* Not using our custom sysroot! :)

to set up the environment.

After installing golang-go via apt, when I run the make file, I have the following error:

CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux CC=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CXX=arm-kobo-linux-gnueabihf-g++ go build -o ./build/kobowriter
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210528193429-a54d7834cc1a
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200907212545-49d423059eef
go: downloading v1.3.0
go: downloading v1.20.2
go: downloading v2.0.0
go: downloading v1.5.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200617195104-da1b6568686e
go: downloading v0.0.0-20170609003504-e2365dfdc4a0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210628002857-a66eb6448b8d
screener/screen.go:90:9: too many arguments in call to fb.ClearScreen
	have (*gofbink.FBInkConfig, *gofbink.FBInkRect)
	want (*gofbink.FBInkConfig)
screener/screen.go:125:25: not enough arguments in call to fb.Refresh
	have (number, number, number, number, *gofbink.FBInkConfig)
	want (uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, gofbink.HWDither, *gofbink.FBInkConfig)
screener/screen.go:161:43: too many arguments in call to s.fb.ClearScreen
	have (*gofbink.FBInkConfig, *gofbink.FBInkRect)
	want (*gofbink.FBInkConfig)
screener/screen.go:166:59: too many arguments in call to s.fb.ClearScreen
	have (*gofbink.FBInkConfig, *gofbink.FBInkRect)
	want (*gofbink.FBInkConfig)
make: *** [Makefile:3: build] Error 2

I can try to correct these small errors in the code, but I am wondering if I am not doing something else wrong.

Thank you.

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yes ! it works !!!

I fixed the screen.go file with the help of and getting rid of the 4 errors. The replacement screener/screen.go file is :

package screener

import (


type Screen struct {
	originalMatrix matrix.Matrix
	presentMatrix  matrix.Matrix
	fb             *gofbink.FBInk
	state          gofbink.FBInkState
	Width          int
	Height         int
	fontType       string
	ttSize         int

var dc = gg.NewContext(25, 40)
var charCache = map[string][]byte{}

func InitScreen() (s *Screen) {
	s = &Screen{}
	s.fontType = "bitmap"

	s.state = gofbink.FBInkState{}

	fbinkOpts := gofbink.FBInkConfig{}
	rOpts := gofbink.RestrictedConfig{
		Fontmult: 3,
		Fontname: gofbink.Ctrld,
	s.fb = gofbink.New(&fbinkOpts, &rOpts)

	s.fb.AddOTfont("/mnt/onboard/.adds/kobowriter/inc.ttf", gofbink.FntRegular)

	s.fb.GetState(&fbinkOpts, &s.state)

	// clear screen on initialisation

	if s.fontType == "truetype" {
		dc.LoadFontFace("inc.ttf", 96)
		s.ttSize = 40
		s.Width = int(s.state.ScreenWidth) / ((s.ttSize / 5) * 3)
		s.Height = int(s.state.ScreenHeight) / s.ttSize
	} else {
		s.Width = int(s.state.MaxCols)
		s.Height = int(s.state.MaxRows)

	s.presentMatrix = matrix.CreateNewMatrix(s.Width, s.Height)
	s.originalMatrix = matrix.CreateNewMatrix(s.Width, s.Height)

	println("Screen struct inited")



func (s *Screen) Clean() {

func (s *Screen) Print(matrix matrix.Matrix) {
	printDiff(s.presentMatrix, matrix, s.fb, s.fontType, s.ttSize)
	s.presentMatrix = matrix

func same(a matrix.MatrixElement, b matrix.MatrixElement) bool {
	return a.Content == b.Content && a.IsInverted == b.IsInverted

func printDiff(previous matrix.Matrix, next matrix.Matrix, fb *gofbink.FBInk, fontType string, ttSize int) {
	for i := range previous {
		for j := range previous[i] {
			if !same(previous[i][j], next[i][j]) {
				if fontType == "truetype" {
					ttWidth := ((ttSize / 5) * 3)
						IsInverted: next[i][j].IsInverted,
						NoRefresh:  true,

					fb.PrintOT(string(next[i][j].Content), &gofbink.FBInkOTConfig{
						Margins: struct {
							Top    int16
							Bottom int16
							Left   int16
							Right  int16
							Top:  int16(i * ttSize),
							Left: int16(j * ttWidth),
						SizePx:      uint16(ttSize),
						IsFormatted: false,
					}, &gofbink.FBInkConfig{IsInverted: next[i][j].IsInverted, NoRefresh: true})

				} else {
					fb.FBprint(string(next[i][j].Content), &gofbink.FBInkConfig{
						Row:        int16(i),
						Col:        int16(j),
						NoRefresh:  true,
						IsInverted: next[i][j].IsInverted,



	fb.Refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, gofbink.DitherFloydSteingberg ,&gofbink.FBInkConfig{})

func (s *Screen) PrintPng(imgBytes []byte, w int, h int, x int, y int) {
	img, _, _ := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(imgBytes))
	buffer, _ := getPixelsFromImage(img)
	s.fb.PrintRawData(buffer, w, h, uint16(x), uint16(y), &gofbink.FBInkConfig{})

func getCharImage(s string) []byte {
	if char, ok := charCache[s]; ok {
		return char
	} else {
		dc.SetRGB(1, 1, 1)

		dc.SetRGB(0, 0, 0)
		dc.DrawString(s, 0, 35)
		img := dc.Image()
		buffer, _ := getPixelsFromImage(img)
		charCache[s] = buffer
		return buffer

func (s *Screen) PrintAlert(message string, width int) {
	thisMatrix := matrix.CreateMatrixFromText(message, width)
	x := math.Floor((float64(s.state.MaxCols)/2)-float64(width)/2) - 1
	y := math.Floor((float64(s.state.MaxRows)/2)-float64(len(thisMatrix))/2) - 1
	outerMatrix := matrix.CreateNewMatrix(width+2, len(thisMatrix)+2)
	thisMatrix = matrix.PasteMatrix(outerMatrix, thisMatrix, 1, 1)
	thisMatrix = matrix.InverseMatrix(thisMatrix)
	s.Print(matrix.PasteMatrix(s.originalMatrix, thisMatrix, int(x), int(y)))

func (s *Screen) Clear() {
	s.presentMatrix = matrix.FillMatrix(s.presentMatrix, ' ')

func (s *Screen) ClearFlash() {
	s.fb.ClearScreen(&gofbink.FBInkConfig{IsFlashing: true})
	s.presentMatrix = matrix.FillMatrix(s.presentMatrix, ' ')

func (s *Screen) RefreshFlash() {
	presenMatrix := s.presentMatrix

func (s *Screen) GetOriginalMatrix() matrix.Matrix {
	return matrix.CopyMatrix(s.originalMatrix)

and then the kobowriter file gets created in the build folder and you just need to replace it with the one in .adds/kobowriter/ ;-)

I need to tweek my keyboard key layout, but it is good to have a qwerty !


  • For those interested. You can access your files via computer from XCsoar directly, go to system -> export to USB and plug it to your computer.
  • I am still looking how to add Koreader to the tools menu (so that I don't have to log into Nickel to go to Koreader, I never use Nickel, but use Koreader all the time)
  • The screen on my kobo touch 2.0 is vertical. It would be nice to have the rotation at 90 deg and with a smaller font as well. I will see if I can do that in the future.

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my final CSA keybinding layout for reference (most comments made by AI are not accurate) :


package event

var KeyCode = map[int]string{
	1: "KEY_ESC",

	2:  "1", // CSA: "&" is replaced with "1"
	3:  "2", // CSA: "é" is replaced with "2"
	4:  "3", // CSA: "\"" is replaced with "3"
	5:  "4", // CSA: "'" is replaced with "4"
	6:  "5", // CSA: "(" is replaced with "5"
	7:  "6", // CSA: "-" is replaced with "6"
	8:  "7", // CSA: "è" is replaced with "7"
	9:  "8", // CSA: "_" is replaced with "8"
	10: "9", // CSA: "ç" is replaced with "9"
	11: "0", // CSA: "à" is replaced with "0"
	12: "-", // CSA: ")" is replaced with "-"
	13: "=", // CSA: "=" stays "="

	15: "KEY_TAB",

	16: "q", // CSA: "a" is replaced with "q"
	17: "w", // CSA: "z" is replaced with "w"
	18: "e", // CSA: "e" stays "e"
	19: "r", // CSA: "r" stays "r"
	20: "t", // CSA: "t" stays "t"
	21: "y", // CSA: "y" stays "y"
	22: "u", // CSA: "u" stays "u"
	23: "i", // CSA: "i" stays "i"
	24: "o", // CSA: "o" stays "o"
	25: "p", // CSA: "p" stays "p"
	26: "^", // CSA: "^" is replaced with "["
	27: "ç", // CSA: "$" is replaced with "]"
	28: "KEY_ENTER",
	29: "KEY_L_CTRL",

	30: "a", // CSA: "q" is replaced with "a"
	31: "s", // CSA: "s" stays "s"
	32: "d", // CSA: "d" stays "d"
	33: "f", // CSA: "f" stays "f"
	34: "g", // CSA: "g" stays "g"
	35: "h", // CSA: "h" stays "h"
	36: "j", // CSA: "j" stays "j"
	37: "k", // CSA: "k" stays "k"
	38: "l", // CSA: "l" stays "l"
	39: ";", // CSA: "m" is replaced with ";"
	40: "è", // CSA: "ù" is replaced with "'"
	41: "ù", // CSA: "*" is replaced with "`" // seems to be dead on hp keyboard
	// 41 seems to be reverse with 43 on my hp keyboard

	42: "KEY_L_SHIFT",
	43: "à", // CSA: "<" is replaced with "\"
	44: "z", // CSA: "w" is replaced with "z"
	45: "x", // CSA: "x" stays "x"
	46: "c", // CSA: "c" stays "c"
	47: "v", // CSA: "v" stays "v"
	48: "b", // CSA: "b" stays "b"
	49: "n", // CSA: "n" stays "n"
	50: "m", // CSA: "," stays ","
	51: ",", // CSA: ";" is replaced with "."
	52: ".", // CSA: ":" is replaced with "/"
	53: "é", // CSA: "!" is replaced with "KEY_R_SHIFT"

	56: "KEY_L_ALT",

	57: "KEY_SPACE",
	59: "KEY_F1",
	60: "KEY_F2",
	61: "KEY_F3",
	62: "KEY_F4",
	63: "KEY_F5",
	64: "KEY_F6",
	65: "KEY_F7",
	66: "KEY_F8",
	67: "KEY_F9",
	68: "KEY_F10",

	87: "KEY_F11",
	88: "KEY_F12",

	100: "KEY_ALT_GR",

	103: "KEY_UP",
	105: "KEY_LEFT",
	106: "KEY_RIGHT",
	108: "KEY_DOWN",

	111: "KEY_DEL",

	183: "KEY_F13",
	184: "KEY_F14",
	185: "KEY_F15",
	186: "KEY_F16",
	187: "KEY_F17",
	188: "KEY_F18",
	189: "KEY_F19",
	190: "KEY_F20",
	191: "KEY_F21",
	192: "KEY_F22",
	193: "KEY_F23",
	194: "KEY_F24",

var KeyCodeMaj = map[int]string{
	2:  "!",
	3:  "\"",
	4:  "#",
	5:  "$",
	6:  "%",
	7:  "?",
	8:  "&",
	9:  "*",
	10: "(",
	11: ")",
	12: "_",
	13: "+",

	16: "Q",
	17: "W",
	18: "E",
	19: "R",
	20: "T",
	21: "Y",
	22: "U",
	23: "I",
	24: "O",
	25: "P",
	26: "^",
	27: "Ç",

	30: "A",
	31: "S",
	32: "D",
	33: "F",
	34: "G",
	35: "H",
	36: "J",
	37: "K",
	38: "L",
	39: ":",
	40: "È",
	41: "Ù",

	43: "À",
	44: "Z",
	45: "X",
	46: "C",
	47: "V",
	48: "B",
	49: "N",
	50: "M",
	51: "'",
	52: ".",
	53: "É",

var KeyCodeAlt = map[int]string{
	1:  "\\",
	2:  "¹",
	3:  "@",
	4:  "³",
	5:  "¼",
	6:  "½",
	7:  "¾",
	8:  "{",
	9:  "[",
	10: "]",
	11: "}",
	12: "|",
	13: "¸",

	16: "q",
	17: "w",
	18: "e",
	19: "¶",
	20: "t",
	21: "¥",
	22: "u",
	23: "i",
	24: "ø",
	25: "þ",
	26: "°",
	27: "",
	30: "æ", // CSA: "q" is replaced with "a"
	31: "ß", // CSA: "s" stays "s"
	32: "ð", // CSA: "d" stays "d"
	33: "ª", // CSA: "f" stays "f"
	34: "g", // CSA: "g" stays "g"
	35: "h", // CSA: "h" stays "h"
	36: "j", // CSA: "j" stays "j"
	37: "k", // CSA: "k" stays "k"
	38: "l", // CSA: "l" stays "l"
	39: "´", // CSA: "m" is replaced with ";"
	40: "{", // CSA: "ù" is replaced with "'"
	41: "¬", // CSA: "*" is replaced with "`"

	43: "`", // CSA: "<" is replaced with "\"
	44: "«", // CSA: "w" is replaced with "z"
	45: "»", // CSA: "x" stays "x"
	46: "¢", // CSA: "c" stays "c"
	47: "v", // CSA: "v" stays "v"
	48: "b", // CSA: "b" stays "b"
	49: "n", // CSA: "n" stays "n"
	50: "µ", // CSA: "," stays ","
	51: "<", // CSA: ";" is replaced with "."
	52: ">", // CSA: ":" is replaced with "/"
	53: "//", // CSA: "!" is replaced with "KEY_R_SHIFT"


var KeyCodeAltGr = map[int]string{
	1:  "\\",
	2:  "¹",
	3:  "@",
	4:  "³",
	5:  "¼",
	6:  "½",
	7:  "¾",
	8:  "{",
	9:  "[",
	10: "]",
	11: "}",
	12: "|",
	13: "¸",

	16: "q",
	17: "w",
	18: "e",
	19: "¶",
	20: "t",
	21: "¥",
	22: "u",
	23: "i",
	24: "ø",
	25: "þ",
	26: "°",
	27: "",
	30: "æ", // CSA: "q" is replaced with "a"
	31: "ß", // CSA: "s" stays "s"
	32: "ð", // CSA: "d" stays "d"
	33: "ª", // CSA: "f" stays "f"
	34: "g", // CSA: "g" stays "g"
	35: "h", // CSA: "h" stays "h"
	36: "j", // CSA: "j" stays "j"
	37: "k", // CSA: "k" stays "k"
	38: "l", // CSA: "l" stays "l"
	39: "´", // CSA: "m" is replaced with ";"
	40: "{", // CSA: "ù" is replaced with "'"
	41: "¬", // CSA: "*" is replaced with "`"

	43: "`", // CSA: "<" is replaced with "\"
	44: "«", // CSA: "w" is replaced with "z"
	45: "»", // CSA: "x" stays "x"
	46: "¢", // CSA: "c" stays "c"
	47: "v", // CSA: "v" stays "v"
	48: "b", // CSA: "b" stays "b"
	49: "n", // CSA: "n" stays "n"
	50: "µ", // CSA: "," stays ","
	51: "<", // CSA: ";" is replaced with "."
	52: ">", // CSA: ":" is replaced with "/"
	53: "//", // CSA: "!" is replaced with "KEY_R_SHIFT"


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I was able to built within codespace nicely with the TC prebuilt, see for more detail. No need to have a linux machine, any browser will do it.

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