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PyPI - Version Python - version Tests

ReqFlow is a Python library designed for efficient and intuitive API testing. ReqFlow offers a fluent and flexible interface for crafting and validating HTTP requests, making API testing both straightforward and adaptable. While it make sense to use standard approaches for a Python API testing, ReqFlow reduces the entry barrier for beginners and allows for more advanced use cases with RestAssured-like approach.


  • Fluent API for building and sending HTTP requests.
  • Supports response handling and validations.
  • Customizable response validation using PyDantic models.
  • Convenient utility methods for common assertions and response manipulations.

The tool is still in development, braking changes are possible. Any feedback and contributions are highly appreciated.


Install ReqFlow using pip:

pip install reqflow 

Quick Start

from reqflow import given, Client
from pydantic import BaseModel

# Define a Pydantic model for response validation
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    name: str
    value: int

# Initialize the client
client = Client(base_url="")

# Use ReqFlow's fluent API
response = (given(client)
            .header("Authorization", "Bearer TOKEN_VALUE")
            .query_param("param", "value")
            .when("GET", "/your_endpoint")



Detailed documentation can be found at