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# BDSA Lab
# Homework 01 - PasswordCracker using Multithread

This directory contains the files that you will use to build and run
the PasswordCrackerInMultiThread. 

The purpose of the Homework01 (PasswordCrackerMultiThread) is to give students 
experience in dealing with Parallel Programming in Java.

1. Overview

In this assignment, you will implement PasswordCracker, a multi-threaded program that computes an original string (or password)
from the hash of the string (or encrypted password). The program does it by trying all possible combinations of strings and test
if the string is equivalent to the given hash value. 

An original string, or password, is defined to be a sequence of numbers (0-9) or lower characters (a-z) of a constant length (by default 6, but can be other values). 
For example, these are valid password: abcd01, 1294ab, 2j9sv9, 2nowbv, 123456
These are not valid ones: a@1651, abcd (if the password length is 6).

We assume that MD5 hash[1] is used for the encryption, although in practice MD5 is rarely used for password encryption for security issues.
Here are some strings and their MD5 hashes.

| Password |  MD5 Hash                            |
| "abcd01" |  "9fba06c18aa85fd4d0f41b15718d0e11"  |
| "1294ab" |  "c4b9942f2886cd34fce932f279000ef3"  |
| "2j9sv9" |  "331898db0886377b5e89fc2eaab40b00"  |
| "2nowbv" |  "f92f8fa7fd6a5fa45d53227ffec0d6ac"  |

The program runs in a command line; a user runs the program passing an encrypted password as a parameter, such as 
./PasswordCracker 9fba06c18aa85fd4d0f41b15718d0e11
Then the program computes the original password and prints it on the screen; for the previous example, it prints 
abcd01, because its MD5 hash is 9fba06c18aa85fd4d0f41b15718d0e11

Because computing original password from its hash requires extensive computation, 
"PasswordCracker" runs in parallel on multiple cores to compute the password.

[1] MD5 Hash -- 

2. Template Code

We provide template code to help students with the implementation.
The provided code runs in the following way:

1) PasswordCracker starts N number of threads, where N is a constant value in the program.
2) It divides the computation into N equal size of tasks and assigns one task to a thread.
   A task have a portion of the solution space[2] (or a set of possible password).
3) Each thread enumerates over the password strings in its assigned task and check if the string has the same MD5 hash as the given one.

In the template code, a password string can be represented in a long-type variable or int-type array (each character can be represented in int-type)
For example, These are each character represented by int-type : 0 (0) , 1 (1), 2 (2) ... a (10), b (11), c (12), ... x (33), y (34), z (35) 

Imagine that each possible character (numbers and lower-case alphabets) is a single digit number in base-36 number system since we have 36 possible characters.
Then the entire password strings are 6 digit (by default 6, but can be other values) numbers in base-36 number system; then this number can be expressed as a long-type (decimal) value.

Here are some example passwords and their corresponding numbers in base-36 system

| Password  |  Password represented by base-36    |  Password represented by base-10  |
|  abcd01   |        {10 11 12 13 0 1}            |             623714257             |
|  1294ab   |        {1 2 9 4 10 11}              |              64250867             |
|  00000b   |        {0 0 0 0 0 11}               |                 11                |
|  000a1b   |        {0 0 0 10 1 11}              |                13007              |

See the function transformIntoStr() in

For example, if you want to convert a number-represented password to their string representation, you can code as following:

    long passwdBase10 = 13007;
    int[] passwdBase36 = new int[pwdStrLength];

    transformDecToBase36(pwdBase10, pwdBase36);     // convert pwdBase10 (long) to pawdBase36 (int array)
    String password = transfromIntoStr(pwdBase36);

    for (int num : pwdBase36) {
        System.out.print(num + " ");

The output for the above code is as following:
   0 0 0 10 1 11 

Hence if the given range of password value (the number-represented by base-10)  is from 0 to 10 then
the assigned thread need to test the following candidate strings: 

000000, 000001, 000002, 000003, 000004 000005, 000006, 000007, 000008, 000009, 00000A

3. Given Files
The following files are in PasswordCrackerMultiThread/src directory:      - Source code for PasswordCracker's constant value        - Source code for main routine and ealry termination        - Source code for task 

4. What you need to implement

In the template code, you will find comments with COMPLETE (all in capital).
You are required to implement the necessary code in those locations.

Here we list all the functions you need to implement:

 1) PasswordCrackerMain class (in
  - 'for' statement area in main() 

 2) PasswordFuture class (in
  - set(String result).
  - get().
  - isDone().

 3) PasswordCrackerTask class (in
  - run().
  - transformDecToBase36(long numInDec, int[] numArrayInBase36).
  - findPasswordInRange(long rangeBegin, long rangeEnd, String encryptedPassword).
  - getNextCandidate(int[] candidateChars).

You also need to write a report for this assignment as well as implement code. Read Section 8

5. Building the PasswordCrackerMultiThread

Step 1: install apache-ant.

refer to site :

window :
linux :
mac :

Check ant version after installation.

commain line> ant -v

apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on July 8 2015
Trying the default build file: build.xml
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

Step 2: Enter 'ant' in PasswordCrackerMultiThread directory

~/PasswordCrackerMultiThread> ant

After doing steps, you can see the PasswordCrackerMain.jar in "{jar.dir}" that you set the configure in build.xml

6. Usage Examples
command line> java -jar PasswordCrackerMain.jar [numThreads] [passwordLength] [isEarlyTermination] [encryptedPassword]

output form :

encrypted Password
original Password

command line> java -jar PasswordCrackerMain.jar 4 6 true c4b9942f2886cd34fce932f279000ef3
output is


command line> java -jar PasswordCrackerMain 2 6 true f92f8fa7fd6a5fa45d53227ffec0d6ac
output is


7. Requirements 

- You need to fill in blanks in the template code.
  (you can see the 'COMPLETE' which marks the space that you must write the code in) 

- The program must be implemented in multi-threaded. The number of threads is same as the number of cores in the machine. 

- The program must support early termination.
  ex) if one thread discovers the password, then all the threads immediately stop the computation. 

- You must avoid poor naming and code design.

- You must follow this output form :

ex) refer to Section 6. Usage Examples

encrypted password
original password

- You must submit the files and report (.pdf) 

- You must follow file(.tar.gz) and report (.pdf) this form: 

assign#_studentNumber.tar, assign#_studentNumber.pdf

and submit the two files (assign#_studentNumber.tar.gz, assign#_studentNumber.pdf)

ex) Floder : PasswordCrackerMultiThread , Compression fileName : 1_201600000.tar.gz

- You must use 'ant' because I will do the check for ant.

8. Report

You must submit the report for this assignment as well as your source code.
The report must be in PDF format and include the following:

0. You must experiment in multi-core machine with more than four cores.
1. Fix the length of password be 6. Then run the program with different number of threads (from 1 to as many as the number of cores in your machine)
   and plot the execution times in a graph. For this experiment, you need to turn off the early-termination.
   Use the following command to measure the execution time:
  ex) time java -jar PasswordCracker [thread-num] 6 false [encrypted-password]

   Does the execution time decrease linearly? Why or why not? Discuss it.

2. Repeat above experiment with the following password length: 2 and 4.

   How does the execution time decrease compared to the above case? Discuss it.

9. Submission
You must submit the report (file format : pdf) 

- Test PasswordCracker while increasing the thread ( 1, 2, 4 ..) and measure the execution time using unix time command

- write the execution time (real time) 

- Does the execution time increase linearly as the core grows? if not, Explain why the execution time does not increase linearly.

( NOTE : In this experiment, turn off the early termination function. )

10. Grade

Report 20% (tentative)
Code implementation and correct execution 80% (tentative)

If you have any questions, Please send an email to


MD5 hash simple cracker






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