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CLI overview

omallassi edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 4 revisions

Run the CLI

Under Construction...

Managing Tiers

Some commands:

[omallassi@sup-sachs apis-catalog]$./target/debug/catalog tiers create --name "API Gateway"
[omallassi@sup-sachs apis-catalog]$./target/debug/catalog tiers create --name "Application Layer"
[omallassi@sup-sachs apis-catalog]$./target/debug/catalog tiers create --name "Business Layer"

[omallassi@sup-sachs apis-catalog]$./target/debug/catalog tiers list
 Id                                   | Name 
 cbd81ed2-09e0-424b-a0d8-6e7bf939d50f | Business Layer 
 542cb0ce-8c89-431a-b6cb-0b18c6c439e2 | Application Layer 
 79a0effb-a755-466b-a4d5-da87159b2149 | API Gateway 

Managing Domains

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog domains create --name /domain1
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog domains create --name /domain2 --description "This domain owns........ all you have ever dreamed about. Do not think a lot. this is just the place to be...."
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog domains create --name /domain3
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog domains create --name /domain2/subdomain2.1/subdomain2.2 --description "This is a smaller part of your dreamed domain. smaller, but still enjoyable"
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog domains list

Id                                   | Domain Name 
 f503f8e3-0e35-4e75-b9dd-3d8a549b85f3 | /domain2/subdomain2.1/subdomain2.2 
 0f9c652c-291b-4b4b-840e-d5b32627db60 | /domain3 
 d2046e28-cee3-413b-ac81-d4405d0e375e | /domain2 
 c6cceac2-0905-4fe8-9b06-b8f45c373c90 | /domain1 

Managing Env

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog env create --name --description "APAC preprod env for my solutions"
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog env create --name --description "APAC env for my solutions"
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog env list

Id                                   | Env Name                  | Description 
 f7346d04-44f6-417e-84ba-bc623086d9fd |          | APAC env for my solutions 
 06cf9312-11e2-4d49-818f-332827e5a24a | | APAC preprod env for my solutions 

Managing APIs

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog apis create --name my_api_1 --spec-ids 12 --domain-id c6cceac2-0905-4fe8-9b06-b8f45c373c90
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog apis create --name my_api_2 --spec-ids 12 --domain-id c6cceac2-0905-4fe8-9b06-b8f45c373c90
RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog apis list

Id                                   | Name     | Tier | Domain                               | Domain   | Specs 
 afebabf3-a55c-4915-8ff9-663ef98f260e | my_api_2 | N/A  | c6cceac2-0905-4fe8-9b06-b8f45c373c90 | /domain1 | [] 
 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4 | my_api_1 | N/A  | c6cceac2-0905-4fe8-9b06-b8f45c373c90 | /domain1 | [] 

An API can be associated to a tier or have a status

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog apis tier --api 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4 --tier 542cb0ce-8c89-431a-b6cb-0b18c6c439e2

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog apis status --api 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4 --value validated

Managing Deployments

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog deployments create --api 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4 --env 06cf9312-11e2-4d49-818f-332827e5a24a

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog deployments list

Apis                                 | Env 
 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4 | 06cf9312-11e2-4d49-818f-332827e5a24a 

To list all deployments of a given API

RUST_LOG=debug ./target/debug/catalog deployments list --api 47588986-8102-49d6-ab1b-ee96a5b964a4