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Releases: omar-azmi/tsignal_ts

v0.3.2 - add DOM reactivity for html

05 Mar 21:35
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added a custom jsx-runtime to create reactive HTMLElements and Attributes on the fly.
also added a few JSX examples (in the /examples/*/ folder) for creating reactive web pages.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.2

v0.2.2 - changed a `1` to a `0` to make the library function again

19 Feb 16:54
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LazySignal did not work lazily because of a silly typo, where I was supposed to set this.dirty = 0 after updating/recomputing the signal's value, but instead had it set to this.dirty = 1.
Imagine my disappointment.

Zettai Kanashii Hanashii...
mou inochi wa kankei nai.

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2

v0.2.1 - the update that was supposed to be v0.1.1

17 Feb 22:54
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but as we all know:
one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one
** sad violin **

What's Changed

  • merge: topologically ordered update cycle by @omar-azmi in #5
  • fix: update cycle is not topologically ordered #4

Full Changelog: v0.1.2-c...v0.2.1

v0.1.2-c - added some stuff

18 Oct 13:12
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I don't recall the stuff that had changed. lel

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2-c

v0.1.1 - initial release

05 Oct 02:24
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what's changed

  • everything

new contributors

  • me - a name I call myself
  • fa - a long long way to run
  • so - a needle pulling thread
  • la - a note to follow so
  • ti - a drink with jam and bread
  • that will bring us back to commiting sudoku

Full Changelog: