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omarathon edited this page Aug 12, 2019 · 10 revisions


📚 Welcome to the Riot API Crawler Wiki!

Here you may find more information regarding the main classes in this Java project, brief examples of using them, and any preset implementations that are ready-to-use.


The wiki begins with the stand-alone classes, and progressively leads to the larger, more complex classes that combine the stand-alone classes, ending with the main Crawler class.

Below is the current structure for the pages of the wiki:

  • Filters - controlling the movement of the crawler through Matches and Summoners, and restricting the data sent to OutputHandlers
  • Formatters - transforming the input data to OutputHandlers
  • Handlers - receiving and processing the output from the Crawler
  • Listeners - listening to the events generated from the Crawler
  • Estimators - producing estimate objects of type E from input objects of type T
  • SummonerHistory - managing the previously visited Summoners
  • CrawlerConfig - managing the tools used by the Crawler that determine its movement through Matches and Summoners
  • Caching - memorising previous results such that they're not recomputed
  • Crawler - the main class, crawling from an input Summoner in a depth-first fashion

Further Support

If you cannot figure out how to use something from the wiki pages, please inspect the Javadoc or source code itself.

If you feel something is urgently missing from this wiki, please raise an issue!

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