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Lamine License

A simple license generator for your projects. Made by Lamine omar.


composer require lamine/license


1. Setup the environment variables

Make sure to set the 'APP_NAME' in your .env file.

APP_NAME="Your App Name"

Then add this variables to your .env file. These variables will be used to generate the license. Otherwise the license will not be generated.

COMPANY_NAME="Your Company Name"
COMPANY_PHONE="+212 6 00 00 00 00"

Important: Make sure that the COMPANY_URL variable ends with a slash. And leads to a valid url that contains your licensing system backend.

2. Run Migration

php artisan migrate

This command will create the tables license & timestamps in your database. These tables will be used to store the licenses.

3. setup your home route

Route::get('/', function () {

    if (Index::validateLicense()) {
        return view('welcome');
    } else {
        return view('License::LicenseExpired');

Or If you are using Inertia, you can do this:

public function index()
    if (Index::validateLicense()) {
        return Inertia::render('Auth/Login');
    } else {
        return view('License::LicenseExpired');

4. Add middleware to your routes

Go to your 'app/Http/Kernel.php' file and add the middleware to your routes.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'license-api' => \Lamine\License\Middleware\ApiWare::class,
        'license-web' => \Lamine\License\Middleware\WebWare::class,

Then add the middleware to your routes.


Route::group(['middleware' => ['license-web']], function () {
    // all your web routes here


Route::group(['middleware' => ['license-api']], function () {
    // all your api routes here

5. Setup the 'app/console/Kernel.php' file

Add this line to the 'schedule' function in your 'app/console/Kernel.php' file.

// check license every week
$schedule->call([Index::class, 'checkLicense'])->weekly();

// check time every hour
$schedule->call(function () {
    app()->call([TimeChecker::class, 'checkTime']);

// truncate timestamps table every 24 hours
$schedule->call(function () {

Run the scheduler.

php artisan schedule:work

After finishing all the steps, run development server.

php artisan serve

And go to the home page. If everything is ok, you will see the license expired page.


In this page you can activate your license either by entering the license key or by using a secret key of your company.