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The OmiseGO iOS SDK allows developers to easily interact with a node of the OmiseGO eWallet. It supports the following functionalities:

  • Retrieve the current user
  • Get the user addresses and balances
  • List the settings for a node


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 9+
  • Swift 4.0



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate the omisego SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following line in your Podfile:

Beta Installation

Until the omisego SDK is released, you will need to specify the git URL for this pod:

pod 'OmiseGO', :git => 'ssh://'


pod 'OmiseGO', '~> 1.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install



Before using the SDK to retrieve a resource, you need to initialize a client (APIClient) with an APIConfiguration object. You should do this as soon as you obtain a valid authentication token corresponding to the current user from the Wallet API.

let configuration = OMGConfiguration(baseURL: "your.base.url",
                                     apiKey: "apiKey",
                                     authenticationToken: "authenticationToken")
let client = OMGClient(config: configuration)

Where: baseURL is the URL of the OmiseGO Wallet API. apiKey is the api key generated from your OmiseGO admin panel. authenticationToken is the token corresponding to an OmiseGO Wallet user retrievable using one of our server-side SDKs.

You can find more info on how to retrieve this token in the OmiseGO server SDK documentations.

Retrieving resources

Once you have an initialized client, you can retrieve different resources. Each call take a Callback closure that returns a Response enum:

public enum Response<Data> {
    case success(data: Data)
    case fail(error: OmiseGOError)

You can then use a switch-case to access the data if the call succeeded or error if the call failed. The OmiseGOError represents an error that have occurred before, during or after the request. It's an enum with 4 cases:

case unexpected(message: String)
case configuration(message: String)
case api(apiError: APIError)
case other(error: Error)

An Error returned by the OmiseGO Wallet server will be mapped to an APIError which contains informations about the failure.

There are some errors that you really want to handle, especially the ones related to authentication failure. This may occur if the authenticationToken is invalid or expired, you can check this using the isAuthorizationError() method on APIError. If the authenticationToken is invalid, you should query a new one and setup the client again.

Get the current user:

User.getCurrent(using: client) { (userResult) in
    switch userResult {
    case .success(data: let user):
        //TODO: Do something with the user
    case .fail(error: let error):
        //TODO: Handle the error

Get the addresses of the current user:

Address.getAll(using: client) { (addressesResult) in
    switch addressesResult {
    case .success(data: let addresses):
        //TODO: Do something with the addresses
    case .fail(error: let error):
        //TODO: Handle the error

Note: For now a user will have only one address so for the sake of simplicity you can get this address using:

Address.getMain(using: client) { (addressResult) in
    switch addressResult {
    case .success(data: let address):
        //TODO: Do something with the address
    case .fail(error: let error):
        //TODO: Handle the error

Get the provider settings:

Setting.get(using: client) { (settingResult) in
    switch settingResult {
    case .success(data: let settings):
        //TODO: Do something with the settings
    case .fail(error: let error):
        //TODO: Handle the error


In order to run the live tests (bound to a working server) you need to fill the corresponding variables in the file LiveTestCase.swift.

/// Replace with yours!
var validBaseURL = ""
/// Replace with yours!
var validAPIKey = ""
/// Replace with yours!
var validAuthenticationToken = ""

Note: These en can also be provided with environment variables, making it easier and safer for CI to run since you don't need to hardcode them.

The variables are:


You can then for example run the tests with the following command: xcodebuild -project OmiseGO.xcodeproj -scheme "OmiseGO" -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8' OMG_BASE_URL="https://your.base.server.url" OMG_API_KEY="yourAPIKey" OMG_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN="yourTestAuthenticationToken" test


OmiseGO is released under the Apache license. See LICENSE for details.