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My Milk Store Fullstack Web Application

A minimum viable product, or MVP of a fullstack web application called "My Milk Store". Click on this link to view the app.

Preview of Website


A small local milk shop needs your help desperately. Lately they started getting a lot of business, and they feel that they need a proper website to take a load off their store. The milk at this store is sold by the liter, and if you thought there was only one type of milk you are waay off! There will be several different types of milk, and you need to make sure that the customer can easily find the type they want!

Tech Stack


java js ts

Technologies, Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries

springboot react npm

Cloud / Hosting and Databases

railwayapp Netlify mongodb

Backend Repository

You can check out milk-store-BE GitHub repository - your feedback is welcome!

To Get Started

clone this git repository into your local folder

git clone

go into the folder and open with your favourite IDE

cd <folder> && code .
npm i

view app on localhost

npm run dev


Deployed on Netlify.

Netlify is a remote-first cloud computing company that offers a development platform that includes build, deploy, and serverless backend services for web applications and dynamic websites. Wikipedia.

Check out Netlify's documentation for more details.


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