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GDP: Geophysical Data Processing using Python!


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gdp: Geophysical Data Processing


gdp provides a set of tools that are available through command-line-interface (CLI) to process and/or convert common geophysical data types.

✔️ gdp is here to stay and get better. Please share your thoughts and ideas.

✔️ Feel free to share and modify the source codes.

✔️ gdp has been successfully tested on Python 3.x versions.

Requirements (installation prerequisites)

gdp uses GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) in plot module and SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) in seismic module. Hence, these software packages must be already installed if one wish to use such tools.

To use the georef module, GDAL has to be installed. It is relatively easy using conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge gdal

If you don't have conda installed on your machine, it's a bit tricky to install GDAL (specially on Linux). That said, it is still doable! See below, including OS-specific instructions to install tkinter (a gui framework).


Note that the version of binary bindings for GDAL (could be installed using pip) and libgdal-dev must match.

$ sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk
$ sudo apt install tk-dev
$ sudo apt install libgdal-dev
$ pip install gdal==`gdal-config --version`
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 # pyqt5 dependency


$ sudo yum install bzip2-devel
$ sudo yum install python3-tkinter
$ pip install gdal


Note that installing requirements for tkinter on MacOS is python version specific.

$ brew install python-tk@3.10
$ brew install gdal
$ pip install gdal


To install the latest (under development) version:

$ pip install git+

To install the last stable version from PyPI:

$ pip install gdp

Currently available modules

Tool/Module Description
cat concatenate/reformat numerical or non-numerical data
union generate the union of input data files
intersect generate the intersect of input data files
difference generate the difference of input data files
split split a concatenated dataset into multiple data files
min calculate minimum of values in numerical column(s)
max calculate maximum of values in numerical column(s)
sum calculate summation of values in numerical column(s)
mean calculate mean of values in numerical column(s)
median calculate median of values in numerical column(s)
std calculate standard deviation of values in numerical column(s)
add add value columns of two or more ascii data files
pip output points inside/outside a polygon (ray tracing method)
gridder gridding/interpolation of 2D/map data with Gaussian smoothing applied
chull convex-hull / minimum bounding polygon for a set of points
shp2dat convert GIS shape files (point/polygon) to ascii data
nc2dat convert nc data to dat/ascii
dat2nc convert gridded ascii data to nc format
1Dto2D Combine/convert 1D datasets into 2D datasets. Example case: building shear wave velocity maps from 1D profiles
2Dto1D Extract/convert 2D datasets into 1D datasets. Example case: extracting point (1D) dispersion curves from phase velocity maps
georef image georeferencing module
seismic seismic data acquisition and processing module set (see below)
plot plot module set (requires gmt; see below)
  • seismic module set includes the following tools:

    1. download init: initialize current directory for seismic data acquisition. It outputs a config file 'download.config' that is used by the 4 following tools.
    2. download events: download list of events according to options in 'download.config'
    3. download stations: download list of stations according to options in 'download.config'
    4. download metadata: download station metadata (xml) for stations/channels specified in ‘download.config’
    5. download mseeds: download MiniSEED data files for events/stations listed in steps 2-3.
    6. writehdr: update sac headers using xml metadata (obspy method)
    7. remresp: remove sac file instrument response using xml metadata (obspy method)
    8. resample: resample sac timeseries using obspy method
    9. bandpass: apply bandpass filter to sac files (sac method)
    10. cut: cut sac timeseries (sac method)
    11. remchannel: remove redundant channels
    12. sws init: initialize shear-wave-splitting project by writing theoretical arrival info into sac headers and making copies
  • plot module set (requires GMT; see below):

    1. plot stations: plot station map from previously downloaded station list
    2. plot events: plot event distribution map and related statistics
    3. plot hist: generate combined histogram plots (customizable)
    4. plot features: quickly visualize geographical features on a map. Accepted input data types include points and polygons (both ascii and shape files), and GeoTiff

Example commands

Some example gdp commands are explained below:

$ gdp cat file* -x 1 2 -v 5 3 4 --header 2 --footer 4 --fmt .2 .4 --sort --uniq --noextra -o concatenated.txt

Description: This command will concatenate files in current directory matching names 'files*'. While reading, 2 header lines and 4 footer lines will be omitted. Positional columns are the first and second columns (-x 1 2), and value/numerical columns are [5 3 4]. Positional columns will be printed in %.2f format, and value columns will be printed in %.4f. If files have extra (non-numerical) columns other than the first 5 columns, '--noextra' will omit them from the output file. Flag '-o' can be used to set the output file name and if not specified, the results will be printed to standard output. Many of these flags are also common for the following commands.

$ gdp union file_1.dat file_2.dat file_3.dat

Description: Output union of a set of numerical data files (two or more) while considering positional columns (default=[1 2]) and value columns as [3] (defaults; these could be modified using '-x' '-v' flags).

$ gdp intersect file_1.dat file_2.dat file_3.dat

Description: Output intersect of a set of numerical data files (two or more) considering positional columns (similar positional columns that could be specified using '-x' flag; the value of the first file will be the output). Note that the first value of the flag '--fmt' will be important here.

$ gdp difference file_1.dat file_2.dat file_3.dat

Description: Output difference of a set of numerical data files (two or more) considering positional columns. In this case, data points that are unique to 'file_1.dat' will be the output results.

$ gdp split dataset.dat --method ncol --number 4 --start -2 --name 3 -o outdir

Description: This command is useful to split/unmerge a concatenated dataset ('dataset.dat'). Either of two methods can be selected: (1) nrow: split based on a fixed number of rows, (2) ncol: split based on a row that has a unique number of columns as an identifier. In case of method 'ncol' above: '--number 4' specifies that the row with unique number of columns has 4 columns (reference row); '--start -2' specifies the start line or row offset relative to the reference line; '--name 3' specifies the row offset relative to 'start line' that will be used for output file names; '-o outdir' specifies output directory (this can be omitted for printing to the standard output)

$ gdp min  *.xyz -v 1 2 3
$ gdp max  *.xyz -v 1 2 3
$ gdp sum  *.xyz -v 1 2 3
$ gdp mean  *.xyz -v 1 2 3
$ gdp median  *.xyz -v 1 2 3
$ gdp std  *.xyz -v 1 2 3

Description: Output min, max, sum, mean, median, or std of the three first columns in *.xyz files.

$ gdp pip  --point *.xyz  --polygon polygon.dat
$ gdp pip  --point *.xyz  --polygon polygon.dat -i

Description: Only output points inside or outside ('-i') of the given polygon. Alternatively '--xrange' and '--yrange' flags could be used to define the polygon.

$ gdp gridder vs_model/depth* --spacing 0.2 --smoothing 50 --polygon polygon.dat -o outdir

Description: This command will perform gridding (2D interpolation) on the input xyz format data files addressed at 'vs_model/depth*'. In case of the above command: '--spacing 0.2' specifies that grid spacing along both longitude and latitude is 0.2 degrees (two values can be given as well; [lon_spacing, lat_spacing]); '--smoothing 50' sets a 50 km Gaussian smoothing to the output data; '--polygon polygon.dat' is optional: if given, only points inside the given polygon will be output.

$ gdp chull points.xy -x 2 1 --smooth 10 -o polygon.dat 

Description: This command will output the polygon enclosing the points in 'points.xy' (convex-hull problem). Flag -x specifies the column numbers for longitude and latitude information respectively. Flag '--smooth 10' specifies that the output polygon will be smoothed using 10 Bezier points between each output point pairs. Using flag '-o', the output results will be written into 'polygon.dat'.

$ gdp shp2dat --point points.shp --polygon polygons.shp -o ./

Description: Convert GIS shape files (point/polygon) to ascii format. This command will output the results into the directory specified by the '-o' option.

$ gdp nc2dat --metadata
$ gdp nc2dat -v vs vp --fmt .2 .6 -o model.dat

Description: This tool can be used to convert NetCDF files to ascii format. In this example, by running the first command, the program will output meta data information related to ''. It's necessary to figure out the data fields that one is interested to extract from the nc file first (in this case, they are 'vp' and 'vs'). The second command will print to file the results in a custom format ('--fmt' option) to 'model.dat'.

$ gdp dat2nc vs_10km_gridded.dat  --xrange -75 -60 --yrange 44 48 -x 1 2 -v 3

Description: Convert gridded ascii data (column format is specified using '-x' and '-v' flags: lon, lat, value) to NetCDF ('*.nc') format. Using '--xrange' and '--yrange' flags, the output is restricted to a polygon area.

$ gdp 1Dto2D datalist_1D.dat -x 4 -v 5 6 --header 1 --footer 1 -o phvel_maps_data

Description: Combine/convert 1D datasets into 2D datasets. In this example command, a list of 1D dispersion data in 'datalist_1D.dat' are combined into 2D phase velocity map data at different periods. Column format for 'datalist_1D.dat' MUST be (1) longitude, (2) latitude, (3) data path. While reading the dispersion datasets, the first and last lines are ignored ('--header' and '--footer' flags). In this example, position column is the 'period' column and value columns are 'phase velocity' and 'measurement error', and these are specified using '-x' and '-v' flags.

$ gdp 2Dto1D datalist_2D.dat -x 1 2 -v 3 4 -o dispersion_curves

Description: Extract/convert 2D datasets into 1D datasets. In this example command, a list of 2D data files in 'datalist_2D.dat' are read and 1D profiles are extracted. Column format for 'datalist_2D.dat' MUST be (1) identifier e.g. depth, period etc., (2) data path. While reading the phase velocity map data in this example, longitude and latitude columns are considered as the first and the second column (specified using '-x' flag) and phase velocity values and measurement errors are 3rd and 4th columns respectively (specified using '-v' flag).

$ gdp georef --epsg 4326

Description: Open georeferencing module window. This module reads in an image (supports bmp, png, jpg, tiff) and outputs the GeoTiff referenced map. Flag '--epsg' sets EPSG coordinate system and transformation codes (EPSG=4326 corresponds to WGS84; visit for more information). Georeferencing procedure: (1) 'file > open image' or 'ctrl + o', (2) zoom-in (mouse wheel or square bracket buttons on the keyboard) and pan image (left mouse button drag) to points on map where coordinates are known, and open new warp point dialog using right mouse click or 'p' and enter the coordinates. (3) repeat step 2 for at least 4 points. (4) To save the GeoTiff, 'file > save GeoTiff' or 'ctrl + s'. The resulting georeference image could be plotted using the 'plot feature' module (e.g., '$ gdp plot features --geotiff georeferenced.tiff').

$ gdp seismic download init --maindir ./myproject

Description: initialize seismic download project and create 'download.config' file in './myproject'. Once the config file is created, open it in a text editor and modify the parameters as desired. Some example important parameters to be adjusted include 'startdate', 'enddate' (format YYYY-MM-DD), 'station_channels', 'station_location_codes' (names separated by spaces), 'station_minlon', 'station_maxlon', 'station_minlat', 'station_maxlat' etc. Once all parameters are set, one can start downloading events list ($ gdp seismic download events), stations list ($ gdp seismic download stations), station meta data XML files ($ gdp seismic download metadata), and MiniSEED data files ($ gdp seismic download mseeds).

$ gdp seismic download mseeds --maindir ./myproject --mseeds ./myproject/mseeds --duration 3000 --offset -500 

Description: This command will start downloading MiniSEED files based on previously set parameters in 'download.config' into './myproject/mseeds' directory. The timeseries duration will be 3000 seconds and the begin time of the files will be 500 seconds earlier than the event origin time.

$ gdp seismic download mseeds --maindir ./myproject --mseeds ./myproject/mseeds --duration 86400 --ant

Description: This command is similar to the example above, except that by using the flag '--ant', the code will not read event list and the entire time span between 'startdate' and 'enddate' (24-hour timeseries specified by '--duration 86400') will be considered for downloading.

$ gdp seismic mseed2sac ./myproject/mseeds/\*/\*.mseed -o ./myproject/sacs --offset -500 --resample 10 --reformat

Description: This command will convert previously downloaded MiniSEED files in './myproject/mseeds/*/*.mseed' into sacfiles and the output results will be stored in './myproject/sacs'. Flag '--reformat' specifies that the output sac files will be renamed/reformatted to './myproject/sacs/YYJJJHHMMSS/YYJJJHHMMSS_STA.CHN' file naming convention. Note that parameter '--offset -500' will be important here and it has to be set the same as the data download time ($ gdp seismic download mseeds). Setting the flag '--resample 10' results in resampling of the output sacfiles to 10 hertz sampling rate after the conversion process.

$ gdp seismic sac2dat ./myproject/sacs/*/* -o ./myproject/sacs_ascii --timerange 1000 2000

Description: Extract sac file data in time, value format and output the results in ascii format. In this example, only data between 1000 and 2000 seconds will be extracted.

$ gdp seismic writehdr sacs/*/* --metadata ./metadata --maindir ./

Description: Write/update sac file headers from station metadata files (metadata directory is specified using flag '--metadata ./metadata'), and event list (path to event list file is specified in '$maindir/download.config'; if this is an ambient noise tomography project, append '--ant' flag to the command above and it will ignore '--maindir').

$ gdp seismic remresp sacs/*/* --metadata ./metadata --unit VEL --pre_filt 0.005 0.006 30.0 35.0 --water_level 60

Description: Remove instrument response of sacfiles using station XML metadata information and the ObsPy remove_response() method (see related ObsPy documentation for more information).

$ gdp seismic resample sacs/*/* --sf 5 

Description: In this example, the input sac file timeseries will be decimated to a sampling frequency of 5 Hz.

$ gdp seismic bandpass sacs/*/* --c1 3 --c2 300 -u p -n 3 -p 2

Description: This command will apply bandpass filtering to the input sac files using corner periods of 3 and 300 seconds, number-of-poles of 3, and a number of passes of 2. See SAC documentation for more information. Option '-u p' specifies that the unit for '--c1' and '--c2' is period; alternatively, one can change this to corner frequencies by using '-u f'.

$ gdp seismic cut sacs/*/* --begin 1000 --end 2000 --relative t1

Description: This command will cut the input sac file timeseries from 1000 s to 2000 s relative to header t1 (option '--relative' is optional and if omitted, the cut will be done based on the absolute time values), and zero values will replace missing data (i.e. applies 'cutter fillz'; see SAC documentation for more information).

$ gdp seismic remchan sacs/*/* --channels BHZ HHZ --onlykeep BHZ

Description: This command is useful to remove redundant channels from datasets. In the above example, if both BHZ and HHZ channels of the same stations and events are present, the redundant HHZ channel will be removed.

$ gdp seismic sws init sacs/*/* --refmodel iasp91 --hdronly

Description: Initialize the input sac dataset for shear-wave-splitting measurement. This command writes arrival header information using reference model iasp91 (to see other reference models: $ gdp seismic sws init -h). T1-T2: first P arrivals, T3-T4: first S arrivals, T5-T6: SKSS and PKS arrivals, T7-T9: other arrivals.

$ gdp gdp seismic sws init sacs/*/* --refmodel iasp91

Description: Similar to the previous example, this command will update sac headers with important arrival information for the purpose of shear wave splitting measurements. In addition (because '--hdronly' is not appended), it opens a GUI for QC of timeseries and selecting appropriate arrivals to generate specific copies in the dataset for phases of interest that the user has chosen (e.g., 13240081122_SHEY_SKKS.{BHE,BHN,BHZ}).

$ gdp plot stations ./stations.dat --labels

Description: This command uses GMT to generate a station map from './stations.dat' that was previously downloaded using command '$ gdp seismic download stations'. By appending '--labels', station names will also be shown on the output map. The output file will be either './stations.pdf' or './' (depends on if 'ghostscript' is installed on the current terminal environment). An optional '--glob' along with '--meridian' (specifying the central meridian) options can be appended to the above command to change the map projection to a global projection.

$ gdp plot events ./events.dat --lon -66 --lat 45 

Description: This command uses GMT (and python matplotlib library) to generate an event distribution map and related statistics figures from './events.dat' that was previously downloaded using command '$ gdp seismic download events'. Flags '--lon -66' and '--lat 45' set the study region center coordinates that are used to calculate BAZ and GCARC distribution (for illustration only). The output files will be './events.pdf' (or './') and './events-histograms.pdf'.

$ gdp plot hist model_1.dat model_2.dat -v 3 -n 10 --legend model_1 model_2 --xlabel Velocity \(km/s\) --ylabel Number --title Model 1 versus Model 2 --mean --transparency 0.6

Description: Generate combined histogram plots (number of input data fields can vary). In this command, column 3 of 'model_1.dat' and 'model_2.dat' are read as data fields ('-v 3'), number of histogram bins is set to 10 ('-n 10'), legends are set to 'model 1' and 'model 2' ('--legend model_1 model_2'; note that underlines are considered as spaces as the number of items must match with the number of data fields), x-axis label is set to 'Velocity (km/s)' and y-axis label to 'Number' using flags '--xlabel' and '--ylabel' respectively (note that parentheses must be entered using the escape character '\' in a bash command), title of the plot is set using '--title Model 1 versus Model 2', the distribution means will be denoted by dashed lines as the flag '--mean' is appended, and the transparency of the histograms is set to 0.6 (must be >0 and <=1).

$ gdp plot features --point points_set1.shp  points_set2.dat --polygon polygons.shp --geotiff georeferenced.tiff

Description: Using this module, one can quickly visualize geographical data files including points, polygons (both ascii and shape files are accepted), as well as the GeoTiff format. Other optional arguments are available to customize the plot regarding the level of details (e.g., minimum area to be plotted using flag '--area') and aesthetics (e.g., '--landcolor', '--pointsize', '--ticks' etc.). Coordinate system and projection could also be set using '--epsg' flag. Enter command '$ gdp plot features -h' for more information.

Release notes

Version 0.1.2

Following changes are applied:

  • mseed2sac and sac2dat are moved into the seismic module
  • --lonrange >> --xrange (generalization for utm/cartesian case)
  • --latrange >> --yrange (generalization for utm/cartesian case)

FIX: make sure data is not missing at the beginning or at the end of sac files when using mseed2sac (~ cutter fillz)

The following new tools/modules are added for this version:

Tool/Module Description
chull convex-hull / minimum bounding polygon for a set of points
add add value columns of two or more ascii data files
shp2dat convert GIS shape files (point/polygon) to ascii data
1Dto2D Combine/convert 1D datasets into 2D datasets. Example use cases: (1) building phase velocity map datasets from point/1D dispersion curve datasets, (2) building shear velocity map datasets from 1D shear velocity profiles.
2Dto1D Extract/convert 2D datasets into 1D datasets. Example use cases: (1) extracting point dispersion curves from phase velocity maps, (2) extracing 1D shear velocity profiles from shear velocity map datasets
seismic seismic data acquisition and processing module
plot plot module (requires gmt)
  • seismic module includes the following tools:

    1. download init: initialize current directory for seismic data acquisition. It outputs a config file (i.e. 'download.config') that is used by the 4 following tools.
    2. download events: download list of events according to the list of datacenters (specified in download.config)
    3. download stations: download list of stations according to the list of datacenters (specified in download.config)
    4. download metadata: download station metadata (xml) according to stations.dat
    5. download mseeds: download mseed datafiles based
    6. writehdr: update sac headers using xml metadata (obspy method)
    7. remresp: remove sac file instrument response using xml metadata (obspy method)
    8. resample: resample sac timeseries using obspy method
    9. bandpass: apply bandpass filter to sac files (sac method)
    10. cut: cut sac timeseries (sac method)
    11. remchannel: remove extra channels
    12. sws init: initialize shear-wave-splitting project by writing arrivals info into sac headers and making copies
  • plot module includes the following tools:

    1. stations: plot stations list using gmt
    2. events: plot events list using gmt
    3. hist: plot histogram(s)

Version 0.1.1

Only README is updated for this version.

Version 0.1.0

This version is the first version that is published on PyPI and it includes the following tools:

Tool/Module Description
cat concatenate/reformat numerical or non-numerical data
union generate the union of input data files
intersect generate the intersect of input data files
difference generate the difference of input data files
split split a concatenated dataset into multiple data files
min calculate minimum of values in numerical column(s)
max calculate maximum of values in numerical column(s)
sum calculate summation of values in numerical column(s)
mean calculate mean of values in numerical column(s)
median calculate median of values in numerical column(s)
std calculate standard deviation of values in numerical column(s)
pip output points inside/outside a polygon (ray tracing method)
gridder gridding/interpolation of 2D/map data with Gaussian smoothing applied
mseed2sac convert mseed to sac. this script also handles data fragmentation issue.
sac2dat convert sac to dat (ascii); output format: time, amplitude
nc2dat convert nc data to dat/ascii


gdp is presented under GPL 3 which is a strong copyleft license!

Contact us

  • Omid Bagherpur: Geophysicist - Structural Seismologist, PhD.
  • Fiona Darbyshire: Geophysicist - Structural Seismologist, PhD, University Professor at UQAM.


GDP: Geophysical Data Processing using Python!




