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Admin Panel

The OmiseGO Wallet admin panel for a provider to manage staff, users, roles and permissions, API access, tokens, transactions, etc.


Running the Admin Panel in development mode locally allows you to modify the code and see changes in real-time. You may connect to any eWallet as a backend, which can be running locally or remotely which will depend on your config file.


  1. You will first need to create the .env file located under the project's root directory /apps/frontend/assets/ of the app with your own keys. There are 2 keys that is needed to be able to run and connect to the server BACKEND_API_URL and BACKEND_WEBSOCKET_URL

Example .env file

  1. Install dependencies with npm install
  2. Start the development server npm run dev and go to http://localhost:9000 and test it out.

That's all, now you are ready to customize the admin panel as your own need.


To build the production app, use npm run build this will build a production version of admin panel and output in /apps/frontend/priv/static for the phoenix application to serve. Note that the output path is the root of the eWallet app not the admin panel


For unit test, just run npm run test and for linting run npm run lint