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Kyle Stiemann edited this page Aug 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

Deprecation (v1.2-2.1)

Note: the vdldoc:deprecation element has been deprecated as of version 2.1. Please use vdldoc:deprecated instead.

The vdldoc:deprecation element can be used to let developers know that the tag has been deprecated. When this element is used on a tag, its name and attribute name(s) will be strikethrough formatted. If specified, a deprecation message for the tag will preceed the tag description.

Example taglib.xml usage:

    <description>This is a:oldTag.</description>
            <vdldoc:description>Please use a:newTag instead.</vdldoc:description>

Example composite component usage:

<cc:interface shortDescription="This is a:oldTag.">
        <vdldoc:deprecated value="true" shortDescription="Please use a:newTag instead." />

Sample Tag Page Output:


Tag column


      Deprecated. Please use a:newTag instead. This is a:oldTag.
