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Blazor Awesome Components

buildtest NuGet

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Getting started

(Installation and DropdownList tutorial)

  1. Install the library into your blazor project as shown here
  2. In your blazor page (Home.razor for example) add this code:

<ODropdownList @bind-Value="input.Dropdown1" Opt="opt" />

<ODropdownList TKey="int" Opt="opt" />

@code {
    private InputModel input = new();

    private DropdownOpt opt = new DropdownOpt
            Data = new KeyContent[]
                new KeyContent(1, "apple"),
                new KeyContent(2, "banana"),
                new KeyContent(3, "cherry"),

    class InputModel
        public int? Dropdown1 { get; set; }
  1. Hit Ctrl+F5 in Visual Studio and try the Button and the 2 DropdownLists.

Open a popup

  1. In your @code section add this:
private OPopup popup1;
  1. In the markup add this:
<br />
<OPopup @ref="popup1" Opt="@(new(){ Modal = true, Title = "My Modal Popup", OutClickClose = true })">
    <div style="min-width: 30vw; padding: 1em;">
        Modal popup content
<OButton OnClick="() => popup1.Open()">Open popup</OButton>
  1. Hit Ctrl+F5 and try clicking the Open popup button.

Grid with column filter

  1. Add this to your markup:
<br />
<br />
<OGrid Opt="gopt" />
  1. Add this to you @code section
private GridOpt<Lunch> gopt = new();

protected override void OnInitialized()

private void initGrid()
    gopt.ContentHeight = 250;

    gopt.KeyProp = m => m.Id;
    gopt.GetQuery = () => new Lunch[]
        new Lunch { Id = 1, Name = "apple"},
        new Lunch { Id = 2, Name = "banana"},
        new Lunch { Id = 3, Name = "cherry"},

    gopt.FilterRow = true;

            For = m => m.Id,
            Width = 100

            For = m => m.Name
    .StringFilter(gopt, this);

class Lunch
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }
  1. Hit Ctrl + F5, and try the grid, you can sort, group, filter by the Name Column, and pick your columns from the bottom corner menu.

Multiselect, Multicheck and Combobox

We can reuse the opt options object from the 1st tutorial "Getting started", to demonstrate other editors. After the DropdownList paste this code:

<br />
<br />
<OMultiselect TKey="int" Opt="opt" />
<OMulticheck TKey="int" Opt="opt" />
<OCombobox Opt="opt" />

You can use @bind-Value="Prop1" instead of specifying the TKey, as shown for the DropdownList, in that case Prop1 could be of type IEnumerable<int>. The combobox bind-Value property type should be object because its value can be either string or the key type.

Video Tutorial