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FostUK edited this page Feb 21, 2012 · 6 revisions

gameQuery Development Wiki

Welcome to the gameQuery wiki! This page is aimed at developers working on gameQuery as well as at people interested in the lastest development of the library. If you just want some info on how to use the latest release of gameQuery you can check out the API Reference or read the official website .

Willing to contribute ?

In the last month javascript game engines have become a hot topic. As more and more new engines appears, gameQuery starts to lag behind the competition. I still believe that the basic technological choice as well as the API paradigm are good but in order to still be relevant in the javascript game space the project will need a good amount of work to be done. Sadly for the foreseeable future I won’t have that much time to invest in the project. So the faith of the project is mainly in the hand of the willing developers that would participate in this fun adventure!

So, what can you do to help ? You can head to the To Do - Wish list page and find a possible improvement that you find interesting and would like to contribute to. Or go to the list of Games in development and find one where the author is looking for help.