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File metadata and controls

126 lines (80 loc) · 7.85 KB


This template allows the creation of simple, responsive course websites for college-level courses. It uses YAML to create the schedule of instruction and Middleman's vast array of supported languages for page content. It uses bits of Material Design Lite for responsive navigation and some layout. It also is heavily customizable to create unique, course-specific layouts.

This template's main advantage over my previous one (see middleman-course-template) is that all stylesheet and javascript content is loaded from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). This greatly speeds up site building in middleman and produces smaller, more manageable course sites.




To install, run bundle install from a Terminal.

To start the development server, run middleman and visit http://localhost:4567.

Fixing config.rb

Before using this software, there is one line in config.rb you will need to change. Find the code below and follow the changes indicated in the comments:

### Change everything before #{config[:build_http_prefix]} to the location you will be deploying these courses.
#   If your website is and /courses is created in that directory,
#   change to
config[:site_deploy_root] = "{config[:build_http_prefix]}"

Tips for Installing Ruby & Bundler

Starting from scratch with Middleman, you will need to install Ruby (I strongly recommend using RVM for this.) and Git.

Once you have Ruby, run gem install bundler, from a Terminal, to install the package management utility used by this package.

Editing The Course

Changing the data/course.yml file controls the default displays of the course. The HAML files that begin with course in source/partial (_course-description.haml and _course-title.haml) can be edited for more control.

The course schedule of assignments, readings, etc. is built by editing the data/schedule.yml.

As a rule, you should not need to edit source/partials/_links.haml, source/course.yml.erb, and source/schedule.html.erb.

Customizing MDL Colors

In data/course.yml, there are two variables---primary_color and secondary_color---that can be set to the predefined colors in the Material Design spec. The values that can be used for these variables are defined below:

  • light_blue
  • blue
  • indigo
  • deep_purple
  • purple
  • pink
  • red
  • deep_orange
  • grey
  • blue_grey
  • brown
  • orange
  • amber
  • yellow
  • lime
  • light_green
  • green
  • teal
  • cyan

Note: blue_grey, brown, and grey are disallowed as values of secondary_color per the spec.

Changing Build Behavior

In config.rb, there are two variables to set: config[:build_http_prefix], which is the HTTP root for your course, when it deploys. For instance, a course called eng101spr2015 that existed online at, would have config[:build_http_prefix] set to /courses/eng101spr2015 (the variable @course_tag is set up to do this by default).

Changing Deployment Behavior

This template uses middleman-deploy to automate deployment.

Creating New Pages

Automated Page Creation

This template includes a Rakefile to automate page creation. To create pages in this manner, run rake create_page[] in the terminal (where is the name of the file in the source/ directory you want to create). The rake task will create the page and set up the basic YAML front matter (see below). You do not have to use the rake task to create pages, it is merely provided as a convenience.

Editing YAML Frontmatter

Files created in the source/ directory that compile to html (eg policies.html.haml or need a YAML metadata block (set off above and below with --- and at the top of the document, as covered in Middleman's documentation) with the page_link_name property set to the text displayed in the page's navigation link.

page_link_name: Foobar

Sidebar widgets can be added by placing the file name (without path, extension or leading "_") of the sidebar widget partial (see "Adding Sidebar Widgets" below) in the page_sidebar_widgets key in the YAML frontmatter. The following fragment will add instructor_info and course_meetings to the sidebar:

- instructor_info
- course_meetings

Adding Sidebar Widgets

Sidebar widgets are defined in the source/partials/sidebar_widgets folder of this repository. They must begin with an underscore ("_") and can be in any file format supported by Middleman. Sidebar widgets for Instructor Information (office hours, etc.) and Table of Contents are provided for you.

The Course Schedule (data/schedule.yml)

To schedule course activities (readings, homework assignments, etc), edit data/schedule.yml. This YAML file controls the schedule of courses.

The first two items in the schedule are start and end dates for the class (start: and end: in the file). They should be set in the YYYY-MM-DD format. start: can refer to the first meeting of your class or the day that classes start at your institution. Similarly, end: can refer to either the final meeting of your class or the day that classes end at your institution.

Next comes an array of holidays (holidays:). Each holiday needs to begin with two spaces and the date: key. You do not have to assign each holiday a name (which can be things like "Winter Break" or "Teaching Absent"), but do so, on a new line below the date: command you wish to name, begin with four spaces and add the name: key and the name for this holiday.

meets: is an array of days of the week on which your class meets. This template uses a natural language processor to translate these into usable Date objects in Ruby, so you don't have to worry about capitalization here.

units: is an array containing a collection of units (indicated by title and week on which they begin). You can break your syllabus into as many units as you have weeks.

weeks: is a hash containing the names of each course week. If you want to assign the first week the title of "Course Introduction", you can type 1: Course Introduction. These are totally optional and not having them will not change the behavior of this template.

classes: contains an array of days in your course. Each day is indicated by two spaces and - | the content of the day starts with four spaces on each line and is written in Markdown. The course will fill out the weeks and months of your class as it processes this list. If you have too many class meetings, the template will simply stop rendering them when the end of term date (end:, discussed above) is reached. If you have too few classes, it will only render those you've provided.

Course Metadata (data/course.yml)

The data/course.yml file contains information about the course. These pieces of metadata control the basic display of the course, primarily through files contained in the source/partials directory. Edit this file to reflect your course's structure and information. Additionally, if you don't like the way something is displaying, edit the responsible partial to better match what you want.