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Integrates node-vibrant into Ember applications.


  • Inject vibrant support into any controller, component, or route.
  • Performs color extractions in the background to minimize performance impact.
  • Cache color extractions for fast look up.


ember install ember-cli-vibrant


First, inject the vibrant service into a route, component, or controller.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Component.extend ({
  vibrant: service (),

Then, use fromUrl to extract the colors for an image.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Component.extend ({
  vibrant: service (),
  didInsertElement () {
    this._super (...arguments);
    const { vibrant, url } = this.getProperties (['vibrant', 'url']);
    vibrant.fromUrl (url).then (palette => {

The palette parameter will contain the following swatches, if found:

  • Vibrant
  • Muted
  • DarkVibrant
  • DarkMuted
  • LightVibrant
  • LightMuted

See the Swatch class for a complete list of methods available to you.

Caching Color Swatches

You can pass in an optional key parameter to cache the swatches for future references. This is useful when you need to access the same swatches from different locations in the application.

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Component.extend ({
  vibrant: service (),
  didInsertElement () {
    this._super (...arguments);
    const { vibrant, url, id } = this.getProperties (['vibrant', 'url']);
    vibrant.fromUrl (url, id).then (palette => {

As shown in the example above, the second parameter to fromUrl the key you want to cache the color swatches. If the key exists, then the service will returned the cached results. If the key does not exist, then the service will compute the color swatches and store them under the provided key.

If you do not provide a key, then the service will cache the swatches using the provided url. In many cases, just using the url to cache the swatches is acceptable. In other cases where the image is the same and the url changes, then caching based on the url will result in recomputing the swatches each time the url changes.