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Template web

The web template is a web application developed with the progressive Vue.js framework, fully integrated with Onesait Platform.

It allows, through components defined in the platform, to manage security, menus and the different pages from the OP Forms and Platform Dashboards.

These components are displayed natively without the use of iframes. In addition, the web application can be extended by creating more components.

Another feature is being able to show global filters to be able to apply them to different dashboards. You can also activate the favorites functionality, with which the dashboards will not allow you to select and mark as favorites gadgets defined in the dashboards to which the user has access in order to later create your own dashboards.

The menus, initial screens and access to components are managed from a component of the centralized platform configuration.

We will give users access to the different resources from the application defined in the platform, which is the space between users that allows sharing resources and making progressive development.

In order to carry out the installation it is necessary to have the ODS library token. Since this library is not open source. To obtain it, contact those responsible for the platform through email

The Node version to use is v16.20.2.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build