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net-websocket-spring-boot-starter License

The WebSocket is based on netty. It's easier to use for somebody who want to build a WebSocket in a short time.

Support jdk version 1.8 or 1.8+


Request Data Format

  "e": "event type",
  "t": ["topic name"],
  "d": "data"
  • e:event, t:topic, d:data
  • support event type:subscribe, message, cancel, heartbeat
  • Except for the heartbeat event, the topic is a required param.You can send multiple topics at the same time.
  • You can customize the response data format.

Heartbeat Event

  • The server will send a heartbeat event when the client and server have no data interaction within 1 minute. The data format that the server send is like this:
  "e": "heartbeat",
  "d": "ping"
  • If the client receive a heartbeat event, please send a data to the server. The data format is like this:
  "e": "heartbeat",
  "d": "pong"
  • The connection will be disconnected when the server who sent the heartbeat event twice din't receive any response.

Quick Start

  • add maven dependency
  • You have two choices to handle event, add annotation or implement WebSocketEventHandler<Request, Response> or WebSocketCustomizeEventHandler<Request, Response> for every topic that you have.

Add annotation

Add the annotation on the method to handle event.
You can define the topic for every annotation. The priority of topic is: method annotation topic > class annotation topic The supporting params is: topic and data. You need add RequestTopic annotation for the topic and add RequestData annotation for the data.

public class SampleMessageAnnotationEventHandler {

    public String onSubscribe(@RequestTopic String topic, @RequestData String data) {
        return "subscribe success!";

    public String onMessage(@RequestTopic String topic, @RequestData String data) {
        return "message received!";

    public String onCancel(@RequestTopic String topic, @RequestData String data) {
        return "cancel success!";

Implement interface

For the definite topics, you can implement WebSocketEventHandler<Request, Response> with the WebsocketListener annotation.

public class SampleMessageEventHandler implements WebSocketEventHandler<String, String> {
    public String onSubscribe(String topic, String data) {
        return "subscribe success!";

    public String onMessage(String topic, String data) {
        return "message received!";

    public String onCancel(String topic, String data) {
        return "cancel success!";

For the dynamic topics, you can implement WebSocketCustomizeEventHandler<Request, Response> and override the equalsTopic method.

public class SampleMessageCustomizeEventHandler implements WebSocketCustomizeEventHandler<String, String> {
    public boolean equalsTopic(String topic) {
        return "test2".equals(topic);

    public String onSubscribe(String topic, String data) {
        return "subscribe success!";

    public String onMessage(String topic, String data) {
        return "message received!";

    public String onCancel(String topic, String data) {
        return "cancel success!";
  • configure the scan package where your implementers are.
@WebSocketScan(basePackages = {""})
public class WebSocketApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(WebSocketApplication.class).run(args);
  • configure parameter
    # Listening port
    port: 80
    # The number of listening threads, default 1 thread
    boss-group-threads: 1
    # The number of working threads, default 0 is the number of CPU cores
    worker-group-threads: 0
    # Request path
    end-point: /ws
    # Retry config
      # Whether to enable the retry
      enable: true
      # The maximum number of retry times, the default is 3 times
      max-retry-time: 3
      # Retry interval, unit: milliseconds, default 1000ms
      retry-interval: 1000
  • send message

You can use the method of the WebSocketMessagePublisher class to send your message.

public class SendMessageHandler {
    public static void send(String topic, String message) {
        WebSocketMessagePublisher.publish(topic, message);


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