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Babelfish on Docker

Docker environments for Babelfish test.

Use current image

docker pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose-remote.yml up 

Access through local:

docker-compose exec babelfishpg-ubuntu-focal bash -c 'sqlcmd -H localhost:1433 -P password -U bbf' 

To access through host mode in the same machine, it can be issued a similar command to the below (you may need to change the network name entry):

DOCKER_BBF_IP=$(docker inspect -f "{{with index .NetworkSettings.Networks \"babelfish-on-docker_babelfish\"}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" babelfishpg-ubuntu-focal)

Then, you can either use your psql or your MSSQL Server client of preference (FreeTDS in the following example):

/opt/babelfish/bin/psql -h ${DOCKER_BBF_IP} -p 5432 -U bbf bbf 
tsql -S ${DOCKER_BBF_IP} -p 1433 -U bbf bbf

BABELFISH_DB is the Postgres database that has the Babelfish extensions, and it is called master in SQL Server. So, certain clients like DBeaver will need to specify the master instead of the Postgres name.

Multi-DB / Single-DB

The current image uses multi-db as the default migration mode. It means that all the databases you create in the Babelfish database (through TDS), will be reflected as Postgres schemas in the selected Babelfish database.

The mapped schemas will had the *-dbo suffix. This mode is useful if you rely on multi schema login against your SQL Server.

Single-DB will allow only one user database, and it might be the most recommended mode for beginners.


docker-compose build babelfishpg-ubuntu-focal
docker-compose up

docker tag babelfishpg:ubuntu.focal
docker tag babelfishpg:ubuntu.focal
docker push
docker push

See that you can add more distros in the same compose, and build by build argument as above.


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