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Client utility for the framework.

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# with npm
npm install

# with yarn
yarn add

Quick Start

Make sure you have a server running.

const { createClient } = require('')

// Create your client
const client = createClient()

// Create a room with this client, that other players will be able to join
client.createRoom('player1', { avatar: 'avatar-1' })



A player is represented by a name and an optional data object. You can use your client instance to update the player name and data with the setPlayer method.

Name Description
setPlayer Update the player name and data. Pass the new name and data as parameters

The data object can represent anything you want, and can be omitted if not used by your game.

Note: players must be in a room before calling setPlayer.


A room is represented by 3 attributes:

  • a list of players. Note that the room creator is called the room host
  • a room code used to join the room
  • an optional settings object Your client instance can perform a few actions related to room management:
Name Description
createRoom Create a room. Pass the player name and data as parameters
joinRoom Join an existing room. Pass the room code and the player name and data as parameters
leaveRoom Leave the player's current room
getRoom Get the room data
setRoomSettings Update the room settings

Note: rooms are automatically destroyed by the server.


Your client instance exposes the startGame method that is used to start the game in the player room.

Name Description
startGame Start the game in the room

Note: only the room host can start the game in the room.


Create a client exposes a single createClient function. Calling it with a configuration object returns a client instance that you use to interract with your server.

const { createClient } = require('')

// Create your client
const client = createClient({
    serverUrl: 'http://localhost:8080'

serverUrl (Optional)
Url of your server. Note that you can omit it completely if your client code is served by the same server (i.e. same origin).

Built-in actions comes with 7 built-in actions. They all return a Promise that resolves when the action is performed on the server, and rejects if an error is returned by the server. Built-in errors are always in the form { code: 'err_xxx' }. See errors for a full list of errors.

  • createRoom is used to create a room and register as the host player. Pass the player name and data as parameters.
client.createRoom('player1', { customAttribute: 'value' })

// Game without player custom data
  • joinRoom is used to join an existing room and register as a player. Pass the player name and data as parameters.
client.joinRoom('E6A2FD', 'player2', { customAttribute: 'otherValue' })

// Game without player custom data
client.joinRoom('E6A2FD', 'player2')
  • leaveRoom is used to leave the current player's room.
  • getRoom is used to request the current room data.
client.getRoom().then((roomData) =>
    const {
        code, // The room 6-digits code
        isHost, // Boolean. true if the caller is the host of the room.
        players, // Array of players in the room, in the form { name, data, publicId }
        settings // Settings object of the room
    } = roomData
  • setRoomSettings is used to update the room settings. Only the room host can perform this action.
const newSettings = { useExtension: true, lifeCount: 3 }
  • setPlayer is used to update the player name and data. Can only be performed after the player is in a room.
client.setPlayer('player3', { customAttribute: 'value2' })
  • startGame is used to start the game in the room. Only the room host can perform this action.

Custom game actions

Use the query method to send any event to your server. Such events are called game actions and should be declared in the server configuration so that your game can react to them.

query returns a Promise that resolves when the action is performed on the server (you can also send data back from the server), and rejects if an error is returned by the server.

const targetPlayerId = getTargetPlayerId()
client.query('sendMoney', { to: targetPlayerId, amount: '$5' })


You can subscribe/unsubscribe to any event sent by the server by calling the subscribe and unsubscribe methods. You can subscribe several times to the same event and pass different callbacks.

function onMoneyReceived({ amount, from }) =>
    // callback

// subscribe to a 'moneyReceived' event
client.subscribe('moneyReceived', onMoneyReceived)

// unsubscribe to the 'moneyReceived' event
client.subscribe('moneyReceived', onMoneyReceived)

built-in events

There are 6 built-in events that are sent by the server. You can subscribe to them with the same subscribe and unsubscribe methods.

  • roomUpdated is fired whenever a change occurs in the player room (players or room settings).


  • It is only fired before the game has started.
  • It doesn't contain the room data. You have to call getRoom to get the updated room data.
client.subscribe('roomUpdated', () =>
  • roomDestroyed is fired to all room players after the host leaves the room. When this event is sent, the room just got destroyed on the server so all players must join or create another room.

Note: it is only fired before the game has started. If the a player (host or not) leaves the game after it has started, the game continues normally as players can then reconnect.

client.subscribe('roomDestroyed', () =>
  • gameStarted is fired to all room players when the host starts the game.
client.subscribe('gameStarted', () =>
  • playerLeft is fired to all room players when a player leaves the room. The payload contains the leaver publicId and name.

Note: it is only fired after the game has started, when any player leaves the room.

client.subscribe('playerLeft', ({ publicId, name }) =>
    displayNotification(`${name} left the room`)
  • playerRejoined is fired to all room players when a player rejoins the room (after having left it). The payload contains the player publicId and name.

Note: it is only fired after the game has started, when a player rejoins the room.

client.subscribe('playerRejoined', ({ publicId, name }) =>
    displayNotification(`${name} rejoined the room`)
  • reconnected is fired just after calling the createClient function if the player rejoins the room after having left it. It is sent at the same time than playerRejoined but only to the player that is rejoining. You can use this callback to detect a reconnection in your game logic.

Note: it is only fired after the game has started.

client.subscribe('reconnected', () =>
    displayNotification(`you just rejoined the game. Other players missed you.`)

error subscribe

error is a particular event that you can subscribe to as any other event. The callbacks you register for this event are then called whenever the server sends any error back (built-in errors as well as your custom game action errors). This can be used to build a notification center for instance, that would display certain errors to the player.


Below are listed all built-in errors:

Code Description Sent by
err_100 already in a room createRoom, joinRoom
err_101 not in a room leaveRoom, getRoom, setPlayer, setRoomSettings, startGame, any custom game action
err_102 room not found joinRoom
err_103 room is full joinRoom
err_104 game already started joinRoom, setPlayer, startGame
err_105 game not started any custom game action
err_106 you are not the host setRoomSettings, startGame
err_107 wrong player count startGame
err_108 missing callback any custom game action
err_109 incompatible settings startGame
err_200 invalid player name createRoom, joinRoom, setPlayer
err_201 invalid player data createRoom, joinRoom, setPlayer
err_202 invalid room code joinRoom
err_203 invalid room settings setRoomSettings
err_204 invalid input payload any custom game action


  • err_108 should only be received while in development. It indicates that you are requesting a custom game action to the server (with the query method), but you did not declare this action in the server configuration.
  • err_204 is sent back as an error for any custom game action if the payload sent to the server is refused by your input-validator function. Read more about input-validators in the documentation




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