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0.2.1 - Testnet update

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@onixcoin-io onixcoin-io released this 20 Jan 08:36

Changes on this release

  • Updated testnet params, chaindata and checkpoints.
  • Added getcontractcode RPC API method.

Mandatory update for testnet usage

If you're using the testnet, you need to update the wallet and resync the testnet chain only.

New RPC method added

We added the getcontractcode RPC method to the wallet. This method returns a given smart contract hex code by address.

New platform supported

Now our core wallet is being built for RasPiOS64. If you have a RPi 4 with at least 4 GB of RAM and the 64 bits version of the RasPiOS or similar, then you can get the precompiled binaries from here.

sha256 sums:

79ac7807e6713c0f3a58ded52bcea223d37007ee71c5242f6fbc66af4ccdaefc onix-0.2.1-linux.tar.gz
a0422aee48560f96f04d3dd72fccd4afa38f58de977e5647135912ce39e8dfb3 onix-0.2.1-rpi64.tar.gz

[NEW] Downloadable MAINNET bootstrap

Syncing the full Mainnet blockchain should take no longer than a few hours. But if you have a good connection and want to start faster, you can get the latest snapshot from our IPFS server.