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Marketplace frontend

Contribution marketplace web application frontend

🎟️ Description

This repository contains the code for the interface (Front End)

🎗️ Prerequisites

Install yarn.

📦 Installation

yarn install
cp .env.example .env

Then modify your .env file to match with your environment.

🔬 Usage

To run in development mode

yarn dev

📚 Storybook

To view components in isolation using Storybook

yarn storybook

It can be useful to reset the Storybook cache when some updates are not showing correctly

yarn storybook --no-manager-cache

🌡️ Testing


yarn test

With coverage

yarn test:coverage


Run your server

yarn dev --mode test
MARKETPLACE_COVERAGE=true yarn dev --mode test // Run with coverage

Then run one of these commands

CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 yarn e2e
CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 yarn e2e:open // Open the UI

🛠 Build

yarn build

And to run in local your build.

yarn preview

Deployment process

Each Pull Requet must target the develop branch. This way it will create a preview.
When a Pull Request is merged into develop, it is automatically deployed on the staging environment.

Then to deploy in production, some commands have to be executed.
Basically it consists to merge the develop branch into the main branch by forcing a fast forward merge.

Only project admins can do this

git checkout main
git fetch
git pull origin main
git merge --ff develop
git push origin main

🏗 Contributing

You can contribute by applying to some opened contributions of this project.
You can find those contributions on our platform =>