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  • add gradle build system
  • add Intellij idea ini file comments support


To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.onlynight:FastIni:1.2.1'


To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Step 2. Add the dependency



This is a *.ini file parser java tools. It will help you parse .ini file quickly such as google's Gson.

I hava extention the .ini file, becourse the .ini file is the single key value types, so i change the value to the list, if you want some key with a list of value you can write like this:

key = value1,value2,value3

Release & Import

The release fastini-x.x.x.jar file are in the root of /bin directory. You can download the fast-ini-x.x.x.jar lib, and add it in your project.


It is simple to use:

FastIni fastIni = new FastIni();
Demo demo = fastIni.fromPath("the file path", Demo.class);

or you dont want to get all property by template, you can use like this:

niDocument document = new IniDocument("the file path").parse();
List<String> values = document.get("key");


Sample ini file

filename translate_config.ini

[platform key]
# baidu translate api info, you should replace it with your own.
baidu_app_id = 123413312312
baidu_app_secret = sadfwqeersddafasdftryyjghsaddarytre

# google translate api info, you should replace it with your own.
google_api_key = qoiewtusdjifoiasjoteertqwerqwe

# youdao translate api info, you should replace it with your own.
youdao_api_key = 32423512412

# now support google, baidu, youdao translate platform api.
# the value you can choose are "google", "baidu", "youdao"
translate_platform = google

[phone platform]
# now support android .xml string res and ios .strings string res translate.
# the value you can choose are "android" or "ios"
phone_platform = android

# the source language you provided.
source_language = zh-CN

# if you want translate all language you should use "all" to replace this value.
# use "all" means you want translate the platform support all languages;
# or you should use language code to tell the translate you want to translate.
# the platform support language contains in the root of the project xxx_support_laguage.txt
# you can check this file to get the platform support language
destination_language = en,zh_TW

# the translate file must in the same path or sub dir of the translator.jar.
# this value assign the folder name, if you don't want use sub dir,
# just use "/" to replace the value
source_file_path = values

Sample parse code

1. use template class to parse the document.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FastIni ini = new FastIni();
        File currentPath = new File("");
        TestBean bean = ini.fromPath(new File(currentPath.getAbsolutePath(), "translate_config.ini").
                getAbsolutePath(), TestBean.class);
    public static class TestBean {
        public static final String TAG = TestBean.class.getSimpleName();
        private String appId;
        private String appKey;
        private String apiUrl;
        private List<String> others;

        private String translatePlatform;
        private String textType;
        private String sourceLanguage;
        private List<String> destinationLanguage;
        private String sourceFilePath;

        public String getAppId() {
            return appId;

        public void setAppId(String appId) {
            this.appId = appId;

        public String getAppKey() {
            return appKey;

        public void setAppKey(String appKey) {
            this.appKey = appKey;

        public String getApiUrl() {
            return apiUrl;

        public void setApiUrl(String apiUrl) {
            this.apiUrl = apiUrl;

        public List<String> getOthers() {
            return others;

        public void setOthers(List<String> others) {
            this.others = others;

        public String getTranslatePlatform() {
            return translatePlatform;

        public void setTranslatePlatform(String translatePlatform) {
            this.translatePlatform = translatePlatform;

        public String getTextType() {
            return textType;

        public void setTextType(String textType) {
            this.textType = textType;

        public String getSourceLanguage() {
            return sourceLanguage;

        public void setSourceLanguage(String sourceLanguage) {
            this.sourceLanguage = sourceLanguage;

        public List<String> getDestinationLanguage() {
            return destinationLanguage;

        public void setDestinationLanguage(List<String> destinationLanguage) {
            this.destinationLanguage = destinationLanguage;

        public String getSourceFilePath() {
            return sourceFilePath;

        public void setSourceFilePath(String sourceFilePath) {
            this.sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder languages = new StringBuilder();
            try {
                for (String lang : destinationLanguage) {
                languages.deleteCharAt(languages.length() - 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return "appId" + " = " + appId + "\n" +
                    "appKey" + " = " + appKey + "\n" +
                    "apiUrl" + " = " + apiUrl + "\n" +
                    "others" + " = " + list2String(others) + "\n" +
                    "translatePlatform" + " = " + translatePlatform + "\n" +
                    "textType" + " = " + textType + "\n" +
                    "sourceLanguage" + " = " + sourceLanguage + "\n" +
                    "destinationLanguage" + " = " + list2String(destinationLanguage) + "\n" +
                    "sourceFilePath" + " = " + sourceFilePath + "\n";

        private static String list2String(List<String> list) {
            StringBuilder languages = new StringBuilder();

            if (list != null) {
                try {
                    for (String data : list) {
                    languages.deleteCharAt(languages.length() - 1);
                } catch (Exception e) {

            return languages.toString();

2. use key to load ini key values.

public void testParseDoc() {
    String filePath = new File(new File("").getAbsoluteFile(),
    IniDocument document = new IniDocument().fromPath(filePath);
    List<String> languages = document.get("destinationLanguage");
    if (languages != null) {
        for (String lang : languages) {



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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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