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TurnkeyML Code Structure

Repo Organization

The TurnkeyML source code has a few major top-level directories:

  • docs: documentation for the entire project.
  • examples: example scripts for use with the TurnkeyML tools.
    • examples/api: examples scripts that invoke the benchmarking API to get the performance of models.
    • examples/cli: tutorial series starting in examples/cli/ to help learn the turnkey CLI.
      • examples/cli/scripts: example scripts that can be fed as input into the turnkey CLI. These scripts each have a docstring that recommends one or more turnkey CLI commands to try out.
  • models: the corpora of models that makes up the TurnkeyML models (see the models readme).
    • Each subdirectory under models represents a corpus of models pulled from somewhere on the internet. For example, models/torch_hub is a corpus of models from Torch Hub.
  • src/turnkey: source code for the TurnkeyML tools (see Benchmarking Tools for a description of how the code is used).
    • src/turnkeyml/analyze: functions for profiling a model script, discovering model instances, and invoking build_model() and/or BaseRT.benchmark() on those instances.
    • src/turnkeyml/run: implements BaseRT, an abstract base class that defines TurnkeyML's vendor-agnostic benchmarking functionality. This module also includes the runtime and device plugin APIs and the built-in runtimes and devices.
    • src/turnkeyml/cli: implements the turnkey CLI and reporting tool.
    • src/turnkeyml/common: functions common to the other modules.
    • src/turnkeyml/ defines the package version number.
    • src/turnkeyml/build: source code for the build API (see Model Build Tool)
  • test: tests for the TurnkeyML tools.
    • test/ tests focusing on the analysis of model scripts.
    • test/ tests focusing on top-level CLI features.

Benchmarking Tools

TurnkeyML provides two main tools, the turnkey CLI and benchmarking APIs. Instructions for how to use these tools are documented in the Tools User Guide, while this section is about how the source code is invoked to implement the tools. All of the code below is located under src/turnkeyml/.

  1. The turnkey CLI is the comprehensive frontend that wraps all the other code. It is implemented in cli/
  2. The default command for turnkey CLI runs the benchmark_files() API, which is implemented in
    • Other CLI commands are also implemented in cli/, for example the report command is implemented in cli/
  3. The benchmark_files() API takes in a set of scripts, each of which should invoke at least one model instance, to evaluate and passes each into the evaluate_script() function for analysis, which is implemented in analyze/
  4. evaluate_script() uses a profiler to discover the model instances in the script, and passes each into the build_model() API, which is defined in
  5. The build_model() API prepares the model for benchmarking (e.g., exporting and optimizing an ONNX file).
  6. evaluate_script() passes the build into BaseRT.benchmark() to benchmarks the model on the device and returns an instance of the MeasuredPerformance class, which includes the performance statistics acquired during benchmarking.

Model Build Tool

The build module implements the build_model() API, which is an automated toolchain for building PyTorch/Keras/Hummingbird models into optimized ONNX files.

The build codebase is housed in the repo's src/turnkeyml/build directory. The API itself is in src/turnkeyml/

The mission of build_model() is to get your model ready to to use in the ONNX ecosystem with only 1 function call on 1 line of code. This involves taking all the complexity of working with multiple ML frameworks, the ONNX ecosystem, and other tools and abstracting all of it away from the user. As such, there is a fair amount of internal complexity, but we have done our best to organize in a way that is reasonable to understand, maintain, and most importantly, extend.

The first thing you need to know about the code is that it is all structured around a rocket ship pun. The build_model() function is built from a Sequence of Stages that must undergo ignition and then launch().

The second thing you need to know is that although build_model() must be magically simple in the average case, it is also designed to be completely customizable when needed. Custom Sequences and Stages empower developers to add support for virtually any input format or model transformation.

build_model() Function

We wanted to keep build_model()'s definition clean and easy to understand, so it is made up of a series of function calls to a sub-module called ignition.

These ignition calls start by making sure the call to build_model() is legit, by checking the environment, the arguments passed to build_model(), and so on.

The first impactful choices in build_model() take place during model intake, which looks at the model, inputs, and other arguments passed to build_model() to determine what kind of model this is, and what to do with it. A key result of model intake is a Sequence, which is the series of build Stages that build_model() will use to build the model. Sequences and Stages get their own section below.

Next, ignition looks into the build cache to determine whether this model needs to be built, or whether it has already been built and we can just reload it. The build cache is a location on disk that stores the output files and state from every call to build_model(), and this cache check is one of the most involved parts of the build_model() codebase.

If build_model() need to perform a build, the sequence from model intake comes into play. You can read more about sequences below, but at a high level:

  • build_model() displays a monitor to help users keep track of progress through the sequence
  • the sequence is "launched", meaning a series of Stages will each execute (fire()) to build the model

Finally, if the sequence is successful, build_model() will display a success message and then return a Model instance. You can read about Model below. On failure, build_model() will display an error message that should be as helpful and actionable as possible.

Sequence and Stage Classes

All of the logic for actually building models is contained in Stage classes. Generally, each Stage is a model-to-model transformation. For example, the ExportPytorchModel Stage transforms a PyTorch model instance into an ONNX model file.

Stages are designed to be composable, for example, there are already a few ONNX-to-ONNX Stages defined in src/turnkeyml/build/ that could theoretically be composed in any order.

The justbuildit module also provides the Sequence class, which facilitates running a series of Stages. For example, in the first version of build_model(), a PyTorch model instance can be built into a BaseModel using a Sequence of 4 Stages.

Sequences can also be nested inside of other Sequences. For example, we can define a PyTorch-to-ONNX Sequence, and then nest that inside of another Sequence, that, for example, could map a PyTorch model all the way into an optimized ONNX model.

Every Stage in build_model() is defined by inheriting the Stage base class. Each Stage must provide a unique name and a message to be displayed on the monitor, along with an overload of the fire() method. This fire() method is what the Sequence will call on your behalf when running the build.

fire() receives a single argument, an instance of State (which you can read more about below). Stages can do many things, but generally speaking they should do some, or all, of:

  • Take one or more artifact(s) from state.intermediate_results as input
  • Produce one or more new artifact(s) and save them state.intermediate_results
  • Raise an exception if the build should not continue
  • Set state.build_status to 'successful' if the state of the build represents a working basis for a BaseModel
  • Return an updated state instance

State Class

The State class keeps track of the state of a build_model() build. State is also automatically saved to disk as a state.yaml file in the build cache whenever an attribute is modified. There are three key intentions behind this implementation and usage of State:

  1. Easily pass critical information between Stages in a standardized way
  2. Facilitate debugging by keeping the latest information and build decisions in one place on disk