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TurnkeyML Contribution Guide

Hello and welcome to the project! 🎉

We're thrilled that you're considering contributing to the project. This project is a collaborative effort and we welcome contributors from everyone.

Before you start, please take a few moments to read through these guidelines. They are designed to make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved. Also take a look at the code organization for a bird's eye view of the repository.

The guidelines document is organized as the following sections:

Contributing a model

One of the easiest ways to contribute is to add a model to the benchmark. To do so, simply add a .py file to the models/ directory that instantiates and calls a supported type of model (see Tools User Guide to learn more). The automated benchmarking infrastructure will do the rest!

Contributing a plugin

TurnkeyML supports a variety of built-in build sequences, runtimes, and devices (see the Devices and Runtimes table). You can contribute a plugin to add support for a different build sequence, runtime, or device of your choosing.

A turnkey plugin is a pip-installable package that implements support for building a model using a custom sequence and/or benchmarking a model on a device with a runtime. These packages must adhere to a specific interface that is documented below.

Plugin Directory Layout

A plugin package that instantiates all of the optional files would have this directory layout:

        |- turnkeyml_runtime_<descriptive_name>/

Package Template

Plugins are pip-installable packages, so they each take the form of a directory that contains a script and a Python module containing the plugin source code.

We require the following naming scheme:

  • The top level directory can be named any <descriptive_name> you like.
    • For example, example_rt/
  • The package name is turnkeyml_plugin_<descriptive_name>
    • For example, turnkeyml_plugin_example_rt
    • Note: this naming convention is used by the tools to detect installed plugins. If you do not follow the convention your plugin will not be detected.
  • Within the module a turnkeyml_plugin_<descriptive_name>/ file that has an implements nested dictionary (see Implements Dictionary).
    • Note: a single plugin can implement any number of runtimes and sequences.
  • Source code files that implement the plugin capabilities (see Plugin Directory Layout).

Runtime Plugins

Plugins can implement one or more runtimes.

See example_rt for an example of a minimal runtime plug in. This example is used below to help explain the interface.

To add a runtime to a plugin:

  1. Pick a unique name, <runtime_name> for each runtime that will be supported by the plugin.

    • This name will be used in the turnkey --runtime <runtime_name> argument
    • For example, a runtime named example-rt would be invoked with turnkey --runtime example-rt
  2. Populate the Implements Dictionary with a per-runtime dictionary with the following fields:

    • supported_devices: Union[Set,Dict]: combination of devices supported by the runtime.
      • For example, in example_rt, "supported_devices": {"x86"} indicates that the x86 device is supported by the example runtime.
      • A device typically refers to an entire family of devices, such as the set of all x86 CPUs. However, plugins can provide explicit support for specific device parts within a device family. Additionally, specific configurations within a device model (e.g., a specific device firmware) are also supported.
        • Each supported part within a device family must be defined as a dictionary.
        • Each supported configuration within a device model must be defined as a list.
        • Example: "supported_devices": {"family1":{"part1":["config1","config2"]}}.
        • See example_combined for a plugin implementation example that leverages this feature.
      • Note: If a device is already supported by the tools, this simply adds support for another runtime to that device. If the device is not already supported by the tools, this also adds support for that device and it will start to appear as an option for the turnkey --device <device_name> argument.
    • "build_required": Bool: indicates whether the build_model() API should be called on the model and inputs.
    • "docker_required": Bool: indicates whether benchmarking is implemented through a docker container.
      • For example, "build_required": False indicates that no build is required, and benchmarking can be performed directly on the model and inputs.
      • An example where "build_required": True is the ort runtime, which requires the model to be built (via ONNX exporter) into a .onnx file prior to benchmarking.
    • (Optional) "default_sequence": = <instance of Sequence>: if a build is required, this is the sequence of model-to-model transformations that the runtime expects.
      • For example, ort expects an ONNX file that has been optimized and converted to fp16, so it uses the built-in sequences.onnx_fp32 sequence.
      • If a build is not required this field can be omitted.
    • "RuntimeClass": <class_name>, where <class_name> is a unique name for a Python class that inherits BaseRT and implements the runtime.
      • For example, "RuntimeClass": ExampleRT implements the example runtime.
      • The interface for the runtime class is defined in Runtime Class below.
    • (Optional) "status_stats": List[str]: a list of keys from the build stats that should be printed out at the end of benchmarking in the CLI's Status output. These keys, and corresponding values, must be set in the runtime class using self.stats.save_model_eval_stat(key, value).
    • (Optional) "requirement_check": Callable: a callable that runs before each benchmark. This may be used to check whether the device selected is available and functional before each benchmarking run. Exceptions raised during this callable will halt the benchmark of all selected files.
  3. Populate the package with the following files (see Plugin Directory Layout):

    • A script that implements the Runtime Class.
    • (Optional) An execute method that follows the Execute Method template and implements the benchmarking methodology for the device/runtime combination(s).
      • See the tensorrt runtime's for a fairly minimal example.
    • (Optional) A script that executes inside the conda env to collect benchmarking results.
      • See the onnxrt runtime's for an example.

Sequence Plugins

Plugins can implement one or more build sequences.

See example_seq for an example of a minimal sequence plug in. This example is used below to help explain the interface.

To add a build sequence to a plugin:

  1. Pick a unique name, <sequence_name> for each sequence that will be supported by the plugin.

    • This name will be used in the turnkey --sequence <sequence_name> argument
    • For example, a sequence named example-seq would be invoked with turnkey --sequence example-seq
  2. Populate the Implements Dictionary with a per-sequence dictionary with the following fields:

    • "sequence_instance" : <instance of Sequence>: points to an instance of that implements the model-to-model transformations for the build sequence.
  3. Populate the package with the following files (see Plugin Directory Layout):

    • A script that implements the Sequence Class and associated sequence instance.

Implements Dictionary

This dictionary has keys for each type of plugin that will be installed by this package.

  • Packages with runtime plugin(s) should have a runtimes key in the implements dictionary, which in turn includes one dictionary per runtime installed in the plugin.
  • Packages with sequence plugin(s) should have a sequences key in the implements dictionary, which in turn includes one dictionary per runtime installed in the plugin.

An implements dictionary with both sequences and runtimes would have the form:

implements = {
  "runtimes": {
    "runtime_1_name" : {
      "build_required": Bool,
      "RuntimeClass": Class(BaseRT),
      "devices": List[str],
      "default_sequence": Sequence instance,
      "status_stats": ["custom_stat_1", "custom_stat_2"],
    "runtime_2_name" : {...},
  "sequences": {
    "sequence_name_1": {"sequence_instance": Sequence instance,},
    "sequence_name_2": {...},

Runtime Class

A runtime class inherits the abstract base class BaseRT and implements a one or more runtimes to provide benchmarking support for one or more devices.

BaseRT has 4 methods that plugin developers must overload:

  • _setup(): any code that should be called prior to benchmarking as a one-time setup. Called automatically at the end of BaseRT.__init__().
  • mean_latency(): returns the mean latency, in ms, for the benchmarking run.
  • throughput(): returns the throughput, in IPS, for the benchmarking run.
  • device_name(): returns the full device name for the device used in benchmarking. For example, a benchmark on a x86 device might have a device name like AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 6850U with Radeon Graphics.
  • [Optional] _execute(): method that BaseRT can automatically call during BaseRT.benchmark(), which implements the specific benchmarking methodology for that device/runtime combination. See Execute Method for more details.
  • [Optional] __init__(): the __init__ method can be overloaded to take additional keyword arguments, see Custom Runtime Arguments for details.

Developers may also choose to overload the benchmark() function. By default, BaseRT will automatically invoke the module's Execute Method and use mean_latency(), throughput(), and device_name() to populate a MeasuredPerformance instance to return. However, some benchmarking methodologies may not lend themselves to a dedicated execute method. For example, TorchRT simply implements all of its benchmarking logic within an overloaded benchmark() method.

Custom Runtime Arguments

The turnkey CLI/APIs allow users to pass arbitrary arguments to the runtime with --rt-args.

Runtime arguments from the user's --rt-args will be passed into the runtime class's __init__() method as keyword arguments. Runtime plugins must accept any such custom arguments in their overloaded __init__() method, at which point the contributor is free to use them any way they like. A common usage would be to store arguments as members of self and then access them during _setup() or _execute().

The format for runtime arguments passed through the CLI is:

--rt-args arg1::value1 arg2::[value2,value3] flag_arg


  • Arguments are space-delimited.
  • Flag arguments (in the style of argparse's store_true) are passed by key name only and result in <key>=True.
  • Arguments with a single value are passed as key::value.
  • Arguments that are a list of values are passed as key::[value1, value2, ...].

API users can pass an arbitrary dictionary of arguments, e.g., benchmark_files(rt_args=Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]).

See example_combined for an example.

Execute Method

Contributors who are not overloading BaseRT.benchmark() must overload BaseRT._execute(). By default, BaseRT will automatically call self._execute() during BaseRT.benchmark(), which implements the specific benchmarking methodology for that device/runtime combination. For example, tensorrt/ implements benchmarking on Nvidia GPU devices with the TensorRT runtime.

Implementation of the execute method is optional, however if you do not implement the execute method you will have to overload BaseRT.benchmark() with your own functionality as in TorchRT.

_execute() must implement the following arguments (note that it is not required to make use of all of them):

  • output_dir: path where the benchmarking artifacts (ONNX files, inputs, outputs, performance data, etc.) are located.
  • onnx_file: path where the ONNX file for the model is located.
  • outputs_file: path where the benchmarking outputs will be located.
  • iterations: number of execution iterations of the model to capture the throughput and mean latency.

Additionally, self._execute() can access any custom runtime argument that has been added to self by the runtime class.

Contributing to the overall framework

If you wish to contribute to any other part of the repository such as examples or reporting, please open an issue with the following details.

  1. Title: A concise, descriptive title that summarizes the contribution.
  2. Tags/Labels: Add any relevant tags or labels such as 'enhancement', 'good first issue', or 'help wanted'
  3. Proposal: Detailed description of what you propose to contribute. For new examples, describe what they will demonstrate, the technology or tools they'll use, and how they'll be structured.


Please file any bugs or feature requests you have as an Issue and we will take a look.

Pull Requests

Contribute code by creating a pull request (PR). Your PR will be reviewed by one of the repo maintainers.

Please have a discussion with the team before making major changes. The best way to start such a discussion is to file an Issue and seek a response from one of the repo maintainers.


Tests are defined in tests/ and run automatically on each PR, as defined in our testing action. This action performs both linting and unit testing and must succeed before code can be merged.

We don't have any fancy testing framework set up yet. If you want to run tests locally:

  • Activate a conda environment that has turnkey (this package) installed.
  • Run conda install pylint if you haven't already (other pylint installs will give you a lot of import warnings).
  • Run pylint src --rcfile .pylintrc from the repo root.
  • Run python *.py for each test script in test/.


We use semantic versioning, as described in

Public APIs

The following public APIs are available for developers. The maintainers aspire to change these as infrequently as possible, and doing so will require an update to the package's major version number.

  • From the top-level
    • turnkeycli: the main() function of the turnkey CLI
    • benchmark_files(): the top-level API called by the CLI's benchmark command
    • build_model(): API for building a model with a Sequence
    • load_state(): API for loading the state of a previous build
    • turnkeyml.version: The package version number
  • From the run module:
    • The BaseRT class: abstract base class used in all runtime plugins
  • From the common.filesystem module:
    • get_available_builds(): list the builds in a turnkey cache
    • make_cache_dir(): create a turnkey cache
    • MODELS_DIR: the location of turnkey's model corpus on disk
    • Stats: handle for saving and reading evaluation statistics
    • Keys: reserves keys in the evaluation statistics
  • From the common.printing module:
    • log_info(): print an info statement in the style of the turnkey APIs/CLIs
    • log_warning(): print a warning statement in the style of the turnkey APIs/CLIs
    • log_error(): print an error statement in the style of the turnkey APIs/CLIs
  • From the build.export module:
    • onnx_dir(): location on disk of a build's ONNX files
    • ExportPlaceholder(Stage): build Stage for exporting models to ONNX
    • OptimizeOnnxModel(Stage): build Stage for using ONNX Runtime to optimize an ONNX model
    • ConvertOnnxToFp16(Stage): build Stage for using ONNX ML Tools to downcast an ONNX model to fp16
  • From the build.stage module:
    • The Sequence class: ordered collection of build Stages that define a build flow
    • The Stage class: abstract base class that is used to define a model-to-model transformation
  • From the module:
    • The State class: data structure that holds the inputs, outputs, and intermediate values for a Sequence
  • From the common.exceptions module:
    • StageError: exception raised when something goes wrong during a Stage
    • ModelRuntimeError: exception raised when something goes wrong running a model in hardware
  • From run.plugin_helpers everything
    • get_python_path(): returns the Python executable
    • run_subprocess(): execute a command in a subprocess
    • logged_subprocess(): execute a command in a subprocess while capturing all terminal outputs to a file
    • CondaError: exception raised when something goes wrong in a Conda environment created by TurnkeyML
    • SubprocessError: exception raised when something goes wrong in a subprocess created by TurnkeyML
    • HardwareError: exception raised when something goes wrong in hardware managed by TurnkeyML