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[Notice] We have stopped development of onnx/wheel-builder. This repo won't be updated anymore. Going forward ONNX will directly use GiHub Action in onnx repo to release ONNX packages: onnx/.github/workflows/release_*.yml.

Building and uploading ONNX wheels

This Git Repository enables automation of wheel building and deploying of ONNX packages.

Using the repository

To test building wheels:

  • Fork the project into own repo
  • Set the build commit head of ONNX in appveyor.yml and .travis.yml

To test building and publishing to TestPyPi (Credential needed)

  • Fork the project into own repo
  • Set the build commit head of ONNX in appveyor.yml and .travis.yml
  • If applicable, set the testing branch name in in appveyor.yml and .travis.yml

To test building and publishing to PyPi (Credential and Release Permission needed)

  • Set the build commit head of ONNX in appveyor.yml and .travis.yml
  • Run test
  • Release with tag in WheelBuilder repo

How it works

The wheel-builder repository:

  • build required protobuf libraries and C++ libraries in package;
  • builds a ONNX wheel, linking against the builds;
  • test installation and functionality of the produced wheels
  • deploy the wheel towards PyPI

The resulting wheels are therefore self-contained and do not need any external dynamic libraries apart from those provided as standard by OSX / Linux as defined by the manylinux1 standard.

The appveyor.yml and .travis.yml in this repository have credentials of packages index repos. You may customize or update according to Travis/Appveyor Documentation at:

Built With

multibuild (master branch)


For developing purpose, linux/osx build configurations are defined in