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laloquidity committed Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 19c4ab1 commit ac9d8f9
Showing 1 changed file with 325 additions and 0 deletions.
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions consumer-genesis-files/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
//! Given an exported genesis of a provider, this translates the bonded amounts
//! to `aonex` balances that will be put into a partial genesis without accounts
//! to create the partial genesis
//! NOTE this will overwrite the file at `partial-genesis-path`, use source
//! control

cargo r --bin process_accounts --release -- --partial-genesis-without-accounts-path ./../environments/mainnet/onex-mainnet/partial-genesis-without-accounts.json --exported-genesis-path ./../../../Downloads/mainnet-snapshot-for-onex.json --partial-genesis-path ./../environments/mainnet/onex-mainnet/partial-genesis.json

use std::collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap, HashSet};

use clap::Parser;
use common::MODULE_ACCOUNTS;
use onomy_test_lib::super_orchestrator::{
stacked_errors::{Result, StackableErr},
stacked_get, stacked_get_mut, std_init, FileOptions,
use serde::ser::Serialize;
use serde_json::{json, ser::PrettyFormatter, Serializer, Value};
use u64_array_bigints::U256;

#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
struct Args {
pub partial_genesis_without_accounts_path: String,
pub exported_genesis_path: String,
pub partial_genesis_path: String,

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args = Args::parse();
//let logs_dir = "./tests/logs";

// must remove these from accounts
let module_accounts = MODULE_ACCOUNTS;
let module_accounts: HashSet<&str> = module_accounts.iter().cloned().collect();

let partial_genesis_without_accounts =
let exported_genesis = FileOptions::read_to_string(&args.exported_genesis_path)

let exported: Value = serde_json::from_str(&exported_genesis).stack()?;
let mut genesis: Value = serde_json::from_str(&partial_genesis_without_accounts).stack()?;

let validators_value: &[Value] = stacked_get!(exported["app_state"]["staking"]["validators"])

struct Total {
shares: U256,
tokens: U256,
let mut validators: BTreeMap<String, Total> = BTreeMap::new();
for validator in validators_value {
let shares = &validator["delegator_shares"];
let shares = shares.as_str().unwrap();
// the shares can be fractional, truncate at the decimal point
let i = shares.find('.').unwrap();
let shares = &shares[..i];
let shares = U256::from_dec_or_hex_str(shares).unwrap();
let tokens = U256::from_dec_or_hex_str(validator["tokens"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
Total { shares, tokens },

// use only bonded amounts
let delegations: &[Value] = stacked_get!(exported["app_state"]["staking"]["delegations"])

let mut allocations = BTreeMap::<String, u128>::new();
for delegation in delegations {
let address = stacked_get!(delegation["delegator_address"]);
let address = address.as_str().unwrap();
if module_accounts.contains(address) {
// there shouldn't be any modules delegating to anyone
let shares = stacked_get!(delegation["shares"]);
let shares = shares.as_str().unwrap();
// the shares can be fractional, truncate at the decimal point
let i = shares.find('.').unwrap();
let shares = &shares[..i];
let shares = U256::from_dec_or_hex_str(shares).unwrap();

let total = validators

// delegated tokens = (shares * total_tokens) / total_shares
let tmp = shares.checked_mul(total.tokens).unwrap();
let tmp = tmp.divide(total.shares).unwrap().0;
let tmp = tmp.try_resize_to_u128().unwrap();

match allocations.entry(address.to_owned()) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
Entry::Occupied(mut o) => {
// if multiple delegations from same address, add them up
*o.get_mut() = o.get().checked_add(tmp).unwrap();

let mut total_supply: u128 = allocations.values().sum();
"total supply: {total_supply} ({} * 10^18)",
total_supply / 1000000000000000000

let result_denom = "aonex";

// for manual testing

// for onex mainnet: special address with 5% of liquidity
let special = ((0.05f64 / 0.95f64) * (total_supply as f64)) as u128;
let any_already_inserted = allocations.insert(
"special address: {special} ({} * 10^18)",
special / 1000000000000000000
total_supply += special;
"total supply with special address: {total_supply} ({} * 10^18)",
total_supply / 1000000000000000000

// alternatively, the partial without accounts can have some accounts and bank
// balances with desired customization

// special addresses excluded from the vesting schedule or minimum
let base_account_addresses: &[&str] = &["onomy1cn8dfn77allkgte2hdfcpsypmsasy3lzeq9kcj"];

let mut base_account_allocations = BTreeMap::<String, u128>::new();

for address in base_account_addresses {
let balance = allocations.remove(*address).unwrap();
base_account_allocations.insert(address.to_string(), balance);

for (address, allocation) in base_account_allocations {
let allocation = allocation.to_string();
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"address": address,
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"address": address,
"coins": [
"denom": result_denom,
"amount": allocation

// Exclude accounts with bonded amounts less than 100 NOM
allocations.retain(|_, amount| *amount > 100_000000000000000000);

cosmovisor run tx bank send special onomy183l3wc5xfl9k7qp8akhvnd4qwm9gmz0afmw2kp 166666666666666666678aonex -y -b block --from special --fees 1000000ibc/5872224386C093865E42B18BDDA56BCB8CDE1E36B82B391E97697520053B0513
cosmovisor run query bank balances onomy1y3c6q58vvuxr5tcmesay74wvhrey3pqv8g6y3r
cosmovisor run query account onomy1y3c6q58vvuxr5tcmesay74wvhrey3pqv8g6y3r
cosmovisor run tx staking delegate onomyvaloper1yks83spz6lvrrys8kh0untt22399tskkx4l7y6 500000000000000000034aonex --from special -y -b block --gas 300000 --fees 10000000ibc/5872224386C093865E42B18BDDA56BCB8CDE1E36B82B391E97697520053B0513

let local_target_time: chrono::DateTime<chrono_tz::Tz> = chrono::TimeZone::with_ymd_and_hms(&chrono_tz::US::Central, 2023, 12, 29, 10, 0, 0)
let utc_target_time = local_target_time.with_timezone(&chrono::Utc);
"genesis time: {}",
utc_target_time.to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Millis, true)

// genesis time in UNIX time in seconds
let start_time = u64::try_from(utc_target_time.timestamp()).unwrap();
println!("UNIX genesis time: {}", start_time);
// 30 days between each 1/12th vesting
let period: u64 = 24 * 3600 * 30;
let periods: u64 = 12;
assert!(periods >= 2);
let end_time = start_time + (period * periods);

println!("length of each vesting period in seconds: {}", period);
println!("number of vesting periods: {}", periods);

let start_time = format!("{start_time}");
let end_time = format!("{end_time}");
let period = format!("{period}");

// how the vesting periods work are that a number of coins are only allowed to
// be sent to other accounts at the end of the period. The below configuration
// is set to have the first 1/periods amound unlocked at genesis time by having
// `periods - 1` actual vesting periods, and subtracting one vesting period's
// worth from the `original_vesting`, so that there is some unlocked from the
// balance

// vesting
for (address, allocation) in allocations {
let allocation_per_period = allocation / u128::from(periods);
// there is a slight error from the division, so we calculate an exact amount.
// The most important thing is that the original_vesting is not less than the
// sum of the period amounts.
let total_balance = allocation_per_period * u128::from(periods);
let original_vesting = allocation_per_period * u128::from(periods - 1);
let total_balance = format!("{total_balance}");
let original_vesting = format!("{original_vesting}");
let allocation_per_period = format!("{allocation_per_period}");
let mut vesting_periods = vec![];
for _ in 0..(periods - 1) {
"length": period,
"amount": [
"denom": result_denom,
"amount": allocation_per_period
"@type": "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.PeriodicVestingAccount",
"base_vesting_account": {
"base_account": {
"address": address,
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"original_vesting": [
"denom": result_denom,
"amount": original_vesting
"delegated_free": [],
"delegated_vesting": [],
"end_time": end_time
"start_time": start_time,
"vesting_periods": vesting_periods
"address": address,
"coins": [
"denom": result_denom,
"amount": total_balance

let mut genesis_s = vec![];
let formatter = PrettyFormatter::with_indent(&[b' ', b' ']);
let mut ser = Serializer::with_formatter(&mut genesis_s, formatter);
genesis.serialize(&mut ser).stack()?;
let genesis_s = String::from_utf8(genesis_s).stack()?;

FileOptions::write_str(&args.partial_genesis_path, &genesis_s)


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