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ETCD Flood

A Ginkgo test suite that spins up an etcd cluster, writes to it and reads from it mercilessly, and then goes through a variety of excercises tearing down etcd nodes.

Currently, there are 5 tests:

  • bring up 3 nodes, wait for a while, assert that all nodes have the correct data
  • bring up nodes A B and C, shut A down, assert that B and C are fine
  • bring up nodes A B and C, shut A down, then bring it back. Assert that A, B and C are fine
  • bring up nodes A B and C, shut A down, then delete its data directory, then bring it back. Assert that A, B and C are fine

The last test sometimes fails with v0.3 and v0.4.6. When it does, etcd is often logging:

WARNING   | [ss] Error: nil response
WARNING   | field/encoding mismatch: wrong type for field

This seems to be an issue with snapshotting. To increase the likelihood of it happening we set the -snapshot-count=1000.

Running the suite

go get
go get
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
ginkgo -v

The test suite will automatically download etcd binaries from Github (assumes OS X). This will only happen the first time.

To rerun the tests until failure occurs:

ginkgo -v -untilItFails

Testing different versions of etcd

ginkgo -v -- -version=VERSION

where VERSION is one of v0.3, v0.4.6, or v0.5

VERSION defaults to vbeta.

What the flood does

The flood spins up WRITERS concurrent writers that write to the etcd cluster in a tight loop. The flood writes and maintains STORE_SIZE keys in etcd. To be clear: the flood does not fill etcd up with keys, rather it fills it up to STORE_SIZE keys and then constantly overwrites those keys.

The flood will also read from the store. There are two types of concurrent reads peformed. The flood will spawn LIGHT_READERS readers that each read a single key from the store. It will also spawn HEAVY_READERS readers that fetch the entire contents of the store. Readers pause for 10ms between reads.

The default values are WRITERS = 300, HEAVY_READERS = 5, LIGHT_READERS = 20 and STORE_SIZE = 30000. These can be modified via:

ginkgo -v -- -writers=WRITERS -heavyReaders=HEAVY_REAERS -lightReaders=LIGHT_READERS -storeSize=STORE_SIZE

The flood then reports stats about the run: how many writes/reads succeeded, how many failed, how long they took, etc. The test is allowed to succeed even if some writes fails. The test only fails if, at the end of the run, the individual etcd nodes do not each report 30000 elements.


With these default values I generally see the happy-path test maintain ~2700 writes/second, ~35 heavy reads/second, 800 light reads/second on a 3.4 GHz i7 iMac.

The sad path tests generally lead to a brief window of downtime in which etcd is unavailable.


go get also builds an etcd-flood binary that can be used to launch an etcd flood. It has similar CLI flags as the test suite.


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