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React Router App with Haus Listings

This is a sample React application that demonstrates routing using the react-router-dom library. The application provides a simple interface to navigate between different sections, such as the homepage, about page, help section, and a list of houses.

Technologies Used

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-router-dom: A routing library for React applications.

Link,Navlink,RouteProvider,Outlet,Nested Route,Custom Error Page,Haus Listing,Loaders,Route Parameters,Loader with Parameter,Error Element,Form and Action,useActionData,Navigate, useSearchParams,useLocation,Breadcrumbs

Project Structure

The project is organized into different components and pages.


This is the entry point of the application. It renders the App component and provides the main routing functionality using the RouterProvider.


The App component sets up the routing for the application using the createBrowserRouter and createRoutesFromElements functions from react-router-dom. It defines routes for different sections of the app, such as the homepage, about page, help section, and the list of houses.


This directory contains the various pages of the application.

  • Home.js: The homepage of the application.
  • About.js: The about page that displays information about the application.
  • Hfa.js: A section with frequently asked questions and answers.
  • Kontakt.js: The contact page.
  • NotFound.js: The 404 page displayed when no route matches.
  • hauses directory: Contains components related to the list of houses.
    • Hauses.js: Displays a list of houses fetched from the server.
    • HausDetailed.js: Displays detailed information about a specific house.
    • HausFehler.js: Displays an error message if there's an issue loading house data.


This directory contains layout components used in the application.

  • RootLayout.js: The layout for the root level of the application, including the navigation menu.
  • HelpLayout.js: The layout for the help section, including navigation links and content.
  • HausLayout.js: The layout for the house section, including navigation links and content.


This directory contains shared components.

  • Breadcrumb.js: Displays breadcrumb navigation based on the current route.

Fetching House Data

The application fetches a list of houses from a JSON server. The data is fetched using the hausesLoader function from src/pages/hauses/Hauses.js. The fetched data is then displayed in the Hauses component.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies: Run npm install or yarn install.
  3. Start the development server: Run npm start or yarn start.


This is a simplified example to demonstrate routing in a React application. It uses placeholder data for houses and might not cover all edge cases. Feel free to extend and customize the application as needed for your use case.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6


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