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Onyx : Everything for Lyon 1

The student application for Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University

Releases Playstore License Discord

Features | Download | Contribute | Build | License


Onyx is an unofficial, open-source application that lets you access all Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 services from your phone.


Calendar Screenshot Email Screenshot Grades Screenshot Map Screenshot Izly Screenshot


google-play github app-store


An application for students, by students. Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or pull requests. We really appreciate any help. You can also chat with us on Discord.


Thanks to weblate for the translation platform !


To build the app, follow these steps:

Prerequisites 🛠️

  • Install Flutter from

  • Linux

    You will need those libraries:

    • pkg-config
    • libgtk3
    • libglib2
    • libsecret
    • zenity

    On Debian/Ubuntu like distros, they can be installed with this single command :

    sudo apt install pkg-config libgtk-3-dev libglib2.0-dev libsecret-1-dev zenity
  • Android

    You will need a recent version of Android Sdk.

    You can then run flutter doctor to check if it's detected by flutter.

Building the App 🏗️

Please make sure you are on the main branch before proceeding with the build process. Navigate to the apps/onyx directory and execute the following command based on your target platform:

  • To build an APK: flutter build apk --profile --no-tree-shake-icons (the --profile flag build the app without the signing key but with full optimizations)
    • The APK file is located at apps/onyx/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk.
  • To build for Linux: flutter build linux --no-tree-shake-icons
    • The Linux build is located at apps/onyx/build/linux/x64/release/bundle/Onyx.
  • To build an app bundle: flutter build appbundle --profile --no-tree-shake-icons (the --profile flag build the app without the signing key but with full optimizations)
    • The app bundle is located at apps/onyx/build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab.
  • For other platforms, please refer to the Flutter documentation for their respective build locations.

Development Environment Setup ⚙️

To set up your development environment:

  1. The required libraries are located in the packages/ directory.
  2. Install Melos, which handles linking libraries directly in the app for development:
    • Install Melos by running: dart pub global activate melos.
    • Refer to the Melos documentation for more details.
  3. Run melos bs or melos bootstrap to link the local libraries in the app and retrieve all dependencies.
  4. Navigate to the apps/onyx directory and run flutter clean to ensure a clean environment.
  5. Run flutter run to start the app.
  6. Optionally, you can use melos generate to generate automatically generated files (usually not needed unless you modify them).
  7. Run melos test to run unit tests for all the libraries.
  8. Run melos analyze to perform static analysis on the libraries and the Onyx app.
  9. To unlink everything, use melos clean.
  10. You may have to use the agenda ids with your keys, to prevent commiting them, you can use git update-index --assume-unchanged apps/onyx/assets/key.txt and git update-index --assume-unchanged apps/onyx/assets/iv.txt to ignore changes to this file.

android emulation

if you are using the flake, to create an virtual device, run : avdmanager create avd --force --name phone --package 'system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;x86_64' then to run it simply run : emulator -avd phone -skin 720x1280

End-to-End Testing 🧪

To run end-to-end tests:

  1. Install Maestro by following the Maestro documentation.
  2. Run the following command to install Maestro: curl -Ls "" | bash (Applicable for Mac OS, Linux, or Windows with WSL)
  3. Navigate to the apps/onyx/integration_test directory. 4. After installing the app on an Android device (physical or virtual), run the following command to execute the tests: maestro test general_test.yaml Maestro will automatically run the tests.

Now, you're all set to build and test your Flutter app. 🎉


This work is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit

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