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Nomad BNB is a simple Airbnb clone built with Next.js, server actions, Prisma, and MongoDB.


  • User authentication and authorization
  • Listing creation and management
  • Booking functionality
  • Search and filtering capabilities
  • User profiles and reviews

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: Next.js
  • Backend: Next.js server actions
  • Database: MongoDB
  • ORM: Prisma
  • Additional Dependencies: (e.g., NextAuth.js for authentication, Shadcn UI & Tailwind CSS for styling)

Getting Started:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.
  2. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd nomad-bnb
  3. Install Dependencies:
    bun install # or npm  install
  4. Set Environment Variables:
    • Create a .env.local file in the root directory and add the following variables:
  • DATABASE_URL: Your MongoDB connection string
  • AUTH_SECRET: Secret key for authentication
  • AUTH_RESEND_KEY: Key for resending authentication emails
  • AUTH_GOOGLE_ID: Google OAuth client ID
  • AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET: Google OAuth client secret
    • Any additional environment variables required by your chosen dependencies
  1. Run the Development Server:
    bun run dev # or npm run dev
    Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the application.

Further Development:

  • Explore the codebase to understand the implementation of various features.
  • Refer to the documentation of Next.js, Prisma, and other dependencies for detailed information and usage guides.
  • Customize the application according to your specific requirements and design preferences.


  • You can deploy Nomad BNB to various platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or Heroku.
  • Refer to the deployment documentation of your chosen platform for specific instructions.